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Hardcore Gamer
Had a great match with TDF members(pika,noah and gagan)
I selected Void and went to Safe Lane with Silencer
and i farmed in the order (MoM,power treads,battlefury)
after farmed i entered team fight in which i trapped all 5 enemy heroes in the chrono and got 5 kills :)
Doing a rampage with him
Is there any way to farm faster with Faceless Void?
because it takes 25 minutes to get the core items
Had a great match with TDF members(pika,noah and gagan)
I selected Void and went to Safe Lane with Silencer
and i farmed in the order (MoM,power treads,battlefury)
after farmed i entered team fight in which i trapped all 5 enemy heroes in the chrono and got 5 kills :)
Doing a rampage with him
Is there any way to farm faster with Faceless Void?
because it takes 25 minutes to get the core items

You can get a mijolnir, especially effective against high armour heroes as its area damage is magical. Mijolnir is easy to farm, gives you attack speed and area damage. The only negative is it being an orb effect cannot combine with other orbs like skadi etc
Also try to skip pt, get boots, then BF... or go hand of midas will help you farm easily.
Mostly depends on the opponents and state and pace of the game.


Wise Old Owl
Had a great match with TDF members(pika,noah and gagan)
I selected Void and went to Safe Lane with Silencer
and i farmed in the order (MoM,power treads,battlefury)
after farmed i entered team fight in which i trapped all 5 enemy heroes in the chrono and got 5 kills :)
Doing a rampage with him
Is there any way to farm faster with Faceless Void?
because it takes 25 minutes to get the core items

get more last hits, that way you can farm faster.

@whitefang is back!


15 mins more for LPQ to end :hyper:

stop playing dota bro... just stop :facepalm:


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
You can get a mijolnir, especially effective against high armour heroes as its area damage is magical. Mijolnir is easy to farm, gives you attack speed and area damage. The only negative is it being an orb effect cannot combine with other orbs like skadi etc
Also try to skip pt, get boots, then BF... or go hand of midas will help you farm easily.
Mostly depends on the opponents and state and pace of the game.

Mjolnir now stacks with other orb effects, only that the other orb effect will be cancelled when a chain lightning occurs.


Damn... still my account is in restriction mode. Cant come online. Though I can play Dota, but not in the party.


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Had a great match with TDF members(pika,noah and gagan)
I selected Void and went to Safe Lane with Silencer
and i farmed in the order (MoM,power treads,battlefury)
after farmed i entered team fight in which i trapped all 5 enemy heroes in the chrono and got 5 kills :)
Doing a rampage with him
Is there any way to farm faster with Faceless Void?
because it takes 25 minutes to get the core items

Get these items in order -> queling blade, stout shiled , brown boots , morbid mask. Max timelock(passive bash). As soon as you get morbid mask start jungling and build MoM. And use MoM while farming. It will help void farm faster.

Sometime I skip Battlefury and go directly to crystalis/deadulas. and bkb if enemy have stuns disables.


Wise Old Owl
Get these items in order -> queling blade, stout shiled , brown boots , morbid mask. Max timelock(passive bash). As soon as you get morbid mask start jungling and build MoM. And use MoM while farming. It will help void farm faster.

Sometime I skip Battlefury and go directly to crystalis/deadulas. and bkb if enemy have stuns disables.

dont shy away from using ability for farming, at a certain level with certain items using your abilities gives faster farms.


Steam High Templar
I'm learning to use Axe now,Can anybody tell me some good builds for him?
My default build is like this
Stout shield -> Health salve -> Quelling blade
Farm some creeps & neutrals
Tranquil boots-> Vanquard

Crystalys/Yasha ->Vladimir's offering/endurance drum
Is this build okay? I get 2-4 kills usually,and die 5-10 times
Any tips for best farming areas for Axe(Mid,Top,Bot or jungle)?


Ambassador of Buzz
I'm learning to use Axe now,Can anybody tell me some good builds for him?
My default build is like this
Stout shield -> Health salve -> Quelling blade
Farm some creeps & neutrals
Tranquil boots-> Vanquard

Crystalys/Yasha ->Vladimir's offering/endurance drum
Is this build okay? I get 2-4 kills usually,and die 5-10 times
Any tips for best farming areas for Axe(Mid,Top,Bot or jungle)?

stoud shield, magic wand, boots, vanguard, blink dagger, upgrade boots to phase or mana boots , blade mail and lastly heart of tarrasque

also axe is support/ganker so items like Crystalys/Yasha/Vladimir's offering or other dmg items are totally useless on him


Wise Old Owl
srsly dont waste money on hp and mana items go for morbid mask asap in the game buy tango at start and before u go into a fight use tango.....it helps really......

Had a great match with TDF members(pika,noah and gagan)
I selected Void and went to Safe Lane with Silencer
and i farmed in the order (MoM,power treads,battlefury)
after farmed i entered team fight in which i trapped all 5 enemy heroes in the chrono and got 5 kills :)
Doing a rampage with him
Is there any way to farm faster with Faceless Void?
because it takes 25 minutes to get the core items

i was playing at 450ms else we had won sooner


Steam High Templar
^ Cool man :) you are learning

Wait :| eveyone ragequited

No,they rage quitted afterwards
First 2 of our guys disconnected early-game
then slowly the Dire started getting pwned
then 1 of theirs rage quitted
then suddenly i look,everyone rage quitted except zeus
then it was pure pwnage
the Ursa in our team was pwning everyone in the other team even though we were two heroes short


Nice going Kane

Btw I'm still waiting for valve guys to finish the last piece of work.

Also, becoming better Night Stalker player match by match. Now I understand why NS is known as "Mother of all gankers" :D.

Great support by Shaman helped me getting 1 ultra kill (couldnt achieve Rampage as Alchemist committed suicide with his own stun)

DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats - Match 201810936


Wise Old Owl
OMG kane
you play Axe better than serpent :shock:
if anyone accepts this ,say it loud please
BTW look at enemy's team
Zeus got Desolator :facepalm:

he does


Nice going Kane

Btw I'm still waiting for valve guys to finish the last piece of work.

Also, becoming better Night Stalker player match by match. Now I understand why NS is known as "Mother of all gankers" :D.

Great support by Shaman helped me getting 1 ultra kill (couldnt achieve Rampage as Alchemist committed suicide with his own stun)

DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats - Match 201810936

yes and his daddy is shadow fiend, if you have low ping and you can master shadowrazes, shadow fiend is like an imba farming machine and with last hits you get additional damage. Lets just say he is the "Father of mother of all gankers" :D

Awesome match :grin:
8 K 1 D :cool:

should i show you zero deaths? for all 5 players? :D


wtf? vanguard for axe? are you nuts? battlefury? OMG DUDE stop playin dota please. FFS

if you are playing axe in pub, item build should be

early game :

1. quelling blade
2. tango
3. iron branch for stats / orb of venom ( if you are looking for early ganks or going mid )

core items :

1. power treads
2. orb of venom
3. ring of preservance
4. skull basher / blade mail

luxury :

1. Heart
2. bloodstone

yes those items are listen in the order you should purchase them.

if you are playing average you should have power treads by 10~12 minutes and rop + blade mail by 25~30 mins. If game goes late, 15~20 mins should get you a hot / bloodstone if your team is winning.

if you are playing a more tanky approach then build power treads > rop > soul booster > blade mail.
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