
In the zone
Mass Effect and its sequel were one of my all time favourite games, and I finally ordered Mass Effect 3. My copy of Mass Effect 3 is on its way, but I can't find my ME or ME2 save games. The story was continuous and now I will have to go with the default settings and choices :(


Democracy is a myth
lol, my ME2 save games corrupted and that I found out after installing ME3. So I played ME2 again, fortunately the save game was alright till the mission of finding Thane's son who's an assassin.

Then, after one month played ME3.

Play ME2, it would help you upgrade the character quickly.


In the zone
Hmm...maybe I can get ME2 saved games somewhere on the web. I can't replay them - too many games on my backlog list :D


Back to school!!
Hmm...maybe I can get ME2 saved games somewhere on the web. I can't replay them - too many games on my backlog list :D
Use google for gawd's sake, there's an entire website dedicated for it, with every known outcome available: Mass Effect 2 -


In the zone
Use google for gawd's sake, there's an entire website dedicated for it, with every known outcome available: Mass Effect 2 -

That's what I did. If you will notice, I didn't ask for any links. Thanks for the link though :)


Back to school!!
Don't know about that - BF3 is already waiting :D

I hope you are exaggerating, but I guess I will find out in a few days.
I'll eat my mousepad otherwise(provided you had played ME 1 and ME2 and looking forward to an epic closure).


In the zone
I'll eat my mousepad otherwise(provided you had played ME 1 and ME2 and looking forward to an epic closure).

Oh yes, I played ME1, used that save in ME2 and I am very much invested in the story. I read all codex entries :D

I will report back when I finish my first game on Normal.


In the zone
I have played the game for about 10 hours now, and until it has been a great experience. My only complaint is that my squadmates kill off a lot of enemies, but I guess I should've chose a higher difficulty. Mind you, I am a completionist, so I am doing all secondary missions and exploring every system, which means that I probably have another 30-40 hours to go before I finish :)

Scanning is not fun, but unlike ME2, but it is easy to avoid with the help of a guide.


In the zone
Okay, so just finished the game. I like completion and also wanted the best ending, so I scanned every single freaking system and even played a few multiplayer games. The campaign itself took me about 35 hours to complete. MP games are great fun - I got the Salarian Engineer from my first few Recruit Packs, and even at level 8 he is great fun to play!

As far as the campaign itself - it was awesome right up until the end. I had a great time even on Normal difficulty, and the last chain of fights was a bit frustrating with all the big enemies ganging up on me - luckily the biotic/tech combos were a great help. I actually looked forward to playing the game every day and the thought itself made me happy, and rarely does a game make me feel that way. As far as the ending is concerned, Bioware slipped up here. The ending doesn't do justice to the great story of Mass Effect imo.

Overall, I think the game was great, and I will probably play the game again some day, this time as Renegade. Also, I was seriously tempted to buy the Ashes and Leviathan DLCs, but how can I justify spending 1100 on two DLCs when the game itself cost me 670?


In the zone
Simple, save money, go to youtube :)


Thanks for the video. I don't feel like encouraging Bioware to release essential story elements as DLC, so it will have to be just videos :)

Well, then watch this:

Haha, I can understand where that video is coming from, although I am not that disappointed. But the video is very well done.

One thing to ponder:
If the Reapers are as advanced as they are said to be, how can they continue to be dictated by an AI, even if that AI is very advanced. I mean, if it tried to destroy them, wouldn't they just rebel? Or are they just technologically advanced Geth?

I think this problem was created by Bioware itself. They constructed the narrative and showed the Reapers to something like a Demi-God, where even downing one of them took whole fleets! So what happens when thousands of Demigods and their minions come to kill you? Well, there is only two possible options that are not ridiculous:

1. Something even more powerful saves you. Don't ask from where they came - there isn't enough time ;)
2. You somehow trick them into destroying themselves or allow you to live. Again, don't ask how something so advanced can be so easy to trick.

I found the same problem with Harry Potter. While I enjoyed reading the last book, it wasn't as satisfactory as the other ones because of this 'anomaly'.

Of course, some people will consider both the above options themselves as ridiculous :D


Steam High Templar
@bippukt : your money is use whacking your head on whys? and hows?
btw where do you live, who's ur ISP
i cannot connect to MP thats why i'm asking
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