Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


I have Yolks not Brains!
Movies just show what he does,books explains what he is thinking every moment,how his reflexes work.
That's the matter with every movie based on Books, not perticularly with bourne series.Its obvious since it takes 15-20 hrs to finish a book. But why do think Plot for Books and Film is same, is beyond me.I've never seen Carlos in the whole film trilogy,which was a(or the most?) essential part in book.

So mario puzo's grandfather books>the godfather trilogy.:p

No arguing there, its true. But what I'm saying that even if you haven't read the Book you'll perfectly understand the Film, unlike HP movies where its not possible as it cuts down on very essential parts.:)


Staff member
The Exorcism of Emily Rose One of the spine chilling and creepy movie I hav seen this year, of course its not abt cheap monster scares, its the fear of unknown and unexplained possibility.

I remember a similar incident happened last year to a friend of my best friend (he is my old buddy who helped me in harsh times). What actually happened was that one of his colleague in hostel suffered from the same phenomenon and while he was in that state his voice changed, abnormal amount of physical force he felt and was able to speak Arabi which he never ever learned ! I just laughed off but now it seems to be haunting.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ is it the court room 1? where the priest whoconducted the exorcism is prosecuted or stuff like that ?


Chillum Baba
The Exorcism of Emily Rose One of the spine chilling and creepy movie I hav seen this year, of course its not abt cheap monster scares, its the fear of unknown and unexplained possibility.

Totally agree. Its one of my fav horror movies. The babe is too creepy. I remember watching it at 2am in the night with earphones. Quite an experience!

I think An American Haunting is based on similar theme. Not sure. Gotto watch it.

To recall a few horror movies which I have enjoyed :

The Abandoned
The exorcism of Emiley Rose
The Hamiltons
The Ring
The tale of two sisters
28 days later
Resident evil
The descent
Silent Hill
The others
The sixth sense

should be few more...

p.s - can someone suggest me a nice set of earphones for watching movies on laptop? pm should be fine as i dont want to disturb this thread.


Staff member
^^the fact that the audio tape was from the actual exorcism terrifies me

hav seen

The exorcism of Emiley Rose
The Ring
A tale of two sisters
28 days later
Resident evil
The descent
Silent Hill
The sixth sense

Requiem seems to be another based on Annelise Michel (Emily Rose) and is told from another perspective.

Btw Sony MDR earphones are for some serious movie buffs.

I hav this one for PC (remind you I sleep with them while listening to music and the sound quality is better, over 2.5 years of happy listening)

and this one for PMP (there seems to be vulnerable but am celebrating over 6 months with them)

Probably this one will be better (seems to be a more refined version)
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die blizzard die! D3?
No arguing there, its true. But what I'm saying that even if you haven't read the Book you'll perfectly understand the Film, unlike HP movies where its not possible as it cuts down on very essential parts.:)

yep,you can watch the movie and understand whats happening,but you wont get the fine details which,in the first place, made the book so good.

as far as HP goes,never followed the series,not any book,not any movie.I like being in real world.:p


High without substance...
sorry to break this horror movie talk.

Mad money and Death at funeral are very good comedy movies.
must watch


Aspiring Novelist
lol....u r right, some people go too far to prove the point......but its fun to read and you also feel the zeal to discuess. But some indivisuals really know how to get and discribe the point, I know a person who actually went in to proper quantum theory to explain the concept of movie NEXT, which would have been just another one, for a casual timer but he made me see the movie from an entirly different perspective............

PS :: Allwy what happ to "Crystal Maze" query....... PM me if u wanna details...:)
Oh yes of course.If you could may be just upload it's screenshot that would be more than enough.Thanks.;)

BTW for a person like you sam I reckon a member on our board Enoonmai who would probably satisfy your zeal for discussing movies in detail.We used to refer to him as Professor.But sadly hasn't been active for a long time now.If you want I could post one of his threads which we had create back at Skoar forums for his discussions on The Matrix.His explanations would just leave us baffled.He used to be very accurate in both his explanation & his presentation.You should really go through some of his posts out here & you'll know what I mean.;)
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