Is God an Alien?

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in your face..
ooh cummon guys...GOD for me

is a power, that we need to ensure sanctity in our minds..

a power that relieves us of the immense stress when we think about it

a helping hand which burrows us with inspiration when called upon

someone whom we can trust during the times of distress

a parent who is there to look on us when we are down

someone whom we can bank upon,someone whom we can intertact with without the fear of someone snorting back,sumone whom we can relieve all our troubles, and i believe that a troubled mind is the root to all mishaps.

In conclusion,god may be nothing,may just be a figment of our imagination, but I believe in god...not that coz everyun believes so..but because i need sum1 in this world to listen to your prayers..there are some things you cant tell anyone but yourself...and if u know yourself very are your own god..

So u mean.....
U need God/religion if u r running low on self-belief, confidence and conviction.

U need God/religion if u r looking for an excuse or justification for all that u do or intend to do.

U need God/religion if u r looking for an easy explanation for all that u fail to explain by means of common sense, common knowledge and common understanding.


Staff member
^^the theory of superconductivity, only predictions exists (cooper theory) but none so far explains it right, but we believe on that, may be someday someone come up with another theory and then another then yet another...

how come the 6.023 x 10^something is true for every other gas ?? Its like if something fits with our daily routine we stcik with that.

Here is something by someone more experienced than us :
From the Buddhist perspective, man has created God out of the psychologically deep-rooted idea of self-protection. Walpola Rahula writes that man depends on this creation "for his own protection, safety, and security, just as a child depends on his parent." He describes this as a product of "ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire," and writes that this "deeply and fanatically held belief" for man's consolation is "false and empty" from the perspective of Buddhism. He writes that man does not wish to hear or understand teachings against this belief, and that the Buddha described his teachings as "against the current" for this reason

this explains quite a few things in favor of atheist but the fact that these monks can do some supernatural things always baffle me.


Rockin g33k

desnt necessarily mean that..newton and einstien were one of the ost stingent followers of GOD and yet nouns accuses them of being what you have comprended the facts to be...sometimes things dont go right andd u have to believe in someone to move ahead...GOD can be aptly described as our self-confidence which we pray and urge to help us at times of need...everyday is not a great day..every great day doesnt mean that the next day would be great..soo we need to harness our confidence and be prepared for what ever is to come..


Staff member
We hav descended from the age of stone to metal to machines and now what next ? age of spiritual enlightment ? plausible...but will happen only if all the nuclear weapons and other stuf gets disposed off.


in your face..

Who said "newton and einstien were one of the most stringent followers of GOD". The jury is still out on Newton. It is more likely that he succumbed to pressure of society and church. During those days, it was almost impossible to lead a respectable social life by antagonizing the church. I am sure he was aware of what happened to Copernicus and Galileo. Its highly likely that he chose not to be one of them.

As with Einstein, he never believed in a personal god. There are numerous comments by him, to that effect.

As with your argument regarding the necessity of doG in one's personal life, I would say i understand your point of view although not subscribe to it. If pleasing oneself is the reason behind it, then a person who injects LSD in his veins is also excusable.

A lot of people find it difficult to face the hard fact, that they failed because they made the mistake or were at fault. It is much easier for them to say, "o doG didn't want it to happen". That is self-pleasing, by the delusion of doG. And thats what LSD does.

A bad day is a bad day. Thats all that there is to it.

PS: Instead of fighting it out here, why don't we take it to Science v/s God theard. This is turning out to be another shoot out which fits the Fight Club.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
well said karnivore....


i was about to dissect that article more .. but found it worthless to do so....

so u want me to continue ??? anyone ??? hiu hi iii

until then .. iwant all of you to visit this video



Staff member
watch this too:
for the science followers,
read the comments and watch the video till the end.

Well am in no way advocating the presence of GOD (if u picture it as an idol or something like that) nor am denying the fact that is left for individual interpretation and understanding. But I do not facilitate the Science way too. Yeah I do look for nature as a purifying and rectifying being.
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Rockin g33k

ahh dude...but now let me ask u a few questions to that effect..under the presumption that ur not yet married :)) wud u actually scrape out of society and marry someone without performing the given rituals??

would you enter a new house without undergoing a "griho-probesh" ritual??.U may disagree but as a matter of fact i know u will..these customs are nothing but just a prayship towards the almighty..Even if u dont believe in God, you cant deny the fact that u are helpless without performing a ritual when it involves something really significant...

saraswati puja...dont tell me u treat it any other day...peaple have fun and u cash in,making full advantage of the belief peaple have to fun and frolic....Duraga puja..u go pandal hopping and once u r in front of an idol u join ur hands to show respect..Why would u show respect to an entity you know doesnt exist??..its like,yea i dont believe in you but i know u r there and i will pay respect..TO HELL WITH THAT..

now tell me..why do peaple marry??why do we need our parents...what would have been the case if our parents had kicked us out the day to learnt to stand on our feet...its coz we are social and cant live without a society....some peaple who are totally cutoff from ths ociety keep their haste in the power of God to make themselves happy..not all of them do take LSGs..and y r u confusing the virtual with the real..GOD is virtual entity...doesnt work for everyone...Peaple take pride and practise in what works for the end of the day itsd our life with only an average of {90x365) days to spare...peaple do what keeps them happy...

Nothing wrong in following our heart...the mind and a heart are two differnt entities..the mind follows science while the heart follows the part to eternity


in your face..
I don't know how to respond to your post. Obviously you are just too young, probably in school, to comprehend the complexities of my arguments. And since you have already assumed a lot about me, it is futile to tell you anything about my personal life. You would, according to your convenience, automatically assume them to be false. (There is a slim chance, though, that you might be surprised to know a few details of my private life. But then again, my private life is for me to enjoy and is certainly not a public property)

However, I completely agree, that human beings are social animal. Although, I don't see why it should come in the way of refusing to believe in doG. Society may force you to put up a show of faith. But it can't take away from you, your conviction.

Other than that, i really don't see any valid point worth a debate.
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Evolving Rapidly...
ooh cummon guys...GOD for me

is a power, that we need to ensure sanctity in our minds..

a power that relieves us of the immense stress when we think about it

a helping hand which burrows us with inspiration when called upon

someone whom we can trust during the times of distress

a parent who is there to look on us when we are down

someone whom we can bank upon,someone whom we can intertact with without the fear of someone snorting back,sumone whom we can relieve all our troubles, and i believe that a troubled mind is the root to all mishaps.

In conclusion,god may be nothing,may just be a figment of our imagination, but I believe in god...not that coz everyun believes so..but because i need sum1 in this world to listen to your prayers..there are some things you cant tell anyone but yourself...and if u know yourself very are your own god..

coming to the technical part of it :D

God and Aliens have been a rummaging theory for mane years to precede...its like a cycle..Einstien said that the system is a cycle and is monotonous and in no way can there be anything that goes against this monotony..there are peaple to look upon us..we call them parents..our parents have their parents to look upon us and a matter of fact..the whole cycle goes back to the earliest when the first organism was born..there was someone to look upon them as comes the theory of GOD..

U r right...God maybe JAADu rpoaming around helping Hrithik and thus helping us in turns too..but it may also be an unknown force that makes things happen..there are many forces unknown to this us that still rule upon us...Science itslef claims that we can hardly comprehenda single percent of the mysteries that lie in this world.....sooo..back to square one!!!

your views
nice post. [i dont agree on many points though]
now if only i could express myself as well as you can.......:))

the whole cycle goes back to the earliest when the first organism was born..there was someone to look upon them as well..
well i read somewhere that life forms evolved from simple protein matter, after hot gases cooled on the earth to form liquid oceans ........ no one needed to look after it:D

this explains quite a few things in favor of atheist but the fact that these monks can do some supernatural things always baffle me.
and what might these supernatural things be? plz explain im a bit clueless ........:shock:
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
ooh cummon guys...GOD for me

is a power, that we need to ensure sanctity in our minds..

a power that relieves us of the immense stress when we think about it

a helping hand which burrows us with inspiration when called upon

someone whom we can trust during the times of distress

a parent who is there to look on us when we are down

someone whom we can bank upon,someone whom we can intertact with without the fear of someone snorting back,sumone whom we can relieve all our troubles, and i believe that a troubled mind is the root to all mishaps.

In conclusion,god may be nothing,may just be a figment of our imagination, but I believe in god...not that coz everyun believes so..but because i need sum1 in this world to listen to your prayers..there are some things you cant tell anyone but yourself...and if u know yourself very are your own god..

coming to the technical part of it :D

God and Aliens have been a rummaging theory for mane years to precede...its like a cycle..Einstien said that the system is a cycle and is monotonous and in no way can there be anything that goes against this monotony..there are peaple to look upon us..we call them parents..our parents have their parents to look upon us and a matter of fact..the whole cycle goes back to the earliest when the first organism was born..there was someone to look upon them as comes the theory of GOD..

U r right...God maybe JAADu rpoaming around helping Hrithik and thus helping us in turns too..but it may also be an unknown force that makes things happen..there are many forces unknown to this us that still rule upon us...Science itslef claims that we can hardly comprehenda single percent of the mysteries that lie in this world.....sooo..back to square one!!!
Nice post........:D

Well, I don't believe that God is an Alien because Aliens are also living organisms like us (if they exist) and God is above all life forms.....


LOGIC: 1) the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2) a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
I don't understand why the poster claims as not logical!! :-| (I understand what he means with the first line, but his arguments, NO)


Staff member
^^the thing is our existance itself lies under the burden of proof :D

limited by the senses and the perspective, remember we can hear b/w certain frequencies only and our vision is too limited to visible light.

Everything needs a proof, and every other person confer it from his POV and that may differ from person to person, what i say is a crime commited other may say it was a self defense, just the interpretation comes in and divulges many things but not everything.
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^^the thing is our existance itself lies under the burden of proof :D
When the administered path to God, which is religion is flawed in a gazillion ways, some one starts questioning. Where the ones who don't follow even the tiniest bit of the "path" starts reasoning! :D

limited by the senses and the perspective, remember we can hear b/w certain frequencies only and our vision is too limited to visible light.
Its funny, your this argument itself is based and comes from the same brain which has been limited over years. when the older generation people claim to have "seen" God :) .
This is either a plain flouting at us, the future generations, which Science claims to be better or they were just being stupid. There are that many stories and religion branching over at the same point of time (almost) which makes it more of a revolution over discipline intended for a better cause by the older generation which obviously doesn't work now and is starting to lose control... (the war).

Everything needs a proof, and every other person confer it from his POV and that may differ from person to person, what i say is a crime commited other may say it was a self defense, just the interpretation comes in and divulges many things but not everything.
The concept of God itself is proposed by the people who saw him. At least, the religion which I know off claim that way.

And the funny thing here is, people believe in God but not in religion. Here they themselves are half-way there because they have already discredited the substance on which the older generation give us the ultimate proof of reaching HIM


Staff member just trying to say that Science is not the solution to all problems its a workaround for the things that can't seem to decipher its meaning.

And neither am saying that religions are good. IMO they are bad and hav been exploited by religious leaders.

We are in the middle of nothing...
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