Opera mobile, I want the phone screen to be in landscape mode so that every app open in landscape mode.
Opera mobile crashes as it's still in beta and it needs lot and lots of improvement. Opera mobile also takes lots of ram to run 3-4 tabs. It's not your phone problem at all.
Only those apps will work, which support landscape mode. You can start using your phone like this : coz there is no other way, every apps can start in landscape by default without rotating the phone.
Or, download this if your phone is hacked:
This will change your phone screen to landscape and then probably every apps will work in landscape by default (but only that supports landscape mode)Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu
In this zip there are 4 files required to do this. Wsini.ini, Change WSini path.rmp, C_sys_hash_domainsrv.exe and F_sys_bin_domainsrv.exe
Put C_sys_hash_domainsrv.exe in C:/sys/hash and rename to domainsrv.exe
Put F_sys_bin_domainsrv.exe in "memory card":/sys/bin and rename to domainsrv.exe (my memory card was E:/)
Put Change WSini path.rmp in your patches directory "memory card":/patches (my memory card was E:/) apply patch and add to auto in rompatcher
Put Wsini.ini in C:/System/data
And lastly rename c:/sys/bin/RPAutostart.exe to 0RPAutostart.exe
Credits to original poster (dont remember the name)
For this to work you need to use a 3rd party program to rotate the screen for examply rocknscroll or landscape pro.
Does it look good ??