They needed to have support for xbox 360 controller on the PC version. It would've been so much fun with a controller....But they didn't :cry:


Okay, I watched the Refusal(new) ending just now, here' what I think

The whole point of the mass effect series just got fcked up with this ending. Its pretty much like another cycle, just like Prothean race's attempts on building the crucible and trying to fight the reapers. Humans too go extinct, with Liara saving all the information about the crucible and passing it on to another species, or whoever discovers that beacon first.
But then again, it all depends on the player choice. But I personally hated it.

Yet to watch the other endings.
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Extended cut isn't helping at all. In fact the extended cut makes the original endings look good. There is a distinct lack in quality of writing. For example, if they had really wanted to make it dramatic they'd have a 3-game flashback sequence when Shepard pulls the final move (destroy/control/synthesis) along with that ending.

After playing the three endings I realize they just glossed over the many plot holes with "plot armour" and didn't really make an effort to explain. Get this:

- Destroy ending: "We'll rebuild everything!" - yeah right, Earth just got screwed big time, a lot of debris is in its atmosphere and so many species are just stranded in the solar system. Where will you get food to sustain them all? Synthetics are gone for good as well. There is little hope to prevent extinction of races like the quarians and the Krogan.

- Control ending: "I am the shepard of your salvation" - what the hell? I had always imagined the control ending makes shepard a kind of eternal AI that controls the reaper's actions and I always imagined the control ending being a hook for future games where you can "activate" the dormant AI to possibly get a reaper force as EMS for a future threat. Instead we have Reaper-Shepard which is insane.

Also, Shepard begins to talk like the Illusive Man in this extended cut ending. Not cool!

- Synthesis: "We are all one. We are alive."
Yes indeed. Husks will simply stop attacking because we are all one now. No more disagreement because its all a hive mind now? Even synthetics will have disagreements. Just because now everyone is part-synthetic doesn't mean everyone suddenly becomes friends. And everyone was just cool that a wave of implants just got forced on them. Of course, the reapers that we've been fighting are now friends. Hey pals, come on for a game of cards.

Bioware clearly wanted this to be the fairy tale utopia ending, but it is so disgustingly presented that I have become repulsed they actually wanted to play with free will vs. peace here. If there is one lesson to be learnt from life, it is that there is no such thing as a fairy tale. Saren, Illusive Man, Javik The Prothean and Anderson all make hints at this and the Synthesis ending spits at all their faces!

- Refuse: Hey, I came all this way to tell you to screw off and die bleeding. Actually this ending is the most sensibly written ending in the extended cut, because it actually suggests something plausible - that the knowledge of the Protheans and Shepard's current cycle leads to the final defeat of the Reapers by the next cycle.

The writing is so horrible I would have preferred imagining the results in my own head rather than watching this crap. I have been put off BioWare due to this and will need to think twice before buying a BioWare game again. I mean, I've read fanfictions with better conclusions than what they came up with.


→|Requiescat| |in| |Pace|
I loved the Extended Cut...Pretty much explains everything I wanted..Waiting forward to other Single Player DLC's...

And thanks to Bioware for all the DLC's. Especially the two MP DLC's


Hanging, since 2004..
Extended cut was lame. Even ruins all interesting theories about the ending going on internet.


Okay completed the DLC and what was that? The reaper in the last 'get to the citadel' scene suddenly stops firing so that normandy can make a pick up and leave. I thought the goal was to somehow get at least one person abroad the citadel and if this was the case then every person in the near vicinity should be friggin' running to the fvckin beam and not expect some shepard-commander alone to get to it when something is shooting a 5m radius laser beam at you. I was actually okay with the previous ending were shepard could control the reapers. The new choice in the DLC isn't much of an improvement.


Yeah the endings definitely do not explain certain parts, but still IMO, it was pretty decent compared to the original endings. If these were the endings that were included in the original game, then ME would have ended as one of the best gaming experiences to date. Instead, they had to do a haphazard job of filling in plot holes and other queries raised by the indoctrination theory. The indoctrination theory was the best bet for Bioware, but I would like to commend them on giving the series at least a little closure.

Hope there is a ME 4 in the works.


Mass Effect movie to be based on first game, script finished | IncGamers.com

Going to be another f*ck up. Back when rumors came in that the movie would be about the Contact War between Humans and Turians, I was excited and had some respect (despite the fact that I know it will ultimately get screwed up at the end, with the reapers and blah blah...) but now they're just after the money, god bless people who're gonna like this movie, lol.
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