Can you translate what you hear in your head onto the guitar? That would be a real milestone.
But, its easier to make a rhythm first and try to write lyrics around them.
^^That's still a long way for me.
Barre chords. Any advice ?
^^That's still a long way for me.
Barre chords. Any advice ?
If any of you guys want to buy pedals, there is this new Indian company called IRET Guitar Enhancements that are making great quality pedals at a reasonable price. Check them out.
Ibanez GRG 170
Space Oddiity - cool reference, bro
My amp is a PeaveyThat is an awesome guitar. I used to own that one before my current guitar. It stood a lot of punishment and could play everything I threw at it.
^^heavy/medium are hard to play indeed, relatively.
Can't stand the stupidity of guys in music shops.I asked for .054 guitar strings for low tuning and the guy says that super light strings (.050) are best for low tuningI said that he is WRONG.he got no fact to backup.
There was another dumb girl who came to repair violin kept telling me that heavy /medium strings are hard to play;whatever,all I asked was medium/heavy strings for low tuning,seemed like she wanted to show off that she is the master.
Then she asked me if the strings are 440
I asked "440 what?" Frequency?
Bunch of "know all" douchebags.
This is why I buy stuff online whenever I can. No d-bags to deal with. If I have to go to shop I ask for the exact thing I want and walk out if they don't have it.
From that I realized that I need good shops address in Pune.
Desmond, you might be more aware about that ?
Already know Furtados but they kind of price higher.
yup ,once ,when i was in school ,i went to a music shop.I asked if i can have a look at one nice guitar.
the guy said
"do you have money ,do you intend to buy it ?''