How do u come to know about digit first time?


Cyborg Agent
Remember how u come to know about digit magazine or digit forum for the first time?

Guys pls dig up ur memories and share that.

Well my story goes like this:

Back in 2001, i was waiting for train in Sealdah Station. There in a stall i suddenly saw a magazine called DIGIT with 5 cds in it. That was the month of December. So Digit was giving bulks I was attaracted immediately and told the shopkeeper to keep the copy by giving 50/- advance. Next day i collected the issue. And there was no look back after that.That was the first introduction with DIGIT.
I although owned a PIII that time but i did not have any internet connection. Many yrs after, in 2010 i noticed in the last page of Digit issue the word called FORUM and become interested to see that. I have bought my current config by then. So going to cafe opened it and just taken away. Immediately i realised that i need my own net connection to understand this forum well.

and the boat sails after that in its own way.


Sith Lord
Staff member
It was just the CDs, friend's elder bro was studying for IIT exams, so he had got a subscription for Digit, back then it was still called Chip, there were two CDs full of gaems that borked my comp, but I installed em there, then I made friends with other people who had subscriptions so I could get regular access to the CDs, and then a little later I found a library that had all issues and more importantly all CDs! took a membership, backed up the entire "Arena" section of I think all the CDs on my comp before returning the CDs haha. Somewhere down the line I think I started reading the magazine lol.


It was in 2004-2005. I got introduced to digit in my School Library. I issued it from their for couple of months then subscribed it.. For Couple of years I just use to see the topic "Demand" and think where do other Demand for apps and everything .. then at below on page I saw address of thinkdigit website.. I visited it and from their I got introduced to forums..

A year after getting Digit I got Unlimited Internet Connection . At time I didn't even knew what forum is, I use to think what does people do in forums.. I was very Inactive for few months on forum even after registering it. But in time it all got sort out..still Now I recommend digit and this forum to everyone.. For it's support and contents...

to get info in a not so big town is very difficult and even when you alone are interested in it.. I started watching English Movies after I saw "P.O.C " movie picture in Digit Mag.. from that movie that made me addict to English Movies.. :lol:

Lot to say about digit but enough for this Post:)


King of my own Castle
It was 1998 back then and Digit was sold as Chip.I think there used to be one single CD that time .Used to get at my friends place whose elder brother was working with Samtel Computers.
Boy coudn't wait to install all the softwares and games.Each and every software was tried and tested then.since Internet connection was via 56kbps dialup modem so no question of downloading anything.
All the games and softwares felt God Send.Hell that time Chip could have sold for 400Rs just for the softwares on the CD. Nice nostalgic days those.


Legend Never Ends
I most probably heard about it and read it in a book stall. Actually I wanted to buy a computer based magazine and the person in the shop suggested me Digit over something else I had chosen. Thats how I got my first issue. October '08


Aspiring Novelist
Hardly remember, but one day I saw it at my house way back early 2000. Read a couple of issues. Then they never came. I found TDF without realizing it was owned by that magazine. Then started posting here........


Grand Master
I bought my 1st Digit in 1998 when it was chip...I bought my 1st PC back then...was crazzy about softwares and used to download them from 56kbps fed up of that and saw chip with lots of softwares (when purchasing comics at the shop :D)...and found it cheaper then downloading at 4KBPS :D

I used to read some forum post behind digit magazine..soo came to know about the forum ;)


Part 1:
2003; I was in the 7th grade when I found a stack of old magazines under my cot, left by the previous occupants of the house. I read the 20-30 or so tech mags in 2 days and I was hooked for life. This was in Saudi Arabia and the magazine was called "Windows". It was expensive at that time so I only got a few current issues and re read them many times over.

I was then shifted to a hostel in India.

Part 2:
2004; Hostel life meant I had a lot of time to myself. I went to a bookshop and bought a few novels and all the tech mags I saw, I guess 5 of them and bike and car mags. I did this for a few months when I realised that I couldn't buy so many anymore. Applying Darwin's principle, the fittest which is Digit survived. From that point on I have got almost every issue of digit. :)

Today despite being a final year M.B.B.S student I'm still hooked to Digit. Of course I hate software reviews and articles as I can't make sense of them. :)

<3 Digit


Retired Forum Mod
saw this mag (when part of chip) at a friends house. after a few years saw digit mag & was actually attracted to the (full version) games nundled with msg. took mag & cds home and enjoyed reading the game reviews + products but didn't have computer then (checked cds on uncle's ibm lappy) so didn't buy. after i brought my 1st pc around summer of 2005, started buying digit while friend bought skoar. we used to exchange mag, dvds, etc. but by 2008 stopped buying digit & started visiting this forum along with chip forum (unregistered). after learning a bit, registered here & became a regular member.


BMG ftw!!
A bit late starter here. First saw mag sometime at 2007 t my one of the friends house. Been a regular subscriber from 2008. Don't know that any forum exists. Came to know about the forum in late 2010 almost 1 week ago, when I visited digits website to 'see' what's in there in the website.


Super Moderator
Staff member
2002, from a mag shop in search of a computer related mag. It was some 6 months after the purchase of our first computer. Of course, with pathetic internet connection those days, CDs were the primary attraction of the mag.


It was in 2003, when my brother borrowed a CD that contained softwares from his friend. It was from Digit, though I never knew that it sold magazines as well.

It was later in 2004 in a marketplace where I realized there was a magazine from the same company, Digit. Been reading it ever since.


I am the master of my Fate.
I found Digit Mag in 2003 in a Library in my locality...was excited to install the games & softwares in it..I remember it had 2 CDs...(Mindware & Playware).Though I didn't have a PC
but still I used to read it.

then in 2008 I had a problem with my mouse so for the solution is registered in TDF.


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
My nephew used to buy Digit. I saw the magazines at his home many times, but I just use to see the pictures and all for few mins. Then around 2007, I noticed his collection of DVD Box'es for which I got more attracted.

I took them and saw lots of softwares. That time I didn't have any net connection. Immediately I started buying Digit. And later on leisure times I started reading the magazine itself, and was amazed by the articles as I was always interested in RnD and knowing the stories behind the scenes.

And after 3 years buying from local news paper stand every month, finally I subscribed to Digit :D

I joined TDF after I got my net connection I guess.


I was searching for novels on stall and saw "fast track to gaming" with Digit.

Joined tdf when my monitor crashed. And i'm mobile user;-)


Friends gave me chip 1998 cds in 2002 :lol:. Then i guess i found digit cds in school library. Used to buy the anniversary issues only at first. Later got a year's subscription.

Joined just when I sent a cheque for the subscription as my PC had some ram issue. Spammed and trolled a lot initially (but forum was going downhill then, so escaped a ban somehow :lol: ).


Democracy is a myth
Well, I came to know about Digit in second Sem in Engineering.

It was 2-3 days I had bought my PC. I was a n00b about PCs then. Saw a PC face-to-face in hostel first time! You can understand my amazement, excitement and horror of owning one.

One day the obvious nightmare came true for me. (I obviously did something stupid) My PC was palying any songs...the Winamp software was not working. I asked seniors fanatically what to do. I was very scared i've broken my PC.

Then there was this senior from CSC who told he can fix it. Brought a secrect CD with him in my room (he did not let me see the CD!!!) Did something and winamp was fixed!

After that day I was after him to know the secret...what did he just do that day?! After obeying him for days, copying his assignments, mockery he revealed that its a magazine called Digit with which he gets the CDs. BUT, costs 100/-

I used to get very low pocket money then...but it was enough of me tolerating him. I started saving my pocket money to buy next issue. I bought the next issue and got hooked to it immediately.

(Later,convinced my dad to subscribe it for me...subscribed on the offer when they provided free DVD ROM (LiteOn) with October issue)

I registered to Forum because in every issue Digit would write "For more stories, fun and knowledge join <url>"
So one day I decided to give it a try...I opened the site, registered, then could not understand a bit what the heck am I supposed to do now? Tried 2-3 times and then stopped visiting it till late 2007...then my life was not normal anymore.
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