Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Another Brick in the Wall
I saw 3:10 to Yuma. Started off so-so, but it was a racy and good entertainer. One of my best Western Movies.

dunno if we can recommend TV shows here, but u guys must watch House MD (drama) and Scrubs (hilarious comedy)
You can post them here: TV Shows Recommended By Digitians
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Guess Who's Back
Go watch " There will be blood" then its very very good, also can you watch & write a review of 12 monkeys on your blog please ? , i am kinda impress with your reviews & i am sure you will like 12 monkeys.


Another Brick in the Wall
Go watch " There will be blood" then its very very good, also can you watch & write a review of 12 monkeys on your blog please ? , i am kinda impress with your reviews & i am sure you will like 12 monkeys.
Was the post pointed towards myself? If yes, thanks a lot for the compliment.

There will be Blood is not yet released in India nor the DVD is available. I'm sure that I've 12 Monkeys in DVD, I'll check it out tomorrow if if it's still lying around.


In the zone
No buddy It Is The BEST

Try Watching Count of Monte Cristo & Escape from Alcatraz...all are Prison Break Stories


Staff member
The Exorcist (1973)

Dont watch new one, its damn why remake sucks


The cake is a lie!!!
Saw 3:10 to Yuma. It's one hell of a good movie. At first i thought it was dull but kept watching and was rewarded by fine performances from both Crow and Bale. Must Watch.

^^ I have to get Shawshank Redemption. Have seen Escape frm Alcatraz. It was also good.


Another Brick in the Wall
Those who are interested in Prison Break/Escape movies, check this: Top 6 Prison Break/Escape Movies

I'm gonna add more to the list and post a new list soon. :D

iNFiNiTE -
That's what I thought. The first 35-40 minutes was not that good. We know the rest... one hell of a good movie.


Staff member
Jst saw butterfly effect.. awesome movie.. Any other movies like it??
Donnie Darko

just watched House of Sand and Fog (hope to see more like this, a really touching movie)
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NP : Crysis
10 things i hate about u - nice movie, worth watching

The Nines - defintely watch this one...really unique story


Guess Who's Back
^ Is that a problem ? hmm... change the name then create a thread in the chit-chat called " suggest a new name".
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