Overheating problems


Hmmm... closed my cabinet with the TRUE on! WTH! I thought that was not possible. So what I had was one bcak cabinet fan (stock). I had bought the CM 90CFM for my HDD's and it kept them really cool. So, since my TRUE was killing my CPU, I remounted the TRUE horizontally and then I placed the fan in it. No need for fan clips as the fan slots nicely into the TRUE.

asigh Lol man, I am hardly 7 months on the forum, too young to be called vintage, don't you think? :)

Honoured both your requests. :) Siggy updated. If you need anything more, lemme know. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Hmmm... closed my cabinet with the TRUE on! WTH! I thought that was not possible. So what I had was one bcak cabinet fan (stock). I had bought the CM 90CFM for my HDD's and it kept them really cool. So, since my TRUE was killing my CPU, I remounted the TRUE horizontally and then I placed the fan in it. No need for fan clips as the fan slots nicely into the TRUE.

asigh Lol man, I am hardly 7 months on the forum, too young to be called vintage, don't you think? :)

Honoured both your requests. :) Siggy updated. If you need anything more, lemme know. :)

Well you have done a ton of posts, so that qualifies you to be vintage.

Okay you have one fan for exhaust at the back. What you have for intake...?
Try to put a 120mm for intake and exhaust.

You have the Elite 334, so would suggest the following:

1. Put the back fan as exhaust x 120MM
2. Put the front fan (HDD area) and intake x 120MM
3. Remove the Air duct on the side panel,mount and intake x 90MM

Mount all fans with filters, I made this mistake, and my umpteen fans are pulling in dust.


@ Aish

CM elite 334 cannot do any push pull technique on the cabinet . it smaller than CM690

@ Krow

Dude i think there is problem with Sensors in the phenom 2 CPU's , many of them are getting 0 degree idle 7 degree on load - u believe it ??

dont worry just oVerclock urself to 4Ghz any see any BSOD is there i dont think any !!

Get MX 2 / Arctic silver 5 and Overclock


Drifting in DIRT 2
It seems your HSF is not mounted correct, or uneven application TIM. There should not be that much delta between the cores.

Can you run the sensor test, and post that screen shot, once it completes.

wt is HSF,TIM???


Aspiring Novelist

HSF = Heat Sink and Fan
TIM = Thermal Interface material (the guck you put between the CPU head and the HSF)


Drifting in DIRT 2
Thnx ,but I m not able to do sensor test,when I start sensor test or start my pc ,after few minutes my screen goes blank,pc shut down and dont restart properly...then I hv to w8 from 2-3 hr to it cool down to run properly....wt is the problem guys???


Aspiring Novelist
Okay......"calling Houston...we have a problem".........!

You are able to boot into the desktop normally right, only when you stress the system, you get the above mentioned problem..?

1. Reset the BIOS to all defaults from within the BIOS.
2. Reset the CMOS by pulling out the battery for 3-4 minutes, with the PSU/UPS off.
3. Try 1 x 1 GB stick. (alternate the sticks -- but one stick)
4. Reseat the Hyper 212 properly.
5. Give me your address -- will come over. :)

You should have got 2 x 2GB DIMMS. With 4 slots full, it becomes difficult to OC, usually the case for P45 chipsets.

Do the above one-by-one, and report back. After each change, try to stress it.


Drifting in DIRT 2
If I want to sell my 4x1GB DDR2 RAM 667MHz and get 2x2GB DIMM... wht will be the price of 4x1GB DDR2 for sale???


Aspiring Novelist
If I want to sell my 4x1GB DDR2 RAM 667MHz and get 2x2GB DIMM... wht will be the price of 4x1GB DDR2 for sale???

Honestly do not know. What I can suggest:

1. See if any friend will want to buy them for 50% the price you got. Show the invoice.
2. Go to good old Nehru Place and try your luck. Getting 50% of the original value is a good ballpark figure to start at.

But, would suggest to get your system stable with 1 x 1GB stick. Do not do any OC. Once it is stable, get 2 x 2GB fast RAM sticks (1066Mhz) and test them at JEDEC#1,JEDEC#1, and then OC them to EPP.



Aspiring Novelist
@asigh... one question wt is JEDEC and EPP???

@asigh... one question wt is JEDEC and EPP???

Hey so sorry about these short forms.

JEDEC: It is the standard defined for memory to be run at. It is defined by Joint Electron Device Engineering Council(s). It tells what speeds and voltage ratings are standard for the memory. It is burnt into the memory module, and software recognizes it. So this means: that to run THIS memory at standard performance THESE settings should be used. It also means, that the memory has been tested and certified to run at these settings by the respective manufacturer.

EPP: This stands for enhanced performance profile. This translates to the 'OC' of the memory. This would be the fastest speed the memory can be run at AND which has also been tested by the manufacturer.

My RAM JEDEC and EPP setting are like this.

Hope this helps..!


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ Krow - what temps ( idle and load ) you are getting after mounting the cooler horizontally ?

For TIM application I use this method : just put 1-2 small rice grain like drop on the top of the cpu. After that mount the HSF. The pressure of the HSF and the heat generated by the cpu will spread the TIM well. BTW, After mounting the HSF turn your machine for atleast half an hour :p

@ sxyadii - load bios default settings. disable all power saving options for cpu like C1E, EIST in bios. Just keep enable TM2 though. Remount the HSF. I think your cpu is overheating at load. So it's shutting down.


Aspiring Novelist
help me in removing thermal paste from cpu???

Get some isopropyl alcohol from a chemist. Slightly dampen a cloth with this liquid, and gently rub off the TIM. Or you can use ear-buds dipped in the same liquid.

Be careful, that non should drop into the socket area.


Aspiring Novelist
@ sxyadii

isopropyl alcohol are not there with many chemist now a days - so get acetone !

It is easily available. It is used a lot for non-invasive equipment sanitization.

Acetone is too strong buddy. Might corrode the CPU header/HSF contact.
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