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BIOS Terminator
Visage is a ranged hero, so are you familiars. Attack from a distance.

True, but familiars have "really" short range, short enough to die in a single axe swing, so i keep them away from him. For most heroes, I can alone pwn them with visage and his familiars, but for axe, all I can do is support and depend on my teamies.


BIOS Terminator
So, don't attack him, just go near him and stun him.

PS: Does Berserkers call work on familiars?

That's the problem, i can't let them go near him, 70% times, he will do a swing and it takes a just one swing to finish them off and free 200 gold for axe. That's why i believe axe to be a perfect anti for Visage.

PS: Everything works on familiars, but they have ~90% magic resistance. Most people don't know this and spam spells on familiars with negligible effect.


A Skill Full Finisher
Using Scythe of Vyse (Sheepstick) destroys Illusions.
*How does it works ? What happens when we use it on hero/Illusions ? does it destroys all Illusions or just one ?


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
as a matter of fact i was playing ursa didn't wo

Use your first skill when illu attacks, illu takes more dmg than the origonal hero. So you can identify the real pl and attack him. Allways carry dust.

Anyway clockwerk and rhasta are also good counter to pl in mid game. And in late gamr mortred with battlefury.


Steam High Templar
How to score kills with Axe?
Let me explain my situation(early game)
I gleefully farm in the jungle,and see a squishy agility hero(like Riki,Wind,Clinkz,Drow) and i go after it,i land 2-3 hits + 1 helix,the hero then runs,I cast Hunger onto the hero,while chasing the hero i get 1-2 hits and a helix,the hero's health drops very low
then either of 2 things happen
1) A troll agility teammate comes out of the jungle and kills what was supposed to be my rightful kill(followed by a Lol or HAAHAHAHAH or n00b from said teammate)
2)I run past the enemy tower and le squishy vanishes,while i get stunned/slowed by someone(Huskar's ulti,Lifestealer,SK etc)
and pwned shortly thereafter(By tower/hero that stunned/slowed me)


Wise Old Owl
How to score kills with Axe?
Let me explain my situation(early game)
I gleefully farm in the jungle,and see a squishy agility hero(like Riki,Wind,Clinkz,Drow) and i go after it,i land 2-3 hits + 1 helix,the hero then runs,I cast Hunger onto the hero,while chasing the hero i get 1-2 hits and a helix,the hero's health drops very low
then either of 2 things happen
1) A troll agility teammate comes out of the jungle and kills what was supposed to be my rightful kill(followed by a Lol or HAAHAHAHAH or n00b from said teammate)
2)I run past the enemy tower and le squishy vanishes,while i get stunned/slowed by someone(Huskar's ulti,Lifestealer,SK etc)
and pwned shortly thereafter(By tower/hero that stunned/slowed me)

get phase boots, orb of venom.

orb of venom will help slow hero down when u attack.

and axe will only become a true tank if u have some proper items. like atleast a good level / power treads / vanguard ( early - mid game ) and hot in late game.

as a matter of fact i was playing ursa didn't work

i want to c how u do tat

if you have huskar, and you have a bkb, you activate bkb. ulti on naga. Your health will be full and when the health starts to go down when the others start attacking you you gain attack speed and damage


Finally bought compendium with my brothers credit card.What are those predictions?Because they are closed now.Did i miss anything?


Finally bought compendium with my brothers credit card.What are those predictions?Because they are closed now.Did i miss anything?

Not really. That was just for fun.

How to score kills with Axe?
Let me explain my situation(early game)
I gleefully farm in the jungle,and see a squishy agility hero(like Riki,Wind,Clinkz,Drow) and i go after it,i land 2-3 hits + 1 helix,the hero then runs,I cast Hunger onto the hero,while chasing the hero i get 1-2 hits and a helix,the hero's health drops very low
then either of 2 things happen
1) A troll agility teammate comes out of the jungle and kills what was supposed to be my rightful kill(followed by a Lol or HAAHAHAHAH or n00b from said teammate)
2)I run past the enemy tower and le squishy vanishes,while i get stunned/slowed by someone(Huskar's ulti,Lifestealer,SK etc)
and pwned shortly thereafter(By tower/hero that stunned/slowed me)

Dont chase heroes beyond tower in early game, at least not without any support.
If you even managed to make your enemy run to the base bcoz of that hunger, you did your job. This helps you in farming the enemy creeps easily since the hero just left the lane. Also, that hero will be at loss for the time being (loss of exp and loss of farm is not a small thing).

Trust me, the game isnt about having the highest kills. IF you did your job (according to your hero) well enough, then you should be more than satisfied :)
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