Is God an Alien?

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Staff member
^^then I am god to my dog :D

There is so much unknown to be discovered, even the whole brain anatomy is still incomplete with possible explanations (I firmly believe that our brain is the key to the truth, we havent yet find out the whole working of our brain)


Turn The Page
^^IMO our life is just one giant chemical rxn. let hope rate constant is low enough so that it takes infinite time for completion..........


Techtree Reviewer
Even according to the writer of that article, there probably is NO God. What we call God might actually be aliens from other planets who might have visited us once several million years ago and since the intelligence of the primitive man wasn't quite developed then, what they saw made them believe it was God. I personally wouldn't have believed it (and still don't completely believe it), but some of the examples he gave really made me think. Like about the Pyramids and how they're made. According to the writer it would've been impossible for humans then to construct something even remotely similar to the complex architecture of Pyramids. So then how did they do it? There were many such thought provoking examples that he gave. To all those who haven't read it yet, please read it. It'll surely make you think as well.


you should read some works of Michael Tsarion ;) , 'A guide to the end of the world' by bill mcguire, and '50 things you're not supposed to know' by russ kick.



the three words of God means "Gravity of Divine" (made by me) God is a power or something like a form of energy which have no shape and have supernatural power..............
if we tell something to god, it may happen because when we pray honestly, we are telling the matter to our subconcious mind and it makes our mind steady to do what we want. For example, when you would go out, think that you must see someone road side whom you know (make sense of this because if you think to see hrtik roshan or one who died, you would not see) only once when you open the door of your house and also you must say it deeply in your mind. You maysee the person when u walk or atleast you would see some one who know you. This is because you are transferring your brain wave signal to the person. The brain wave signal is also a form of energy, i think. When u think deeply, they will get the message to go out of road or something like that. Likewise, it is easy to tell the matter to nature as all knows nature controls the earth..........
This transferring and reciving is wat people call 6th sense...........

When we concentrate, we can feel more senses............. But you must think positive............

Don't think i am a big religious teacher, I am just a student of 8th standard as praka and all knows but i felt it all and i want to share it to you.


left this forum longback
GOD definitely exists.It is the rebellious young minds who discards GOD.

and what is ur answer for who the god of aliens? :p


Broken In
Maybe we are something like AOE for a alien kid. I wish he is good at it. Or else he might end blowing everything in end (like me).


Legen-wait for it-dary!
I still go to temples and all... but here's my opinion on what is god:

YOU are god. Use your mind to the fullest, and you are the greatest power in the universe. Skeptics, read it again: MIND, not BRAIN.

are cheats allowed?
neelu: "Mom i want dinner"
alien_kid: "cheese steak jimmy's"
*miracle! mom cooks food*
more like sims 2 you mean


Evolving Rapidly...
Maybe we are something like AOE for a alien kid. I wish he is good at it. Or else he might end blowing everything in end (like me).
End up blowing???:D man s#it has happening for thousands of years. I would say the one playing AOE is one dumb kid.......


NP : Crysis
GOD definitely exists.It is the rebellious young minds who discards GOD.

absolutely disagree with you. the existence of God is something that should be left to the individual to take a stance on. if one chooses not to beleive in the existence of God, it does not make him a 'rebellious young mind'


Evolving Rapidly...
absolutely disagree with you. the existence of God is something that should be left to the individual to take a stance on. if one chooses not to beleive in the existence of God, it does not make him a 'rebellious young mind'
nicely said.

i was quite pissed with people in my family trying to coerce me to "pray to god" !!! now its just plain funny !!!:D:D:D


In the zone
I would not call an alien a God even though more technologically advanced.Seems rather absurd that aliens can interbreed with humans having come from such different environment.About the UFO sightings,it may as well be the latest military aircraft testings sighted.

So,acc to the article,aliens came,civilized us a bit,then flooded us to stop us from being civilized?but we eventually became civilized(took us 3k more years),so why are they not stopping us now.


left this forum longback
^heh even there are stories that mongloids looks that way(eyes esp) coz they are inter-breed (no offense meant).

@xbonez:those who believes that world is as it is and are ruled by humans(atheists to be exactlY),are dumbo.there is a ultimate creator who is ruling us!believe it or not!answering about God is like finding the answer of inifinity.
supernatural powers=you or me cannot find an answer.get older you may get the answer!those majority believers are NOT wrong!yukthivaada(atheism) sucks!
there are limitations for humans where we cannot have the answer!


Evolving Rapidly...
^heh even there are stories that mongloids looks that way(eyes esp) coz they are inter-breed (no offense meant).
stupidest thing i've heard in a while ....:p

@xbonez:those who believes that world is as it is and are ruled by humans(atheists to be exactlY),are dumbo.
yeah blah, blah, blah ......... no offence meant, just dont agree with you:
1>on your views on god
2>on your views on atheists .........:neutral:


left this forum longback
blah blah will be understandeable to u once u broke out of the shell :p take ur time :p (no offense!)
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