man, i was celebrating diwali, so could not come and post!
SmoothCriminal said:
1. Nokia - 29%
2.Motorola - 16.5%
3. Samsung - 13%
4. Siemens - 8.4%
5. Sony Ericsson - 6%
hmm, the thread should have been, nokia versus motorola, lol, shall i change it?
lighthouse911 said:
Do u know why Nokia offers Interchangable covers???
That is because they know the covers on the nokia phones would not even last a month!!
hey, my 6610 is almost 7 months old and still it is good. and the covers moreover offers to suit ur style and mood., i have seen a glowing radium covers also.
frostt said:
Do chcek them out if u ever enter a SE shop....
does, SE has a exclusive dealers just as nokia has priority dealers? no way dude..., atleast not in chennai as far as i know....,, does SE have a exclusive shops, smooth criminal?
Nemesis said:
this thing still running???? man!!!! there is nothing left in this discussion as is clearly proved by the last few stop it...hasnt been any good anyway....lets just conclude that every1 has his or her own preferences....i mean if i buy a nokia and it gives me a hard time, i will get some other manufacturer's phone and if that works out, i will trash nokia....same thing if i buy say SE and then go 4 a just close the topic...
still, there's a lot of issues to be discussed, m8 i have just posted 2 of my thought he which is:
1. SE does not manufacture(ok, atleast sell) CDMA phones in INDIA.
2. SE does not offer xpress no covers and changeble keypads...
still i have 3 more issues which needs to be adressed
and regarding the preference, nokia is a beter preference..., i agree nothing is perfect..., but comparitively, nokia is better. lifetime of nokia phones are longlasting , when compared to SE.
and regarding the closure of topic, i need all the SE fanatics to come out and
clearly say that nokia is a beter phone, then i will ask the mods or raaabo to lock this thread up.moreover nokia and sony erricson are going neck to neck in the polls, still there is no clear winner. i jus want many members to vote for their choice.
lighthouse911 said:
Anyway the upcoming 9500 is going to kick P900's *** reallyyyy hard.
man, u voted for SE and speak for SE, yet u have a nokia phone and most of ur replies are fluctuating, u dont have a clear stand.
lighthouse911 said:
Hmmm, It seems That this thread has become the hottest one in the digit Forums....over 70 reples
when i am posting this there were 75 replies and over 300 views...., and this is the second topic, after the windows versus linux topic to be very popular.
and i see many members (me, smooth, lighthouse,frostt) posting as late as 2:45 am(!) in the morning!
and this topic, was started in qna section !!! most of the members dont visit this discussion. the reason i started here was, most members who wants suggestion to buy a mob. post here, when they see this , the get influenced.
lighthouse911 said:
Anywayz regardless of which is better I had come here to have fun and thankz to smoothcriminal and Dr. grudge( Smile ) I really enjoyed my stay here......
hehe, dude, i tnx and btwn i asked u to call me
drgrudge or doctor grudge .
lighthouse911 said:
Next time we will have a Motorola vs Siemens POLL
no, shall we start SE versus motorola thread...., and in that i will vote for motorola only....
lighthouse911 said:
p.s. Are there reallly no mods arnd here????
man, r u afraid? wht wrong did we do here? no personal remarks , we just contradict each other