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No. :lol: . I doubt even Valve knows about this.

@Valve : F U

Hmm... thought so.

Months back I read their about this on dev.dota2.com
They'll set up a server only when they want/wish to. Doesnt matter how much petitions are there. Since our requirement is filled by SEA and EU server, we wont see an Indian /Middle East server anytime soon.

clinkz + warrunner + viper + drow + bs ... dream team, and drow screws it up.

Btw, 4 carries in a team is most imbalanced team to be begin with. Whats so dreamy about it?


DD vs Alliance today.Gonna watch it for sure.
Alos LAW is not coming online these days,right?
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Hardcore Gamer
Its So hard to be in LPQ
had a game
i am Puck :)
DR and NS were abandoned due to rage...
so other 3 were fat and my team was just feeding
atlast we managed to kill DK who has divine reaper
and i picked it coz i don't trust these guys


Wise Old Owl
Hmm... thought so.

Btw, 4 carries in a team is most imbalanced team to be begin with. Whats so dreamy about it?

i was wondering same think..... 4 carries wth?? no wonder u guys had to **** up......

Its So hard to be in LPQ
had a game
i am Puck :)
DR and NS were abandoned due to rage...
so other 3 were fat and my team was just feeding
atlast we managed to kill DK who has divine reaper
and i picked it coz i don't trust these guys
must be real tough for u to loose after all........


Hardcore Gamer
must be real tough for u to loose after all........
yeah so tough
but i was having fun coz they all chasing me
WR killed me 2 times with his items Sheepstick and Force staff

"When i am in low health BS were chasing me and i did all my possibilities to escape from BS
and i escaped partially then NP wanted to save me and TP ed near me but NP died and i was in BASE "

gyro didnt farmed well
he is having the same items that i saw in 30 minute and 50 minute


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
A new patch 6.78 released to Dota 1. Pretty nice buffs and nerfs in this patch. Some buff I liked:-

Doom ulti now will disable backtrack/bloodbath/juxtapose ect. Aghanim's Doom duration doesn't count down while the target is within 550 range of Doombringer. Now aghanim is core on doom :p

AA's ulti buff, with scepter his ulti duration is increased to 17 :shock:

Mirana's arrow damage will work like the stun. i.e it will do max of 100 dmg based on the distance travelled by the arrow.

And lot more. See the complete list here

Additionally they added two more heroes in Dota 1.


Firecracker to the moon
+ Now Gem can't be destroyed in dota 1, so hope they dont make that in DOTA 2

It's good to see that even dota 1 still gets new HEROS.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Pretty awesome changes.

Bloodseeker's Bloodrage can now remove Ethreal or other buffs and Rupture goes through magic immunity.

Huskar's Berserker's blood gives him magic resistance as well.
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BIOS Terminator
Lots of major changes in 6.78
Sceptre changes
- apparition ice blast increased to 17 sec!
- Doombringer -> perma doom if target within 550 range!
- Omniknight ulti global and even affect buildings!


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
+ Now Gem can't be destroyed in dota 1, so hope they dont make that in DOTA 2

It's good to see that even dota 1 still gets new HEROS.

You can consider Dota 1 as core. All the changes first applied to Dota 1, and then it is ported to Dota 2. Expect the changes in Dota 2 within a week or two. Except the new hero.

Icefrog developes new heroes in Dota 1 only. All the new hero that comes in Dota 2, are already exist in Dota 1.
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Steam High Templar
How to get more LH's?
I fail to time my attacks properly to get LH's
Most of the time my teammates get the last hits becuase of me :lol:

How to time the SW of clinkz?
this is what happens to me
1) use skeleton walk
2)roam the map in search of squishies
3)See the SW timer getting over and use SW again
4)magically a squishy appears in one of the lanes,farming creeps
5)I get greedy and use strafe + SA and gank the squishy(my SW cooldown is about 10-15 seconds)
6)An enemy hero pops out of the woods and ganks my clinkz before the SW cooldown completes and i can use it :-(


Hardcore Gamer
Clinkz is more effective in early mid game
try to get 1)power treads and 2)Orchid
then jungle enemy neutrals ...when the enemy hero appears on the jungle
use Death Pact on High HP neutrals and attack them if you are lucky enemy will be Dead in 4-5 hits
dont spam your SW coz it has 20 sec CoolDown and 35 sec Duration

After mid game You have to rely on Your allies to initiate the battle
During Battle , you have to attack the heroes(Support and Carry) from behind
even you are dead there will be good trade like 1:3

you are also a squishy hero without Death Pact, so use Death Pact repeatedly to avoid nukers to get you

Note :Before entering into the battle use the Clinkz Ulti on Centaur boss ,hell Satyr
they give you damage of about 50+ and using the Fire Arrows (+50) even Strength heroes cannot stand in Your way
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