I have a friend with me who is new to MOBA himself and I find myself to be struggling with the items and he seems to be struggling with everything.
We play normal all pick games and we both go to the same lane with the skype call on so that i can communicate and get him to play smarter
At this levels, people seldom miss last hitting and its hard to convince them not to auto attack as they do not simply understand why we advice them against it.
And at this low levels, people seldom use wards and though I play assassins and carrys, I end up buying wards too. Reminds me of the time when I started playing LOL and no one ever cares for a gank or being ganked at. Its sometimes so funny to see people going in for 1 vs 2 and 1 vs 3's thinking they can take them all as they have 100% health where as their enemies are half down completely ignoring their champion levels.
The best part is, you struggle and get some kills in a trot with no health afterwards and when u ask the others to push in the mean time, all they do is farm the jungle or the creeps in different lanes. They do not understand the simple objectives too.
As far as I have seen, Dota 2 is really punishing in non-ranked games and hope things are good in ranked games atleast with better set of people playing. However, I wont be trying in unless I get some comfort with the builds.
BTW, what is the minimum dota 2 level that you need to start playing ranked games??