Official Android discussion thread


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Note for people who use their Google Apps account with Android. Google Checkout needs to be enabled by your domain administrator from 'Organization and Users' (or by you if you own the domain). Otherwise you can't purchase applications from the Android Market.

Android Market kept on saying "An error occured while creating your order" until I troubleshooted myself.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Found this article pretty interesting:-

Which Android Smartphones and Tablets Will Get the Ice Cream Sandwich Update - Tested


Cyborg Agent
any app which can tell me how much overall Bandwith [net] usage is done/on/used/beingused by my phone ???

& which network charges are good for net usage ??? plz suggest

Network Monitor
Been using this app for over 2yrs now, very accurate.

Regarding Data Plans, BSNL offers 3GB for 89 and moreover, if you use phone in 3G mode, it gives a constant 256k restricted line in some circles ;)


Sith Lord
Staff member
dont use 3g, play mmorpg games no prolem at all.. 3g only really required if you wanna like use youtube as your mp3 player, in which case you prolly dont care how much it costs, otherwise it is not need


bORn To RIse....
Guys i need some help. I hopped onto the android (gingerbread) brandwagon yesterday by getting a motorola fire xt. I installed some apps by the android market but the internal memory has almost finished(about 15 mb left)..i tried to move them all to the memory card by using an app called sd mover. Still after moving all the apps possible to move to the sd card, only. 15mb is left. So guys please tell me how to free some memory.. i will root my phone after 2-3 months..
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The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Are you sure, you have moved all apps to card which are possible?
Check out this app, to transfer them, Apps 2 SD

With that app, also check which are the big size app, that can't be moved to the card (Category: "Only Phone"), and if you don't require it, uninstall them. (That is, if you need space on phone immediately, since Android starts to give PITA with memory less than 20 MB).


The Power of x480
Staff member
Hmm... I bet you would have no other choice. My newly bought is also giving me memory shortage problems. I too will have to face it, until I root it the next month! :(


Retired Forum Mod
why are ppls so scared of this root thing? it won't break the mobile & can be unrooted.

@rahul, check well. motorola is known to lock bootloader & NAND making rooting a difficult task. i did a small search & yes, XT too got a locked bootloader.


Broken In
@sriharsha_madineni, no 3g just simple net for mails, fb, twitter etc ... just 2 be online always ....
I use 3G WatchDog to check internet usage. The cheapest internet plan I have found so far is Tata Docomo's Rs. 63/2.5 GB/30 days. The speed is decent too. I am unable to even reach 500 MB data usage in spite of constantly using the data network(checking mails, browsing, sync, app updates, market, game data, etc.).


The Power of x480
Staff member
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