Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Magnolia - 8.3/10 - Its worth the three hours.
Mary and Max - 8.3/10 - One of the classics in the animation genre.
Source Code - 8.3/10 - A really fast paced thriller.


The whole Harry Potter saga turns out to be Harry's dreams and hallucinations while he starves to death under the stairs in his abusive home.


BIOS Terminator
The whole Harry Potter saga turns out to be Harry's dreams and hallucinations while he starves to death under the stairs in his abusive home.

seriously!!?? although i have stopped following HP movies since goblet of fire, this quite a news to me!



Good story
Great Direction
Awesome Background music
Good acting

A must watch

and about that Hp thing....good he deserved it :p (now i know how my frnds face's wud b tommo in collg )
i never liked HP


Sith Lord
Staff member
This HP movie is pretty good on its own, prolly better than the book lol - Never seen a better dragon on screen yet tho
@teeth: ewww waste of time


In the Zone
Watched Source Code (2011) - IMDb today ( ?/10 )
Eh..I can't rate it actually because i felt more confused watching this flick than when I was trying to learn calculus when I was in 12th grade. :D
Can somebody explain briefly what this movie was all abt... :(
I waited too long for the BR release of the movie and I can't believe this is what i got to see :D ..
I know i must have missed some important plot changes but i can't figure it out somehow.


Gadget Freak
Public Enemies(2009)-Its about the story of notorious American gangsters John Dillinger,Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the 1930s.Johnny Dep is super in this film.

About John Dillinger-John Herbert Dillinger, Jr. (June 22, 1903 – July 22, 1934) was an American gangster and bank-robber in the Depression-era United States. He was charged with, but never convicted of, the murder of an East Chicago police officer. This was his only alleged kill. His gang robbed two dozen banks and four police stations. Dillinger escaped from jail twice.

In 1933-34, among criminals like Lester Gillis (Baby Face Nelson), Pretty Boy Floyd, and Bonnie and Clyde, Dillinger was the most notorious of all. Media reports were spiced with exaggerated accounts of his bravado and daring. The government demanded federal action and J. Edgar Hoover developed a more sophisticated Federal Bureau of Investigation as a weapon against organized crime and would use Dillinger and his gang as his campaign platform to launch this FBI .[1]

After evading police in four states for almost a year, Dillinger was wounded, and returned to his father's home to recover. He returned to Chicago in July 1934 and met his end at the hands of police and federal agents who were informed of his whereabouts by Ana Cumpanas (the owner of the lodge where Dillinger sought refuge at the time). On July 22, the police and Division of Investigation[2][3] closed in on the Biograph Theater. Federal agents, led by Melvin Purvis, moved to arrest him as he left the theater. He pulled a weapon and attempted to flee but was shot three times and killed.



Chillum Baba
Watched Source Code (2011) - IMDb today ( ?/10 )
Eh..I can't rate it actually because i felt more confused watching this flick than when I was trying to learn calculus when I was in 12th grade. :D
Can somebody explain briefly what this movie was all abt... :(
I waited too long for the BR release of the movie and I can't believe this is what i got to see :D ..
I know i must have missed some important plot changes but i can't figure it out somehow.

Movie Pooper for the film - Source Code


Human Spambot
Can somebody explain briefly what this movie was all abt... :(

Frankly that movie is beyond Einstein's level. That I can explain :)

Dude give me more numbers. I m waiting.
I already posted some here. Don't know how to find. The way is, go to IMDB, search for an ancient movie, then see the also recommended list below, that's how I watch/ed them. Some will be bad, but some will be a jewel like Kingdom of Heaven or Ironclad. And never ever read any review.


Source code
rating - cant rate

missed watching it in the cinemas and waited patiently for d Brip
and it didn't Disappoint me..
A Must watch....

quantum mechanics , calculus ?
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