yes yamaha pacificas are vfm..where did you find that site,is it reliable?
For acoustic check for local shops,the cheapest yamaha acoustic should be around 6-7 k.If you are in Bangalore you can check them at Furtados or @ brigade road there are couple of shops.
Also check out the indian brand 'GB&A',They are much cheaper and not bad.
But your best bet would be to opt for a second hand guitar.look for Ibanez gio/grgs,squier strats,ltds,epiphone les pauls,jackon has some entry level too and dont expect much.If you want 'near studio quality' equipment look no further than Ibanez RGs,they will last longer.
Music taste also matters.If you are in to bolywoood music/regional/Po(o)p then acoustic is suited.For Rock/Metalhmmm..
Yamaha music store is 15minutes walk from my house in Indiranagar So I will go there.
Online the pacific costs 10k but I also saw a brand called Ahston, which is fairly new Australian company. Their electrics are cheaper, 7-8k
epiphone les paul is what I desire but it costs around 12k so kind of a no no for me atm. I'm looking for something cheaper than the yamaha but options are starting to look grim.
My friends have told me that electrics are easier to learn and light on the fingers.