Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


^I respect your opinion but its a great movie.

Still trying to grasp about Source Code.

Concern: Running out of good movies now :( Any new 'Korean' movies that Faun/T159 used to recommend?


BIOS Terminator
i liked the movie when i watched it and i would have given it a 8 or 9 just after watching it. but i watched it again after few days and my opinion changed.

PS- maybe because it watched it again on UTV Action which shows hindi dubbed movies.

....and which sci-fi would you give 9.. ?????? Except the obvious Terminator and Matrix ...?????

inception, source code, Avatar, butterfly effect.


Elippathayam - 7.8/10 .

Directed by Adoor Gopalakrishnan.To be honest,if anyone in India knows how to direct a film, its him.I am itching to watch all of his movies ,but can't 'get' most of them.


We (malayalis) consider his movies as 'award films' most of the people dont watch his movies.I have watched only one - 'Mathilukal'


^^ I have watched it. I will Give it 7/10

My best sci-fi Flick is "star trek" 2009.. I just loved it .. no words for it.. how many over here are fan of star trek.


Chillum Baba
its trailer was shown in Planet Terror some said it was a fake trailer...

TimeCrimes (2008) - 9.5/10
Never seen a movie like this before...totally mind blowing.

Which version did you watch? I watched the English version which totally pissed me off due to its dubbing.

Similar movies but worked much better for me:
Spider Forest

I think theres one more but I am not able to recall it.


^^:-| i have not met an indian with it.
Where are u from?(name of ur soul society:))


Also i want to be a language geek. Learning french from google translator.:-D


In the Zone
Cyberbully (TV 2011) - IMDb
Kinda girly movie but good for a one time watch

Thinking about starting a movie marathon:D
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