Game You are Currently Addicted to

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Aspiring Novelist
Completed the "Doll Factory" level in Condemned. It was creepy as hell with all those exploding dolls coming at you from all directions.


Long Live Gojira!
@jojo: Some screens, please. Currently addicted to AVATAR: The Game. Not bad at all. It's great. Graphics are awesome & cutscenes are good. Screens comin' up soon.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Discovered almost all places in Fallout 3 except takoma industrial area and park and dupont area.

Retrieved a telsa coil for paladin tristan from old olney power supply :p
Retrieved a telsa coil for paladin tristan from old olney power supply
Collect the alien power cells if you have 100 Science and lockpick skills. I thought the last alien power cells can be found only with the Alien Blaster neat a dead alien but some more cells can be found in The at the bottom where the tesla coil is located and the mothership in Mother Ship Zeta DLC.


Long Live Gojira!
@topgear: Tell me how many months you've been playin' Fallout 3?

Addicted to GTR2 and AVATAR: The Game. Both are awesome! A true racing game for PC, awesome work, SMS!


Currently playing
Dirt 2 (lvl 42 and getting bored of racing on the same tracks again and again :(...)
Bioshock (a bit scary...yeah im a coward! :D)
Halo 2 (master chief FTW...not impressed with the graphics at all, halo-combat evolved had much better graphics, IMO)
Age of Mythology Titans (multiplayer with frnds and its super fun!!

happy gaming! :D

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ----------

Dude howz GTR2's graphics, post some screenies plz
Played forza 3 on frnd's x360 and hola!..totally impressed!!!..wish i had a 360 :(


Human Spambot
^ The graphics are not that much impressive. But the physics system is robust. The controls are precise and realistic. But there is a steep learning curve involved for newbies. But don't worry.. you'll nail it.

quan chi

mortal kombat
Half life2 Episode2 finished the game.

I must say i was quite wrong when i said mw2 is the best game among all the fps.

from gameplay,storyline to the climax ep2 rules.the voice acting of it were terrific.
it is far better than episode1.

anyways except few technical faults and some(though very less) frustrating levels.this game can easily rule over the first person action adventure genre.

no doubt valve makes excellent games but if steam stops their over antipiracy nonsense.:mad: and long stupid loading stuff.:D i think they can top the charts.

Dark Void Screenshots as requested :-

Watcher Knight

The Hero

Hovering With Jetpack


Big gun

Upgraded Weapon


Half life2 Episode2 finished the game.

I must say i was quite wrong when i said mw2 is the best game among all the fps.

from gameplay,storyline to the climax ep2 rules.the voice acting of it were terrific.
it is far better than episode1.

anyways except few technical faults and some(though very less) frustrating levels.this game can easily rule over the first person action adventure genre.

no doubt valve makes excellent games but if steam stops their over antipiracy nonsense.:mad: and long stupid loading stuff.:D i think they can top the charts.


and guess what!..EP3 might release in 2011..or rumors say that Valve might even make it Half Life 3!..Damn i cant wait!


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
hmm... this thread is interesting, so here's my list of currently playing games :D

1.) COD-MW2
2.) Red Faction Guerilla
3.) Borderlands
4.) CnC 3 Tiberium wars (finally got the courage to beat A.I in my skirmish at hard
5.) Fifa 2010 (already purchased Messi (97), Kaka..dnt knw wat to do getting
6.) NFS SHift
7.) Dirt 2

That's abt it.. :D,


Cheers n e-peace.....


Aspiring Novelist
Completed Condemned 2: Bloodshot in a 4 hour long session. This game was awesome. Just like the first game, this game too had serious scare factor and then some more. The graphics were stunning and sound effects gelled perfectly with the ambience. The possibility of a sequel is inevitable from the end. God I wish there was a PC version.

I guess, I'll finally start with Gears of War 2. Shame on me for owning the 360 and not completing this game till now. No more delays. Will probably complete this before the Feb wave of titles start flooding. *GULP*


Super Moderator
Staff member
Collect the alien power cells if you have 100 Science and lockpick skills. I thought the last alien power cells can be found only with the Alien Blaster neat a dead alien but some more cells can be found in The at the bottom where the tesla coil is located and the mothership in Mother Ship Zeta DLC.

I've collected those alien cells but what will they do ??

@topgear: Tell me how many months you've been playin' Fallout 3?

2 months and the number of last save is 4008 and the total gameplay time is more than 100 hours ! :p

BTW, the brotherhood had sent me to some freaking airbase filled with enclave soldiers. Before going there I've to ride on a presidential metro train :p
I've collected those alien cells but what will they do ??
Travel directly North of the Mine Field, or southwest from Vault 92. You'll pick up a radio signal "Recon Craft Theta Becon". Due to some bug you may not pick up the signal. Keep traveling until you see high radiation warnings. You'll come across a alien ship. Look around for a dead alien. You'll find the Alien Blaster alien with some alien power cells.
These are the second last supply of alien power cells. The last supply is on the Mothership Zeta DLC.
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