I really dont understand how themes can make a phone eye catching . If you take out your phone on the street no one is gonna look at the screen out of the whole phone and say ," hey dude thats a preety good theme u have , it makes your phone eye catching ."I too have used both SE and Nokias but the thing is SE has lots of eye candy...
Ok I admit that I too got bored with SE os ....but its soo smooth and soo many flash themes available makes it soo eye catching everytime....
If you go through my post, I was talking about N81, not a company.SE phones has huge screen's ( 2") with an awesome OS @ Sky-high price
(Nokia fanboi here)
u know thats my point , even though windows has more apps but that doesnt matter much as phone is ment for only essential functions like calling and camera etc etc . but all the required functions are already availeble on both the phones .And there r more no. of apps available 4 the Symbian..
im using s60 for about 6months and i dont use any antivirus still my mobile didnt infected to viruses..u know thats my point , even though windows has more apps but that doesnt matter much as phone is ment for only essential functions like calling and camera etc etc . but all the required functions are already availeble on both the phones .
windows is vurnurable to viruses so as s60 so it is need to buy antivirus . whereas in se it is based on pripetory os which will defenitely dont run virus outside vm . like linux
u know thats my point , even though windows has more apps but that doesnt matter much as phone is ment for only essential functions like calling and camera etc etc . but all the required functions are already availeble on both the phones .
windows is vurnurable to viruses so as s60 so it is need to buy antivirus . whereas in se it is based on pripetory os which will defenitely dont run virus outside vm . like linux
u know thats my point , even though windows has more apps but that doesnt matter much as phone is ment for only essential functions like calling and camera etc etc . but all the required functions are already availeble on both the phones .
windows is vurnurable to viruses so as s60 so it is need to buy antivirus . whereas in se it is based on pripetory os which will defenitely dont run virus outside vm . like linux