Is God an Alien?

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Rockin g33k
There are a few things which really cant be comprehended..

MAny years ago there was this experiment conducted by a renowned Scientist.He put a dying man locked in a strong glass shaft isolated from the surroundings and waited for him to die...After the person died there was no movement but after a few minutes, agreenish glow was seen coming out of the mans's body..So powerful was the source that it crashed through the glass phase and dissapeared into eternty..Scientists described it as the "soul"..

It had however been an illegal practise and u cannot hold a person who is alive,captive in an airproof casing...and the experiment has been not performed since..But what was that greenish flame of light?? could such a small tinge of greenish light pierce through a 2 cm thick bulletproof case.. still baffles everyone...

And with the concept of God comes that of our religions say..where there is good has to be Ghosts also demand existence...and millions have claimed of seeing if Gods are martians then ghosts are form venus.. :D\

the whole objective is to believe in anyhting..if u dont believe in god but in God being an alien..u can ask the alien for help or pray for strength to the alien...or u dont believe anyone at all...

but as i have been trying to maintain..GOD is our self confidence..the day it breaks..noun..and i repeat..noun can help..leave alone a gusp of wind or an UFO..


@T159 Science has and is constantly trying to understand better.
Ex: Electromagnetic waves. Nobody sees it. But everybody speaks on the Mobile with a wireless carrier! :)
But it may not have the answers in our lifetime or at all! I really don't care. but, I am happy if in another few years, the people start claiming "wireless carriers" work coz some1 with Godly powers carry the information from 1 place to another when people speak over the phone or something similar!!
Middle of nothing -> true.
@amd, God is our confidence -> No, its our excuse to put blames on our mistakes.
UFO -> Unidentified flying object and aliens are strictly not to be confused.
Ghosts, devil & God -> The way I know it, devil is part of God or was created from God or was born from God's hand (or something to that effect). :) Awesome!
Greenish soul -> Sorry, not baffled. You can call it my ignorance or arrogance.
the day it breaks -> that is what you think. are you saying atheists and agnostics are not peaceful or not living their life?? :)
PS: what is the meaning of "noun" here??
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in your face..
golpota Avedananda-r boi theke jerechis mone hoche. Namta mone nei...kintu porechi, pray 15-16 bochor agay.

That story is what it is.......just a "story"


You will be surprised to know, that some people do believe in "wireless carriers"


Rockin g33k
sorry yaar..i got stuck between my sms lang and true lang...sorry

noun-no one :D :p

aare mansho kheko dada aka karnivore

eta to tv te dekhechilam..discovery te mind boggling mysteries na ki ekta show te.. :D


Staff member
lol...wat are wireless carriers ?

Karnivore u seem to be too strict with your notion of atheism or science.


Rockin g33k
and guys...if you are all hell bent on staing that God sint there..owing there no proof and stuff..what proof do we have that god isnt there??..

if we dont believe in God we dont have the right to believe in miracles...there have been a few instances that i have seen and heard that makes me believe in miracles..and if i believe in miracles i virtually have to believe in god..

now someone will say that there's nothing called miracles...then maybe someone again wil say ..we create our own destiny....i have seen strong opposers of the constitution of God falling to Feng Shui and Vaastu things...if changing the orientation of beds and sleeping with your head facing a window can improve your life..i have nothing to say..

Astrologers make a fortune recommending preciosu stones to cutomers which cost thousands and thousands of our hard earned money...

Bur why do people do so??? SElf satisfaction..period


Caballero de Real Madrid
GOD is something we usually depend on our sad moments..(it shouldnt be like that)..ther has to be a power that controls find god we have to find long as tht not happening this question will never be answered...

as far as aliens are considered..they do EXIST..i dnt even want to say the examples..but imagine on this big ass universe..we a small dot called earth and some billions of ppl and we never left this planet..god no way this is true...


in your face..
and guys...if you are all hell bent on staing that God sint there..owing there no proof and stuff..what proof do we have that god isnt there??..

Tui thambi..??:D Phone numberta de to. Tor babake phone kore bolchi.....chele porashona bondho kore thakur-debta korche....:D:DPC bondho kore porte bosh....:D:D

Bur why do people do so??? SElf satisfaction..period

etokhone khati kotha bolechis.


Caballero de Real Madrid
ppl saying thers no god deserves to be the biggest idiots in the world....if they need proof....let me tell something there are things in world beyon our understanding..simple things like air water fire life....we say we have life wat is life?????

where does it orgin our mothers womb....?????how????who male and female eggs co-cergate to be life....????

when we die wat happens to that life????

why are u born???just to live this misery?????

@karnivore eng plz...not many understands..u....
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