Thanks for the members as well as the 'mod' here for making the thread as sticky..usually my posting always some thing about my organisation as well general news.. i never feel or make such a social cause will affect many members here which predominantly consists of I.T. professionals as well as students.. the story affect me great deal so as a man who possessed to help the family, I posted the thread..My good luck 'din' has picked the thread and put a powerful base for continuing the thread for helping the family in need..besides he made a separate website with his own money..besides many friends here either put the story on their own blogs, or some other websites.... So this thread has affected many members here..
Now this is the time to change the title of the are the my views
every day we saw or hear many incidents in our neighbourhood or in our town, never come in to public ,news, t.v. etc/ even the members need not post any such incident in separate thread as this mainly a technology forum, so thier news can be posted here, based on these we may perhaps discuss ,investigate and enquire about the incidents with the help of members in the respective locations..
What sort of news ? organs trading, human trafficking,child labour,child abuse etc.,the affected party should be known or the location known to the poster.. this make the victim's location traceable and benefit can reach them...
i f we can help one family, it is possible to help others equally deserved...We are not a NGO, not the GOVT neither the social organisation..but somehow by bring the news and actively discussing such thread can lead to wide awareness, and subsequently reach the organisation who are taking their causes..
here are my titles and comments!
1)Help the helpless!! (this like a 'cry' compaign or some sort of donation drive readers may vary to go through once they see the title..
2)The news of body raiders!!! ( may induce some one read but can it convert to help?)
3)The untold stories of less fortunates!!(this is much appropriate general topic title,here we bring less known atrocities committed on less fortunates peoples, and bring their tales in to lime lights..)
Each of the story may have some tag, such as 'Ajith's story' will refer to the first story published in this series... thus if any one want to refer and go back to old stroy simply refer as Ajith's story'..
Now members can contribute their idea how the thread can be live and useful to helping the suffering peoples..
Note: When I compose the notes, I didn't see the slugger's post and din's reply, din himself aptly explained why the organ as well as the mention of hospital is not repeated here..Now the family's story is separately mentioned in separate website as well as blog post et., we may refrain from repeating the same here.. it'll be a overkill..