
Broken In
oh yeah,i learned A lot of things from deus ex hr(must play game) and one of those is "dont just finish the adventure,complete it"
so i am exploring every location and getting as much objectives as i can.^_^.thats the fun of the game.

I always chose paragon in me1 and me 2.if anyone playing them then try to save the "rachnai" in me1.i saved them and getting a lot of help from them and also try to save as much team members u can in me2 and me1.for me only kaidan alenko died in me1.nobody died in me2 for me.(had to play the last mission over 25 times to save everyone in me2)

^^ Metacritic always sucks, never read those reviews, I always played a game to find out if it rocks.

Eg: Syndicate, need I say more?

yeah its always sucks.for me i use IGN And XPLAY.xplay is the best for me.


Broken In
thats not a right way i think to judge a game or assassins creed's facebook page or in ign comments maximum people said that acr is just a boring,time wasting,only bombmaking,just a piece of crap ...and whatever whatever.....
but for me i really like the game for its awesome story, graphics,sound,great musics and gameplay also ok.
so its like they wanted so much changes..but how can ezio hold a machine gun ? he will ofcourse use the same weapons.

huh,they depressed me about the game a lot when i saw those comments.
so judge it yourself always.

also in wrath of the titans's fb page they said that last movie of the series clash of the titans was totally boring and time wasting.its like 90% people said that.
i dont know by which way they judge it like that but it was really an amezing movie for me.
after these things happend,i totally stopped checking reviews.just watch trailer or gameplay and then if you like it just play the game.
is it a bad way i said friends?

from the time that kiddy game zelda skyword sword won game of the year against assassins creed revelations in g4tv,i didnt check any review anymore.
just the trailer,wiki and gameplay trailer.


Steam High Templar
lets face it. most ppl on metacritic say that the story is crappy/unsatisfying BUT HOW THE HELL CAN YOU RANT ABOUT A GAME'S STORY WHEN YOU HAVENT COMPLETED it. ME3 IS A f****ing RPG AFTER ALL IT HAS TO BE LONG and unless u play 24 hours a day its not possible to complete it so fast.(today is 8th me3 relesd at 6th)i know EA has a penchant for milking succesful IP's WHICH THEN END UP AS DISASTERS. excellent examples dragonage 2, command and conquer 4 but the "player" reviewers could be rival corporate craps too..........
i'm going to buy the game, play it and THEN post a review here....


N00B Troller
I saw some walkthrough vids (w/ commentary which were really funny ) on Youtube and I became an instant fan of the game, This is the first time I am looking in ME Series . I say BUY the game , obviously I havent bought it but I surely will later and I never ever read Game reviews , I play them firstly like a demo or if some friend of mine has it & then buy it . But many times if I am intrested I buy it without looking too much into reviews and things like that.


Working in an IT company
A word of caution to those who just started: Make sure to play multiplayer as well to achieve perfect ending (readiness factor is related to multiplayer). Msg me or add me if you want to multiplayer later on.

Anyways, the game is awesome. Graphics are good, antialiasing is a pain (disabled in-game & forced supersampling & still going strong at 60fps). I am well ahead in the game since my deluxe edition unlocked on March 5. Till now the only parts I didn't like were the inevitable deaths of some very very important characters :cryeyesout: (they were like my family in ME2. Dont wrry I aint spoiling anything) :p


I am a cat
The Council in ME 1 - reapers :rofl:

The Council in ME 2 - yeah right reapers :-?

The Council in ME 3 - reapers :shock:


lol i managed to only keep four members alive...worst case scenario baby...haha ...seems my visions were right afterall....since i have to loose them anyway...seems like i saved my time on multiple playthroughs of same


Broken In
lol i managed to only keep four members alive...worst case scenario baby...haha ...seems my visions were right afterall....since i have to loose them anyway...seems like i saved my time on multiple playthroughs of same

hope u didnt kill thane too.

Damn thats sad. I played whole ME2 again just to keep everyone alive in the game and now this. Very sad. :(

did you save the human reaper technology in me2 ?
it could be awesome to see how the illusive man will use it in me3.if u still have the game installed,u can think about it.^^


Steam High Templar
Ironic but yes he died while on my way to suicide mission lol.

In his honour thane is my avatar. lol :grin:
That ill man was of no good use anyway...preacher+assassin.!!! WTH

dude, thane dies if u do not purchase the thanix cannon upgrade or the upgraded shields.thane was useless anyway(the really bad combination of an "assasin" having biotics and no tech abilities/stealth).my formula for sucess in me2 was samara/miranda,my KROGAN OF STEEL:GRUNT and my paragon, vindicator rifle armed soldier shepard


Living to Play
Guys please use spoiler tags for spoiler.

hope u didnt kill thane too.

did you save the human reaper technology in me2 ?
it could be awesome to see how the illusive man will use it in me3.if u still have the game installed,u can think about it.^^

Don't worry I'll create a new save if I have to. :D


somebody kindly give me save file with all squadmates alive. will be importing it into me 3 once iam done playing with my own me2 imported files.

although i aint playing me3 currently...lets see when i get to ..
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