Well, go to the factory, now try killing everything in there(theres also a computer in there which allows you to shut all the robots down with a massive EMP blast(looks f**king cool), move ahead till you reach a large empty room with a coffee machine(the path is a bit confusing), activate it and a door will open, the door opening animation is very interesting(like dexter's lab), go in, talk to the mechanic and give him the queen suite, get the weapon and kill him.How come I give him the ant queen's armor if I'm not even able to meet with him ?? Where I can find the protectron's gaze weapon ??
Thanks for the hint about the bobblehead !
I think I've already searched emptied the museum and sold all items to the slavers leader & after I neutralized him.
BTW, I've reached Level 20 but after that I'm not gaining any XP point - Why !!?? How come I can get to Level 21 without XP points ??
Yup, that's pretty relieving
BTW, As I killed tenpenne at the tenpenne towers for crowly before talking with the ghoul leader in the nearby sewers. So I killed that ghoul leader. Saved the asses of those so called elite residents and got 700 caps from gustavo
BTW, I'm now in Vault 106. There are so many doors and those insane inhabitants. Will dig more into it![]()
F**k sony, i wanna play beyonetta so much right now.^Yeah, only for PS3 bois. Anyway, suggest me some games, people.
Last exam Saturday, but all difficult exams are done(Digital electronics and ppl left), so just logged in.^Yo! When will ye gonna free? From books, eh? Wha' 'bout ye'r DX11, eh? Sh*t! Nothin' for me. Thank God, I ain't a hack-'en-slash. But, Uncharted 2.
^Gameplay? I mean, what kinda game is 'at? Maybe I gotta Bing. Suggest some Action/Adventure games people. I'm bored playin' same games over and over. Suggest some games which has great cutscenes like Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood & Crysis. Please.
Which should I get? Turok or AVATAR: The Game?
Well, go to the factory, now try killing everything in there(theres also a computer in there which allows you to shut all the robots down with a massive EMP blast(looks f**king cool), move ahead till you reach a large empty room with a coffee machine(the path is a bit confusing), activate it and a door will open, the door opening animation is very interesting(like dexter's lab), go in, talk to the mechanic and give him the queen suite, get the weapon and kill him.
The weapon's not very powerfull but if you want to collect all the unique weapons in the game(about 50 of them) then you need it.
About the XP being stuck, actually in the vanilla game maximum level could be 20, so its stuck, get Broken steel to raise level cap to 30, and it will go up, and also offer a lot of new perks(5 of them).
Else use this command to set level back to 19, then the level will again increase to 20 and allow you to get another perk, then use command again, rinse and repeat.
player.setlevel 19
You can use any number instead of 19 but your HP is dependent on your level, so going back to 19 or 18 is recommended, any lower and you will lose max HP.
If you killed the ghoul leader then you don't have the Ghoul Mask, well if you do install Broken Steel then Feral Ghoul Reavers will show up(dlc enemy), better pray for mercy, cause without the mask they will attack you and they can kill you faster than a deathclaw(deadliest enemy ever).
---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------
F**k sony, i wanna play beyonetta so much right now.
Fort bannister, that's the talon company ford right?? Did you get the Occam's Razor from the boss in there?? Its an unique combat knife.Nice little walk through or strategy guide
BTW, currently exploring the whole god damn capital wasteland !! in search of loots and new unique missions. Discovered a VAPL-58 power station & neutralized two deathclaws around it and two yao guai.
Discovered a highly radiated office near it. Discovered fort bannister and neutralizwed all threats inside and outside of it. Took all those laser guns for sell to Moira![]()
Last exam Saturday, but all difficult exams are done(Digital electronics and ppl left), so just logged in.
I still haven't made my mind up about DX11, gonna get a quad core if not a GPU in 2010, might wait for next gen cards(68xx) to come out, although shipped in small quantities but 58xx series have a few unwelcome issues, as I'm seeing in a lot of forums, and I can play Dirt 2 maxed out, so a GPU is not exactly needed right now, better wait than fall behind.
yo dude how do you get that?Tesla Generator
yo dude how do you get that?Tesla Generator