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Long Live Gojira!
@tarey: What a coincidence! I installed it too yesterday and I couldn't play even a single mission. IDK how I played the whole game when it was launched. And darn! AC: B's new dev. diary looks awesome. But I'm thinkin' it's too fast, just a year has passed and a new game? Ain't that repetitive?

Hooked to BC2 MP. Lookin' forward for BC2: Vietnam news from Tokyo.


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Far Cry 2, hopeless game..

yep, it's too much boring for me and the game play is so much repetitive.

BTW, how is the game The Witcher should I get the normal one ( released on 2007 ) or the Enhanced Edition ( released on 2008 ).


Human Spambot
I differ any one saying FC2 is repetitive. I was thinking like that.. and stopped playing the game many times. I installed numerous times thinking to complete it.. but uninstalled it after playing for an hour. I repeated this for more than 6 times, IIRC. But couple of months ago... I installed the game(yet again) and started playing it, this time with a different perspective. The thing is most of us.. will be looking at it like either a standard FPS or a open world game. The game should not be looked that way. It is not in the market of standard action packed FPS as we have plenty of adventure thing to do, which will give shooting a break. And you can't take it as a open world game. Because.. as much as the open world it is.. we can't do much of things in that world. And most the time... the world is empty. So, it is a game like no other. The approach is difficult to explain in words. Seriously... give it 5 hour of time. By that time.. you will be knowing how to play the game. It gets better and better from there. Believe me... A player once ditched FC2(for more than 6 times) is telling this. The game is good, there are amazing vistas, plenty of attention to details, lot of things to explore, plenty of gunning. And the level of freedom it gives to complete a mission is simply amazing.


Aspiring Novelist
I differ any one saying FC2 is repetitive. I was thinking like that.. and stopped playing the game many times. I installed numerous times thinking to complete it.. but uninstalled it after playing for an hour. I repeated this for more than 6 times, IIRC. But couple of months ago... I installed the game(yet again) and started playing it, this time with a different perspective. The thing is most of us.. will be looking at it like either a standard FPS or a open world game. The game should not be looked that way. It is not in the market of standard action packed FPS as we have plenty of adventure thing to do, which will give shooting a break. And you can't take it as a open world game. Because.. as much as the open world it is.. we can't do much of things in that world. And most the time... the world is empty. So, it is a game like no other. The approach is difficult to explain in words. Seriously... give it 5 hour of time. By that time.. you will be knowing how to play the game. It gets better and better from there. Believe me... A player once ditched FC2(for more than 6 times) is telling this. The game is good, there are amazing vistas, plenty of attention to details, lot of things to explore, plenty of gunning. And the level of freedom it gives to complete a mission is simply amazing.
I beg to differ as well. It's repetitive to the very core. All you do is; get a mission, travel, shoot enemies at checkpoints, fix vehicles, take malaria shots complete mission, return, shoot more enemies who re-spawned at the same checkpoint, fix vehicle and....YAWN! I don't know where the variety elements kick in. Sure we are free to choose the mission and graphics are great to ogle at, it doesn't make up for the overall lack of proper gameplay. Add to the fact that it has a retarded voice acting. I had more fun playing Far Cry 1 then this game. Between the missions, you have nothing to do, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Except for the "buddy" missions may be, which again are a chore. I'm disappointed in this game. It had immense potential to be a stellar hit, but turned out to be a sub-par title.

Psychosocial said:
Can you your brief views on the game ? It seems interesting.
It's a hack-en-slash title with Dynasty Warriors-esque style gameplay. You'll battle hordes of enemies and there literally more than hundred characters on the screen at any given point. You'll have multiple characters being unlocked in the game and their own storylines and progress to choose from. The option to level up your characters abilities and weapons is present. The game is difficult and I mean it. The first boss battle itself was ridiculously difficult. It's only after an hour or so was I able to act upon proper defence and counter all his moves. If you're level is low, then you'll really get beaten up badly. Hence, you'll need to visit earlier arenas again and do some red orb farming there to gain more XP. You'll also have magic attacks equipped to use during the battle. The objectives are very simple, but to progress to that path is a nightmare. I had played the demo and enjoyed it, so decided to get the full game. The European release just kicked in, so I picked it up. Enjoying it so far. I'm currently doing Galen's main quest. Have also unlocked Sephia's quest, but haven't started it. I think I'll follow them up in order.


Human Spambot
As i said earlier... It takes time to find the essence of the game. Yes, voice acting is bad and objectives tend to get repetitive. well, aren't we doing the same thing in any FPS game? Most of the Fps games are that way. Go there shoot something shoot that... return. Opps.. something wrong again, shoot some more and return. And it goes on and on. But given this game set in open world... We have to take the risky job of roaming around the world. But as i said.. give it time like me. You'll start to enjoy the game as I did.


Aspiring Novelist
As i said earlier... It takes time to find the essence of the game. Yes, voice acting is bad and objectives tend to get repetitive. well, aren't we doing the same thing in any FPS game? Most of the Fps games are that way. Go there shoot something shoot that... return. Opps.. something wrong again, shoot some more and return. And it goes on and on. But given this game set in open world... We have to take the risky job of roaming around the world. But as i said.. give it time like me. You'll start to enjoy the game as I did.
I had already completed the game back when it released. I tried to like it, but just couldn't get myself to convince how disappointing it had turned out to be. Complete the game and check out the end, you'll know what I'm talking about. Throughout the game you have to find "The Jackal" and when you reach the end, you'll have a weird twist.


Violent serenity.
I beg to differ as well. It's repetitive to the very core. All you do is; get a mission, travel, shoot enemies at checkpoints, fix vehicles, take malaria shots complete mission, return, shoot more enemies who re-spawned at the same checkpoint, fix vehicle and....YAWN! I don't know where the variety elements kick in. Sure we are free to choose the mission and graphics are great to ogle at, it doesn't make up for the overall lack of proper gameplay. Add to the fact that it has a retarded voice acting. I had more fun playing Far Cry 1 then this game. Between the missions, you have nothing to do, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Except for the "buddy" missions may be, which again are a chore. I'm disappointed in this game. It had immense potential to be a stellar hit, but turned out to be a sub-par title.

It's a hack-en-slash title with Dynasty Warriors-esque style gameplay. You'll battle hordes of enemies and there literally more than hundred characters on the screen at any given point. You'll have multiple characters being unlocked in the game and their own storylines and progress to choose from. The option to level up your characters abilities and weapons is present. The game is difficult and I mean it. The first boss battle itself was ridiculously difficult. It's only after an hour or so was I able to act upon proper defence and counter all his moves. If you're level is low, then you'll really get beaten up badly. Hence, you'll need to visit earlier arenas again and do some red orb farming there to gain more XP. You'll also have magic attacks equipped to use during the battle. The objectives are very simple, but to progress to that path is a nightmare. I had played the demo and enjoyed it, so decided to get the full game. The European release just kicked in, so I picked it up. Enjoying it so far. I'm currently doing Galen's main quest. Have also unlocked Sephia's quest, but haven't started it. I think I'll follow them up in order.

Thank you :). Looks like an interesting game. I will get it.


Human Spambot
I had already completed the game back when it released. I tried to like it, but just couldn't get myself to convince how disappointing it had turned out to be. Complete the game and check out the end, you'll know what I'm talking about. Throughout the game you have to find "The Jackal" and when you reach the end, you'll have a weird twist.

Do you think that I'm talking about the game without even completing it? :p


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So, anyone have not played The Witcher ??

Which one I should get - The Normal Edition or The Enhanced Edition ??

@ funkysourav - HL2 is a Legendary game _ I only have to finish the chapter Entanglement in HL2.


I am the master of my Fate.
hey this thread was closed......last week..... playing POP:Two thrones.....
prince make up hasn't changed but his getup is changed.....
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