New mild gaming Rig dilemma

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
^^ AFAIK GTX460 has some heating issues and 768MB isn't a good performer.

Thats why i prefer HD5850 and regd price HD5850 avail @ 15.6k itself.

Also GTX460 1GB also comes around 14.5k.

Anyway its OP's choice. Or else he has to wait until ATI drop the prices. :D

now who told you gtx460 768mb is not a good performer.
768mb - 12k
1gb - 14k
spending 4k on hd5850 just for 6-7 fps more is no brainer..
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Excessive happiness

Well, i had my opinion and we dont even know whether a GTX460 can avail @ 12k (AFAIK Its Avail @ 15k in ITWARES), thats why i prefer HD5850.

I also gave some other options for OP like he can opt for HD5770. Now its upto him to choose.


the dotmaster
now who told you gtx460 768mb is not a good performer.
768mb - 12k
1gb - 14k
spending 4k on hd5850 just for 6-7 fps more is no brainer..

actually the 768 mb is actually a little tad behind the 1 gb variant.....becoz in the GPU architecture..... this change in memory size not only affects the actual memory but also other performance relevant figures. The reduction of memory size is achieved by installing less memory chips on the card which reduces the bus width of the GPU from 256-bit to 192-bit on the 768 MB version. . Combined all those changes reduce the fillrates and memory performance of the card by 25%...[coutesy techpowerup]....

so u see u do get a very negligible performance drop....but translating this to real world tests....thers no major...fps dirt 2 benchmarks)..its only a change in shader units but probably could see a little more fps drop in the future dx 11 releases....

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
14k is the price of 1gb variant dude and not 768mb...
checked itwares
what i said was that there is diff of 6-7 fps b/w 768mb and hd5850.....
read this - NVIDIA?s GeForce GTX 460: The $200 King - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News


Excessive happiness

Got it sir! :D

Anyway as you said 6-7 fps does make the difference IMO, if you're a hardcore gamer. Considering the OP is not a hardcore gamer, he dont need it. He better go for GTX460 768MB as you said.


the dotmaster
so u see....overclock that gtx 460 and u are are sure gonna exceed the performance of an hd5850 that too on air cooling......and yes the 768 mb and 5850 card has 6-7 fps diff.....but what i was talking abt is the diff b/w the 1gb and 768 mb one....thats going to be much more visible in dx 11 games to be released later.....i know that....memory doesn't play a role that much ...but its the change in the amt of shader units that does....

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------

14K hey is that actually the price of that card......then certainly theres no more thinking needed now ...this is the card that needs burning now.....gtx 460=kill!!!


Broken In
i want to summarise you this for u....
1.go for msi 880gx.. an 5770(msi hawk)if you are like very rigid on the budget allocation for the gpu...or else if u could like stretch it to probably 12-13K....then wait for the gtx 1gb offerings form other brands

YOU READ MY MIND !!!:p:p:smile:


Retired Forum Mod
now who told you gtx460 768mb is not a good performer.
768mb - 12k
1gb - 14k
spending 4k on hd5850 just for 6-7 fps more is no brainer..

1Gb version for now isn't a good option, reason is it cost 2k more. 2k for 256Mb extra ram. what Nvidia have in mind? Cow Dunk? :-x

Because Games are like Budhani chips, the more you eat, the more you want more of them :D

+1. also requirements of games doesn't comes down. it just increases.


the dotmaster
....hey sam shab.....2K more for a little change in the architecture too......
nvidia has reduced the bus width of the GPU from 256-bit to 192-bit on the 768 MB version......which translates...Combined all those changes reduce the fillrates and memory performance of the card by probably the only dx 11 dirt 2 is showing no performance drops regarding the gtx 460 768 mb....but future titles ...will certainly show us the marked difference.....but as of difference....and yes....these bloody game requirements keep skyrocketing.....keeps needing that 'just a little extra' hardware resource every time......(' a la crysis....again....please')


In the zone
....hey sam shab.....2K more for a little change in the architecture too......
nvidia has reduced the bus width of the GPU from 256-bit to 192-bit on the 768 MB version......which translates...Combined all those changes reduce the fillrates and memory performance of the card by probably the only dx 11 dirt 2 is showing no performance drops regarding the gtx 460 768 mb....but future titles ...will certainly show us the marked difference.....but as of difference....and yes....these bloody game requirements keep skyrocketing.....keeps needing that 'just a little extra' hardware resource every time......(' a la crysis....again....please')

I sometimes feel do the game manufacturers pay commission to hardware manufacturers or what ? :p


the dotmaster
......though....there still is a lot of homework being done by game makers to make games be lot more universal in sense of pc hardware.......things and innovative features like onlive gaming is a very good sign for universal gaming for though game makers are trying hard to make games less hardware hungry....but you know this cant happen.....until games ad coding for thin games like kkruger happen again......988Kb for high end graphics.......this is really very i hope gamemakers are listening.....make codes for games less hardware hungry....


Retired Forum Mod
....hey sam shab.....2K more for a little change in the architecture too......
nvidia has reduced the bus width of the GPU from 256-bit to 192-bit on the 768 MB version......which translates...Combined all those changes reduce the fillrates and memory performance of the card by probably the only dx 11 dirt 2 is showing no performance drops regarding the gtx 460 768 mb....but future titles ...will certainly show us the marked difference.....but as of difference....and yes....these bloody game requirements keep skyrocketing.....keeps needing that 'just a little extra' hardware resource every time......(' a la crysis....again....please')

well yes. i missed that point. thanks. still the performance increase won't be 25% in real world. will someone pair a i7 980X or i7 975 with a GTX460 768Mb or 1Gb? most will couple it with max i7 930 or X6 1090T. so performance drops to ~10% or maybe less. still 2k more. thats too much. 1k looks a better deal. much better.

I sometimes feel do the game manufacturers pay commission to hardware manufacturers or what ? :p

game developers get prototype samples of GPUs.

this thing make me sad....very sad

u? i think everyone here, except asigh, maybe.

......though....there still is a lot of homework being done by game makers to make games be lot more universal in sense of pc hardware.......things and innovative features like onlive gaming is a very good sign for universal gaming for though game makers are trying hard to make games less hardware hungry....but you know this cant happen.....until games ad coding for thin games like kkruger happen again......988Kb for high end graphics.......this is really very i hope gamemakers are listening.....make codes for games less hardware hungry....

yes, kruger. played the game. hardly able to take the weight by my super old ATI IGP. was a nice game.


the dotmaster
same here....i wish i got 4 gtx480 in quad sli.

you know what...for such a setup u would have probably required e-atx board...(possible the gigabyte ud9...or the evga quad sli sipported x58 board)....and apart from that a beefy....a very beefy power supply.....possibly a 1500W....from corsair....and last but not the atleast a full tower case....
so....sometimes u gotta dream or wish for lesser...(though dreaming or wishing not bad....but for hurts!!!) and yeah no offense meant......

and please bear this in mind.....developer sometimes do go out of their limits to create games that test nearly all hardware to the fullest and render them the end of the that have left a mark somewhere in the history..of gaming have always been a pioneer in the kind of the hardware resources required in their own time or generation(god of war,crysis,chronno tiger...(for the snes u remember...?)) anyways we cant stop this....and this is actually what drives the comp and hardware industry to evolve...and thus we gotta live with it forever.....
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