** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

@abhi_10_20 I think you have problem with your Operating system. You said you update linux, So I think you have Linux Operating system. Try with another operating system or another computer which have Windows or try with new NIC card.


left this forum longback
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^ :lol: Linux infact offers better speeds due to correct settings of MTU.
dont give such bad advices pls! :-|

btw,the dataone speed tester in dataone.in page feels that my speed is 220KBps :D -damn,this test is such a fake!
I have tested in dslreports and reported 1.8mbps back :)

also,opendns now sucks!:D the dataone dnsservers works better!
below is my dns servers for dataone:


In the zone
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Dear praka,

even while I downloads softwares via synaptic package manager, I could n't get constant speed some time same file is downloading at the speed 220KBs suddenly changes to 211 kBs and 190 KBs...within span of few seconds.. retesting in the same server will show varying speed, this happened due to noise levels, as well as nature of technology used (adsl is like single foot path..where as Dsl both upstream and downstream traffic can be handled simultenuosly you get constant speed in DSL based ISP)

with regards,


New to BSNL datone..

Well i just got the BSNL BB yesterday..250 rs plan..just 1 GB limit :(..i have several questions..

Please i need the solutions to these queries urgently..Don't quote the entire post just specify the number and ur solution...

1.i check my account usage by logging in some *10. something..now i dunno whether checking also counts in my bandwidth or not..i may sound absurd but 1 GB limit is a very very less so i need to know whether checking the acount usage will count in my limit or not..? solved

2.i am very confused regarding how to use 1GB limit for the whole month..In our college all ads are blocked by proxy..so i am planning to block all ads so that i can reduce upload and download ..i dunno how to block it..
Apart from ads i want to block all the images greater than the specified size..i used opera. it will block images but it will block all the images which i don't want ..take for example our college,it will block all the images from imageshack only or some specifed sites .. is there any way to do so..solved

3.I frequently check my account usage..i found that the currently consumed bandwidth is not displayed in my account.. so i have to log out for about 10 mins and again login to see my baind width..i contacted the BSNL office and they told me that the account usgae will be updated once in 1 hour..i am in utter confusition :confused:solved

4.This is the thing that is striking my head -->slow speed..
i checked the speed in various site and it reported me some 1.5 or 1 MBPS ...in our college the speed is around 700 KBPS..now what i find is the websites (nearly all websites ) are taking a long time to open..i dunno why..?i beleive it's not due to cable cut coz my speed is alright and is greater than our college..Our college speed is excellent.websites will open within a fraction of seconds..our college has employed proxy so will it make any difference..

5.Since i am low on limit,so i have disabled automatic updates of windows,antivirus,firewall and every application.Is there any software which can be used to know whether any software is accesing the net and how much bandwidth it's consuming and plot a graph of bandwidth usage like task manager..i used firewall(Comodo) but i didn't liked it..solved

6.Now i am using Avast home edition..Now i have disabled the automatic updates..so i beleive even when my Avast is active it will not consume any bandwidth ..Am i right..?

7.I have all the idea of getting net connected in my linux(Ubuntu)..now what are the things that is should disable so that their will be no automatic downloads..solved

8.I used yahoo messenger to chat..i will have ads below.. i want to disable it so that it will not consume the bandwidth..any way to do that solved

9.What is ping and what is ping time..? solved

10.Can anyone suggest me the ways to lower bandwidth usage for websites.. solved

11.I am accesing net via ethernet port..there is also an option for USB port..which is better..almost all my freinds are connecting net via USB port solved

12.Will chatting,IRC,IM consume greater amount of bandwidth ..?solved
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Unmountable Boot Volume
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Dear praka,

even while I downloads softwares via synaptic package manager, I could n't get constant speed some time same file is downloading at the speed 220KBs suddenly changes to 211 kBs and 190 KBs...within span of few seconds.. retesting in the same server will show varying speed, this happened due to noise levels, as well as nature of technology used (adsl is like single foot path..where as Dsl both upstream and downstream traffic can be handled simultenuosly you get constant speed in DSL based ISP)

with regards,

@vaithy, please understand that you will never get constant speed from a server! it will keep varying! and please understand that this is not going to be any different if you have DSL and not ADSL!


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Hello everyn,
i live near PUNE(70 kms frm pune .. Baramati..);. gt my dataone connectn 2 months back..but since then i hav not been able to view by Dataone usage... plus now there are frequent connectin problems... i hav told my exchange abt these problems. but no action from their end.. i am really dissapointed with BSNL now.. plz Tell me the Phone no. of top bosses in PUNE BSNL.. so that i can convey my problem directly to them..... i even called the JTO Bangalore.. but they said that the exchange has to call them not individuals...
plz give the phone no:

thnkz in advance


In the zone
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Hello everyn,
i live near PUNE(70 kms frm pune .. Baramati..);. plz Tell me the Phone no. of top bosses in PUNE BSNL.. so that i can convey my problem directly to them..... i even called the JTO Bangalore.. but they said that the exchange has to call them not individuals...
plz give the phone no:

thnkz in advance

Dear ramsingh,
AAre you saying you are in PUNE... but in the name of Godsake , why did you conracted JTO in Bangalore... for pune complaints click the link below.. bottom right you will see the word complaints appeared.. when you click the link a complaint form will appear fill up it.. another one in the Home page find out the left pane then click the Officers directory link.. find out the officers responsible for your area contact him ..

Good luck..




left this forum longback
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^is that what you all set for dataone?


is NOT a PC/Mac
Re: New to BSNL datone..

Whoops! A BIG QnA thread here :D I also have a BSNL BB Connection with a H500 plan BTW. I am trying to answer your questions here.

  1. Basically checking the account usage and anything else like that results download and upload of some data and thus they are indeed chargeable.
  2. You can use AdBlock Plus plugin for firefox to block most of the ad, I do not know how to do that in Opera. And to block some specific pages, you can specify them in your firewall.
  3. Yes the BSNL server needs some time to update. BTW why do you need the updated list so fast ? :confused:
  4. I do not understand this question as you declared your speed is OK and also slow at the same time
  5. I think for Windows XP, a third party firewall is a must. Vista's default firewall is moreover OK.
  6. I also think that Avast will not consume bandwidth as long as you are not sending any file to there server for inspection.
  7. Ubuntu has a great gui based options to disable the Automatic Updates and it only notifies about the updates and do not install them at first without confirmation.
  8. Use Pidgin (www.pidgin.im) instead of YM. It also supports a plethora of other chatting protocols as well and do not ridden with ads.
  9. Just Google or search in Wikipedia abt PING. :-D
  10. Disable pictures, javascripts and Flash contents of a site to reduce bandwidth usage.
  11. Ethernet is a way better than USB and please stay with it. Do not dump Ethernet for the sake of USB.
  12. Any chatting only with the support of text or picture takes a very small toll on bandwidth. But stay away from Voice and Video chats. :D


Gizmo Freak !
Re: New to BSNL datone..

Blocking ads in yahoo msngr is possible...there are some registry changes needed..google it and fixes for your specific version number..

Secondly..dont disable avast update..it consumes veryy little amount of data..leave it as it is..

and there is a software called admuncher...ts best in the busines..can block ads in IE,Firefox,Opera...

for FF there is adblock plus
for IE install IE7 pro v2.0
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Re: New to BSNL datone..

@debsuvra:Thanks for the reply..
in ur reply regarding question 3, i need them since i am low in limit and i must check the account frequently..

in question 4 i mean reported bandwidth is very good but browsing speed is
way too low..

regarding question 5 i asked for a free good bandwidth monitoring software which will monitor the upload and download usage and will plot a graph..u took mistake for firewall..

regarding question 6, i think avast consumes some bandwidth even if automatic updates are disables..why coz i have seen a bandwidth usage of avast in my firewall..though it's less it may seriously effect me..

Thanks for mentioning Pidgin, i am already using it..:D..it's very good..

Regarding 9,if i google PING i will get some tech stuff which is difficult to understand..So it will be helpful for me if some one just explains the gist of it..

Blocking ads in yahoo msngr is possible...there are some registry changes needed..google it and fixes for your specific version number..

Secondly..dont disable avast update..it consumes veryy little amount of data..leave it as it is..

and there is a software called admuncher...ts best in the busines..can block ads in IE,Firefox,Opera...

for FF there is adblock plus
for IE install IE7 pro v2.0
thanks for the reply..
i am using piggin so no problem with ads..:D
If i dont disable avast it will strongly affect me coz i have only 1 GB limit and within 2 days nearly 70 MB has been consumed just for browsing :(
will try admuncher ..thanks:D
^^will i block ads by google..:confused:
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Ambassador of Buzz
Re: New to BSNL datone..

1) Since u got the connection yesterday, u should be using *p3hosting.bsnl.in:9080/BroadBandCustomerPortal/ to check the account usage, i presume. Yes any data transfer that occurs after u connect to the Internet is accounted for.

2) As mentioned, u can try using Firefox coupled with ad-block, flash block. Also images should be disabled while browsing. These helps greatly in reducing the bandwidth.

3) Yea, it takes sometime for the usage to be updated. But surely not 1 hour. Max of 10 - 20 mins.

4) Websites opening within a fraction of second is dependant on your DNS server settings. Try OpenDNS or Treewalk DNS for faster DNS resolution.

5) *download.trafficstatistic.com/download/TrafficStatistic_Win_1.2.0.1.setup.exe should help u monitor the usage of individual programs. The interface is a bit complex, but it shows detailed traffic reports.

6) Antivirus updates wont take that much of bandwidth. I would suggest enabling the same. Frequent speed tests are waste of bandwidth though

7) Not exactly a linux buff, still i have used Ubuntu and there are options to disable auto updates.

8) Google is your friend. Search and u might find numerous programs designed to remove ads from Y! Msgr

9) Ping : *en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping

10) See (2) of this post

11) Ethernet is recommended.

12) No. Provided u remove the ads which appear.

Hope i have answered the queries to your satisfaction :)


Re: New to BSNL datone..

i am currently using admuncher..the browsing speed went too down while using it...
this many sound crazy but i am thinking whether admuncher will save bandwidth or will consume more bandwidth..moreover it's shareware any freeware alternative..


Cyborg Agent
Re: New to BSNL datone..

Use Datafox Firefox addon to calculate ur usage. It is amazing n simple to use. Use Adblock to block the ads (firefox addon). It wil save u bandwidth by blocking those flash ads, banners, etc.


Cool and Calm
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

I cant believe, i guess Deluge torrent client in Ubuntu was the culprit in my problem :sad:... yesterday, i used utorrent in windows to download the alpha 4 release of Ubuntu, and man, the speeds were insanely great :neutral: and no such problem as i mentioned earlier, was there. Now, even though my problem is solved in one way, i can't understand how could Deluge create such a problem.... and yeah... i prefer to use Deluge, so plz help to get a solution.
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Re: New to BSNL datone..

cool_techie_tvm and Akshay thanks for the reply..
i am using adblock ..works amazing..:D

data fox works like a wonder...excellent :D

i have installed the following plug ins in Firefox..
No script,datafox,fasterfox,flashblock,leech block,inline image blocked line,Grease monkey,chat zilla,Firefox Adblock Adblock Filterset.G Updater Adblock Plus Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper 1.0.2
Please go through it and tell me whether these are enough to save bandwidth... and if there is any plug ins which consumes bandwidth please tell me

i want to block all images from imageshack.us ..any way to do that in firefox..?
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left this forum longback
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^open a port and add that port in deluge options.
when net is connected,
from synaptic manager install "lokkit"
then open a terminal and run "sudo lokkit"
select custom option using TAB,ALT keys and enter in "other ports"= 53416
press OK and exit.
now open deluge-torrent options and find the port option.there enter 53416 .that's it!

I hope ur in bridge mode though(ie,u dial from linux to connect dsl).
if u use router dialer(pppoe mode),you need to open the port in router.
*portforward.com got page for ur router model.
I dont think so,as ur getting good speeds in window$


Re: New to BSNL datone..

^^no reply :sad:
Now another thing..
my net connection was activated on 9th feb..i asked BSNL official about the billing in this month he told me
The billing will be done once in month..since 9 days are already passes we will calculate the billing for 20 Days..that is this month the bill will be around 165 rs instead of 250 rs..The band width will also be lowered around 650 MB not 1 GB
^^Is this right...? What u guys say about the reply given by BSNL official

i have updated the main post..marked which are solved..the following are still striking my head..
4.This is the thing that is striking my head -->slow speed..
i checked the speed in various site and it reported me some 1.5 or 1 MBPS ...in our college the speed is around 700 KBPS..now what i find is the websites (nearly all websites ) are taking a long time to open..i dunno why..?i beleive it's not due to cable cut coz my speed is alright and is greater than our college..Our college speed is excellent.websites will open within a fraction of seconds..our college has employed proxy so will it make any difference..

6.Now i am using Avast home edition..Now i have disabled the automatic updates..so i beleive even when my Avast is active it will not consume any bandwidth ..Am i right..?

4) Websites opening within a fraction of second is dependant on your DNS server settings. Try OpenDNS or Treewalk DNS for faster DNS resolution.
^^ how to do this :confused:
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Staff member
Re: New to BSNL datone..


^^ how to do this :confused:
Preferred Open DNS servers:

dont use

Use flashblock extension to save flash based ads bandwidth.
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