Game You are Currently Addicted to

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Human Spambot

Honey.. please understand us. Almost every one gave up trying to change you. But i still have my hope that you will change.Don't let me down. You should note that many members have ignored you because of your posts. Your post count in this forum is above 600 I can't even count how many of them are Darn,phuc,altair,nomad,roach,ezio, and simple screenies of crysis, warhead etc. and the posts like..

Ubi! God! Ubi surpassed EA to gain No. 1 spot in my list of best game-makers. PHUCIN' AWESOME!!!!!

Look at it people! CRYSIS 2!! AvP! Top games of '10! I'm sure gonna "get" this. Look at him, look at Nomad!

Yo! Ye'r makin' me buy an X360, budd. I'm sure gonna get Halo 2. Master Chief!!

Finally, uninstalled Crysis and Crysis WARHEAD after 4 months! Superb games, Crytek & EA! Splendid job! Can't wait for Crysis 2! NOMAD!!

I want this assassino and I WANT HIM NOW!! Sh*t!

Fine, n@#*`! BTW, this forum's goin' down!

These were only some of the recent 60 posts of your's. And i don't have time to dig all the 639 posts of you. I will run outta my BW and this list gets more than 100 posts.

Here is the thing sweety , every one here knows ACII is great and we all are waiting for it as much as you do. and we know the reason for the delay. Remember the bump in visuals that AC got coz of it's delay? Remember the bump in visuals of GTA IV got when it was delayed almost 8 months for PC release.

I know you like the game and wants to express it.. Express in a civilized way and not like a kid when he just got his BB gun. Express your liking towards the game by sharing something we don't know and using some sane words.

please behave like every one is behaving.. if they are playing some game that is really cool.. they will explain their progress and share their experiences and ask for any help if they want.. they will not post a screenie and tell.. 'this is awesome'. For the god's sake.. tell us what is the awesomeness in that game.. we would be very happy to know that.

I heard many times yelling 'This is a god forsaken forum'. I bet you nomad's D*1ck.. if would have posted all these posts in any 'Very awesome forums' that you say.. they would have banned you a year ago. This forum mods.. and especially members have been very kind towards you.

And finally I don't want a screenie of the blade that has just cut a throat and still don't even have a drop of blood on it.And hey, It will be my last post for you on this matter.


For everyone please try to use spoiler tags wherever possible.

@nvidiageek - What's your age ? and have you ever been to international forums ? gamespot or others you would have been pawned the day you joined them.Since whatever is your age no is going to tolerate the behavior since its a forum and everyone has a right to pawn others if found doing these behavior,i did saw you on tech enclave forums with crymod and i see the same behavior there too.

My genuine advice would be calm down and concentrate on your studies than gaming as it seems like you are not more than 14 (or even less) and occasional do gaming and remember that its going to help you in longer term.

You can ignore me if you like but now its going over the top and you have to control yourself.

P.S- My Post count won't say much but i'm at rank 15 at gamespot.


Long Live Gojira!
^Sh*t no! I'm 20. International forums? I'm all over the Internet, buddy. But, ye'r right. I'm too addicted to games, I gotta slow down. Farò quello d'ora in poi, K? Thank you, guys.


Aspiring Novelist
I have one 360 controller with me so i can definitely play in split screen, but wont. PC games must have LAN support and I have never liked the idea of playing any kind of shooter with a controller.
I was like minded as you before I jumped into console gaming. I used to shudder at the very thought of using a controller to play shooter titles. But believe me, the 360 controller works like a charm. It just a matter of getting used to it. As for the LAN support part, well to some degree, it does suck. However, I guarantee you that this title isn't a "best played in co-op" kind of game. The single player AI too can follow your instructions very well. Lynch can be a b*tch sometimes and shoot randomly, but nothing that would obstruct your gameplay.

Biggest reason for me to skip games these days is that i had not played 'any ' game in 2007-08 so there is a huge catalog before me to complete and hence allowes me to play AAA titles only. :neutral: :twisted:
I don't see a hard and fast rule to complete every AAA title in constant succession. How many more titles do you have in your bucket? If you pick RPG titles, then let me assure you, that you're screwed. This is a short game, one of those quick-gun-murugan types. Don't miss it because it doesn't have a AAA tattoo on it. It has one of the best storyline and voice acting as opposed to any other game that came out in '07, with COD: MW being an exception.


Hanging, since 2004..
Don't miss it because it doesn't have a AAA tattoo on it. It has one of the best storyline and voice acting as opposed to any other game that came out in '07, with COD: MW being an exception.

Well if you are trying to convince me so much to play this game then i should play it :D, AAA title for me is the game which I really want to play, Kane and Lynch was not even on my radar, but now I'll surely try it.
I love the RPG genre, but due to lack of time :evil: i have to skip these titles. Any way I am going to play Dragon Age for sure and playing mass effect currently (and eventually the second installment too). Not sure about Fallout & Oblivion :-?.

darn.... phuc Eizo !! Nomad !!! :evil: :shock: :-D


Off Hook!
Plants vs Zombies :))
Damn addictive game. Give it a try.
Would Have been better if there was such a game for my 5800 :cool:


Human Spambot
I am now in level 20 of borderlands. My play time has been drastically reduced due to the academic exams in march. I think i reduce my playtime. Any way.. just reached level 21 in Borderlands.. And completed Jail Break mission in The saboteur. After completing both of this games.. I don't play any games until April Except Gear of War online and Kane & Lynch multilayer.


Super Moderator
Staff member
In saboteur :

completed the game upto the beginning of the mission where the nazis captured one of three friends as the suspect for the sabotage incident in the oil depot :p

In fo3 :

met with the brotherhood member after exploring a lot of places with fawkess but the robot went blowed after a fight with those enclave soldiers - now getting into the base :p



I played with mage - too easy the archdemon & the dragons are not attacking me ??? they just stand still very easily i defeated archdemon . cause as a mage the inferno & blizard powers are so much powerful defeat other darkspawn's


Hanging, since 2004..
Completed Mass Effect :D, Awesome game. Now the DLC's and Novels of the same.
DLC : 'Bring Down the Sky' & 'Pinnacle Station'.
Novels : 'Revelation' and 'Ascension'


Long Live Gojira!
I should be like you, vamsi. Too addicted to this crap. The Saboteur, Dark Void & MW2 SP & MP are the games for me till Ubi's great games release 'round April. Summer hols., I'm waitin'!
The Saboteur [PC]
Red Faction: Guerrilla [PC]
Batman Arkham Asylum [PC]
DC Universe vs Mortal Kombat [PS3]
Gears of War[Xbox 360] Co-Op with brother.
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