Game You are Currently Addicted to

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Dragon Age Origins:- Type:- Female Human Warrior. Made Alister king and sacrificed myself to kill the archdemon.

NGS2:- Finished the game in Acolyte difficulty. The game is totally superb. After completing for the first time it gets even more brutal. I'm just loving it. Now playing at Warrior difficulty.

Uncharted 2:- Completed the game in Hard difficulty. I wish this game may available for all platforms. Nothing beats u2 when it comes to Action/Adventure. This game showed me the REAL Meaning of A/A.

Fallout 3:- Finished all the 5 dlcs. What an awesome rpg. Some PL side quests remaining but i thing i'll uninstall the game now. At lvl 30.

Currently Addicted to:-

Killzone 2:- Completed the first 2 chapters. My first FPS on PS3. I must say this game is totally awesome. The motion sensitive controls while turning levers although minor but soo much fun. Ps3 really rocks.
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Playing Gears of War right now. Co-Op experience is amazing! I'll start with GoW 2 after this.
Got Dark Void. Lemme try some of those jetpacks :D



I played with mage - too easy the archdemon & the dragons are not attacking me ??? they just stand still very easily i defeated archdemon . cause as a mage the inferno & blizard powers are so much powerful defeat other darkspawn's
Blizzard and cone of cold are deadly. All darkspawn are extremely vulnerable to cold attacks. The mage is supposed to be away from the main battlefield, while the warrior is the one who gets to kill with all the gore.


Human Spambot
I am a absolute noob in maze techniques except that i know to keep him off the field. I think i should play as a maze..

Request to Dragon Age Origin Players..

If you are in the Elf's camp.. You will meet with a poet tree very soon.. please take the hard job of recording that video. I really want that.. especially the dialogues are awesome.
After 2 hours of playing I can say that Dark Void is one hell of a game by Capcom! The graphics are stunning even though I could not use PhysX( the only reason I want to buy Fermi), gameplay is totally amazing and resembles Uncharted at times. The addition of jetpacks to the gameplay make it even more fun.
Story...well its kinda mystery till now. What I've collected so far is that its 1938 and Will(Protagonist) and Ava were on a plane when they were attacked by UFOs and they crash into what I think is the Bermuda Triangle(mentioned once in the game).
Soundtrack also fits the game pretty well.
I'd say get this game. It's total fun!
Warning for those without X360 controller: Controls for keyboard are kind of awkward but not really tough to get used to. I'm playing with the X360 controller and I'd recommend that only.


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in saboteur : rescued Vittorio from that german concentration camp and after that the place was bombarded with Brit plans. OK got the wine bottle for the black market dealer and got medicine instead. Completed the mission of sabotaging german watch towers and a armored vehicle and got the permission to buy goods from black market.

in fo3 : cleared the base and got the data. Delivered the data to rothchild in citadel and talked with elder lyons. Currently again went out to discover more and more places with fawkes :p

BTW, Playing 7 sins and reached max level of relationship in the sucks shop with the aristocrat lady and the sales girl and having a lot of fun :twisted: :p
Movements are slow and its gravity to everything moving , shooting,
I didn't find anything like that. In ps3 fps is suppose to be like that, but in pc you'll find i better compared to ps3 coz movement is better. Anyway the only problem i find is when targeting with sight. Smoke comes in the way and smudges the view. Damn frustrating for normal TVs but nice in HD TVs.
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