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hi guys, though I m on BSNL for years now, I got to know something recently which is quite new for sure..
what exactly is this BSNL portal thing..I mean
*bbservice.bsnl.in ...
coz as I know I enter my account details on something like * to check my details..
so what exactly is this bbservice.bsnl.in and what is the portal id..i tries logging into this with my id but cudnt succeed...

is it only for new BSNL users.


hi guys, though I m on BSNL for years now, I got to know something recently which is quite new for sure..
what exactly is this BSNL portal thing..I mean
*bbservice.bsnl.in ...
coz as I know I enter my account details on something like * to check my details..
so what exactly is this bbservice.bsnl.in and what is the portal id..i tries logging into this with my id but cudnt succeed...

is it only for new BSNL users.

bbservice.bsnl.in is for the new customers.Users with ip 117.XX.XX.XX including me use it to check usage.


Ambassador of Buzz
hi guys, though I m on BSNL for years now, I got to know something recently which is quite new for sure..
what exactly is this BSNL portal thing..I mean
*bbservice.bsnl.in ...
coz as I know I enter my account details on something like * to check my details..
so what exactly is this bbservice.bsnl.in and what is the portal id..i tries logging into this with my id but cudnt succeed...

is it only for new BSNL users.

BSNL is currently on NIB-2 expansion phase. The older subscribers (whose ips started with 59.xx.xx.xx) were on NIB-1 phase. The new portal, *bbservice.bsnl.in is meant for the newer subscribers (whose ips started with 117.xx.xx.xx).

The portal id is a alphanumeric code assigned to the newer subscribers.


Ambassador of Buzz
Last year i was informed by some of the higher officials in BSNL that the old subscribers will be migrated to the newer machinery by August-September 2008 (am speaking kerala specific). But i think that wouldn't ever materialize, seeing the way they are struggling with the issues faced by the newer subscribers... Connecting the old users to the newer NIB-2 machinery is easy, but all the profile details and billing info has to be migrated too, and it might take some time.

Until then the only way to get into NIB-2 is to disconnect the existing connection and reapply for a new connection...


OSS Enthusiast!
Paid a visit to excahnge..Sat there for about 45minutes and got my plan changed finally...
Beleive me the process was a mental torture anyways!


Ambassador of Buzz
The newer subscribers are getting more than what they bargained for. I personally know someone who downloads 5-6 GB every night, while i can barely cross 3GB. And both of us are in H500 plan and in the same locality. The only difference is that he is on NIB2 and i am on NIB1 !! :(


The newer subscribers are getting more than what they bargained for. I personally know someone who downloads 5-6 GB every night, while i can barely cross 3GB. And both of us are in H500 plan and in the same locality. The only difference is that he is on NIB2 and i am on NIB1 !! :(

Yes, this is true, But in some state not in all state of India. Your friend now getting Unexpected download speed but in few month your friend will get download speed like yours. The new portal are new, still need some configaration. This configaration is done in some state of india and now they are getting same download speed like NIB1. In few years ago the NIB1 user who was new then getting same Unexpected download speed like this NIB2 user getting in few State of India.
How do you get only 3GB at hole night :confused: , I am using NIB1 and start the download at 2:01AM and close at 8:59AM and my download data is 4GB. I can show you my uges record if you need proof. Using Utorrent and download speed shows at my DU Meter 215 to 216KBps.
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Ambassador of Buzz
How do you get only 3GB at hole night :confused: , I am using NIB1 and start the download at 2:01AM and close at 8:59AM and my download data is 4GB. I can show you my uges record if you need proof. Using Utorrent and download speed shows at my DU Meter 215 to 216KBps.

Yea, i average around 180~200 kBps only.


Guys, I have a 500C plan in which I have night unlimited download. I connected at 02:07:47 and disconnected at 08:00:47 and the total bandwidth was 4500 MB.

As I disconnected a few seconds after 8 AM, are they going to charge me for the whole download or just for the download in the extra 47 Seconds?


guys ! many of the website don't open to me now.
when i reset modem they will load but the rest half won't load.

what's the problem with BSNL now ????


guys I had changed the configurations in Modem(Type I MX 882) home page (* to see whether I get better speeds or not :rolleyes:. After some time I changed every thing back to as they were but since then I am getting very low speeds (~30 KB/s):(.

Previously I was getting 180-200 KB/s download speed. I am on home 500C plan. Please advise what to do ? :confused:
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