Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


I guess what you need is a movie like
Hitman or Shoot'em up where guns blaze almost at all times, filled with excitement, nothing to think about, but will be enjoyable... sort of movies??

if you need a particularly good movie in that genre, then go for shooter if you have not. its a good one, even though there have been umpteen movies of the same genre and plot.

I have watched Shooter bits ans pieces and also had Shoot'em up but didnt watch the latter.


Staff member
am set for Seven Samurai - Schindler's List - The Pianist - united 93

Any recommendation for movies like The Descent and Vincent by Tim Burton ?


Staff member
^ ^ man, you are going to be hurling in history's vomit! :D too sensitive, historical movies to watch all at once
i watched The Elephant Man and then Das boot, previously The Deer hunter and Der Untergang. That was a long session of historical saga

thats why recommend me somethin like The Descent


Ta da !
Can someone tell me what was going on in JUNO? I wasted 1.5 hrs watching it.Till the end I waited for something interesting to happen.*
Another disappointment was No Country For Old Men.After reading Sam's Report,I came to know the real thing abt. Oscars.


Staff member
T159 -
How was The Deer Hunter? Were you depressed? :)
yup, a subtle lugubrious feeling, the effect lasts much longer after the movie finished.
Russian roulette was freaky game

watch The Elephant Man, nice performances by John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins.
though its depressing at times but uplifting one, once u see the other side
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Forrest Gump,Saving Private Ryan.
Has anyone seen Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street ?

Yes, I have seen it.

Crime / Drama / Musical / Thriller

Can someone tell me what was going on in JUNO? I wasted 1.5 hrs watching it.Till the end I waited for something interesting to happen.*
Another disappointment was No Country For Old Men.After reading Sam's Report,I came to know the real thing abt. Oscars.

I had also watching the Movie JUNO and No Country For Old Men

when I finish the watching the movie No Country For Old Men then I was thinking where is the Old men in the movie and what about No Country. The main character is not Old. The name is not related with the movie what saying. But the movie is good and also the movie JUNO is good too.


In the zone
Historical Movies

---U can watch the German Flicks too---T159 u have seen Der Untergang try watching The Counterfeiters this flick is about duplicate money operation which was used during the WWII by Germany & nice one to watch. IMDB
It was recommended by my friend in UK....released recently

Also try watching Escape from Sobibor another nice prison drama...remember seeing on DVD opinion is ...its nice to watch but highly irritating for casual movie goers the ol look in it...Oh Its in English

Also u can watch The Last Castle ...its not a history movie but a prison movie....Highly inspiring & u will love it....remember watching on HBO/Star Movies

There is one Austrian Flick too based on the eve of WWI where the austrian prince gets killed & the whole world jumps into war....Dont remember the name of the movie


In the zone
Thanks for the update Sams9s

Just found it October 2006 DVD <> 800MB <> Leisure...Movies

Off Topic
Just wondering ... Digit got permission from the Copywright Owners to release it out in DvdRip ( not sure )...Can they give permissions like that...
At what cost.....its fabulous ...I remember watching this movie on a crystal clear [ no one else had watched it ] DVD from a rental library ...& that guy praised me for taking it out....Rare & unheard movie ...i guess

Now i got a personal copy thanks a lot to Digit & Sam9s for intimating it to me

Just because i say this movie is nice it doesn't mean this movie rocks ...I am quite sure only a few will like it ...dont blame me

Also those who loved watching Shawshank Redemption
Try watching The Green Mile by Frank Darabont who also directed Shawshank Redemption
my Opinion....It is just a fantasy seen on the outside but deep down its much more
The relationship between the prison Guards of E Block & the " to be executed " is superb & not seen elsewhere....try watching without any science stirring your mind...all over a Superb movie
Its got Tom Hanks & Michael Duncan ( notably seen in Planet of Apes & Sin City ) in lead roles & my favourite charecter in the movie is "Mr Dinkle" the Rat...i mean it a mouse
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Aspiring Novelist
I have already seen it. I am not arguing over which is best in comparison with Seven Samurai since that was the question asked. They are in no ways similar. Tom Yum Goong where he goes to find his elephant and Ong Bak both have no strong story line but extraordinary stunt sequences and I like them. Hope you get the point.
Did I come across in a very blunt way? Perhaps I didn't use any smiley that's why.;) I didn't make my comment of you comparing Seven Samurai with ONG BAK.That would be very silly of me.I made that comment thinking you would have the similar interests as I do for these movies & hence would get some other conversation happening.But sigh.:(

@sam9s: Buddy did I miss any query that you had directed towards me? If I did really sorry about it.I just might have just overlooked some pages in this thread.What did I miss again? ;) About classifying ONG BAK in a genre then it's not much of a concern mate.I would say just watch it for the action.PERIOD.I personally am a big fan of Jackie Chan too.The thing with Chan is that he fuses excellent humor with his action which no other person can do.Jaa on the other hand is an outburst of rage.You just need to poke him & he would burst like a bubble with his action.And once he starts there's no stopping him.His fighthing style is something which makes him so unique.Most of his stunts aren't done with fancy wire technique & more so they are believeable & don't look fake.Hence the fan following for him.:D
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Staff member
Watched Seven Samurai (My Rating:9.0/10) (Awesome movie, quality entertainment, portrays true Samurai spirit )

---U can watch the German Flicks too---T159 u have seen Der Untergang try watching The Counterfeiters this flick is about duplicate money operation which was used during the WWII by Germany & nice one to watch. IMDB
It was recommended by my friend in UK....released recently

Also try watching Escape from Sobibor another nice prison drama...remember seeing on DVD opinion is ...its nice to watch but highly irritating for casual movie goers the ol look in it...Oh Its in English

Also u can watch The Last Castle ...its not a history movie but a prison movie....Highly inspiring & u will love it....remember watching on HBO/Star Movies

yep i love to see foreign movies too.

Thnx for recommendations, The Counterfeiters was on my list already :)

Other two looks promising
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"The Gentleman"
after watching Man on the Moon did anyone feel their was a message in end ? or am I only one who felt it.

waiting patiently for Ong Bak 2 [counting days to watch the movie, current status Post Production]


 Macboy
Anyone watched Sleuth? Pretty nice. I'm talking about the new one with Michael Caine and Jude Law. However, there was this distracting element in there. The ubiquitous Apple Remote which Michael had somehow managed to use as a universal remote for his entire mansion.
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