Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Another Brick in the Wall

Can u plz give links 4 dling Tom and Jerry??
Did you read the rules? You should not indulge in piracy. If you want to go ahead, you're on your own. None will help you here.

Anyway why you want to d/l? It's showed on Cartoon Network and Pogo naa?


Broken In
the Kingdon: Around a week back...its a good movie...I watched in HD 720p....Recommended watching in HD:)
Shoot Em up: nonsense fighting and action but good timepass... Again watched it in HD....
Resident Evil Extinction: Must watch for all rsident evil fans... HD recommended:D..

Watched...butterfly on a wheel ysterday...nice movie:p


 Macboy
Ah! Another fan of HD! I've already got the Kingdom in HD, was wondering whether to watch it or not.
Shoot em' up is a really nice movie, though it would have been a nothing movie if it weren't for Paul Gillimiati.

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent

hey, I know the rulz.........I'm an admin too.........for a MNC........

I think old T& J episodes r available 4 free....*


In the zone
me watched Trade....Good movie with gud insight knowledge on human trafficking

Bandeleros...spanish movie....Similar to Oceans series ...gud THought & it as a DVD from Lending 2nd fellow to watch da movie....So happy....


Simpsons rox
I watched:

1.saw 4(I really hope its over now,I dont want saw 5(I will end up wtaching that too if its ever released)).The movie did clear some important aspects of jigsaw though.

2.American pie beta house:AP1 rocked,they are degrading since then.This movie has no story,no drama, nothing.I am dissappointed.

3.crank:booooring.TOo much non-sense.

4.cube 1:a pathetic attempt.Good concept though.

saw matrix trilogy for the first time(yea I know its late,but better late then never),This is how a series should be handled.amazing.

getting shawshank redemption,Forrest gump,the Italian job,the good,bad,and ugly soon.I hope they wont disappoint me.

cube 1 is good. and u should watch all 3 especcially 3 if u really wanna enjoy it.


NP : Crysis
dunno if we can recommend TV shows here, but u guys must watch House MD (drama) and Scrubs (hilarious comedy)


An old movie... but a Must Watch one..
City of God

A Portugese movie depicting the slums and the gangwars of Rio de Janeiro..
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