Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


I have Yolks not Brains!
definitely the most underrated movie of 2007...........It surely blew me away........... A must watch


Wise Old Crow
^ ya its good.
I really like these Thai, Korean, Chinese, Jap movies.

If you have a collection of such movies, then let me know.


Chillum Baba
Some Recommendations(in no particular order):
Bungee Jumping of Their Own (this one has a deep meaning)
A Bittersweet Life (a musical gangster poetry with excellent cinematography )
My Little Bride (cute and hilarious, what if a high school girl is married to a graduate :D)
Lump Of Sugar (Story abt a gal and her horse Thunder)
Once In A Summer (Dunno why but this movie is unforgettable one for me)
The Host (A mutated creature in the seol river and American Propaganda)
Windstruck (not really a worthy prequel to My Sassy Girl, give it a try)
Oldboy (Disturbing movie and twisted)
I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK (its similar to Marathan in theme, revolves arnd a girl who thinks she is a Cyborg and here on earth with a special mission)
Memories of Murder (Amazing movie that portrays the serial killings in Korea and the incompetence of officers, a must watch)
Samaritan Girl (Kim Ko Duk's masterpiece, caricature representation of society )
The Beauty and The Beast (this one is another funny movie :D)
This Charming Girl (similar on the line of Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter and Spring)
Lover's Concerto (If u hav seen The Classic and My Sassy Girl then do watch this one too)
Perfect Blue (A psychological thriller anime)
The Most Distant Course (You will delve into nature and its beauty in simplicity, similar on the lines of Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter and Spring)
Sad Movie (four parallel stories that intersects at the end beautifully dying one by one, lol...the title sums it up...really sad movie)
Daisy (just one word - Beautiful cinematography)
Bad Guy (Kim Ko Duk's caricature representation of another society taboo)

WOW! Have saved the list....will definitely try to catch up with it. Will watch The Classic first. Also on the list is My Girl.

Watched Road to Ladakh *

Just a 45 mins movie. Couple of funny moments. But nothing great as such.


Staff member
^^will try to get Road To Ladakh, its released shortly.

Watched Before Sunrise , good one but not better than the sequel IMO.


Chillum Baba
^^ Thats right. Sunset is way better. One of my all time fav.

Watched The Classic. I wonder how bollywood didn't come up with a similar story? Or its already there and I missed it? It would make a decent bollywood story with a good box office collection.

By any chance Zinda a remake of Oldboy?

^^ Indeed it is!! Sigh*
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Staff member
^^Yeah Zinda is a toned down version of Oldboy, you wont feel the gravity in Zinda compared to Oldboy

The Classic has some memorable scenes, the one at the end where he pretend to be not blind and how can i forget the rain scene with the damn good song way to the libaray :)


Staff member
^^Sanjay Gupta's blatant idea :D

@a_medico and @ blueshift
Btw do recommend me some foreign movies if am missing some good ones

I still havent got Gunda, dunno where to seek, PM me if you know.


Chillum Baba
@a_medico and @ blueshift
Btw do recommend me some foreign movies if am missing some good ones

I still havent got Gunda, dunno where to seek, PM me if you know.

The good ones have already been discussed. Let me recall some :-

Mar adentro (Spanish) - Inspired by true story, based on euthanasia(mercy killing) and CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) :D
Dear Frankie (Scottish) - Has Gerad Butler in it. Watch it with subtitles as the scottish accent is a bit heavy on ears no mater how good you are at english :p
Snow cake (Canadian)
Cidade de deus (Portuguese) aka City of god - guess you must have already seen it by now.
Питер FM (Russian) Thats Piter FM... its actually the name of a fm radio channel in st. petersburg, russia - cute movie.
Khuda ke liye Quite impressed by the way they handled the subject, that too in Pakistan!
Hitler: The rise of evil - A MUST watch if you haven't till yet. Its not about the war. Its about how Hitler rose to power. You need to watch Robert Carlyle's performance as Hitler to believe it.
Das Leben der Anderen known as The Lives of Others lengthy but interesting German movie.
Sophie Scholl - The final days another german movie which is very highly rated by I wasn't quite impressed by it.
Open Your Eyes - Spanish - The original inspiration for Vanilla Sky.
Phoolan Hasina Raamkali Its one more from Gunda's director Kanti Shah, but you can skip it.

And Korean movies. But you already are a Korean king!

ps - pm on the way
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Beta Waves

I saw this movie called "DEJA VU" ... not a recent movie though released in 2006 ... But people who like science fiction will surely like it ....


I just saw "The Sixth sense".I know many of u movie buffs wud have seen it.
If u havent see it.I think it is one of the best movies I have seen.
Superb direction cinematography and screen play.
Wen r going to see it dont see the imdb reviews because they contain spoilers which spoil the entire movie because it is a suspense thriller.


Broken In
hey guys wow u really r awesome i never heard most of da movies u ppl talk bout......, wer do get 2 watch all of them..., i mean r der any sites 2 download them etc...., (mention any free ones plzz..).................

active torrents are alwaz da latest ones...., so anybody willin 2 share plzzzzzzzzzzz....

in my place der r hardly any shops wer i could get them for rent...., u can't even get catch me if u can etc.... 4get bout da classics..... :-(
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