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So no one is participating in that Dota tourney? The registration are open. WE have enough players here that we can at least make 2 teams from TDF.

Just wanna get an idea, who all are free in first 2 weeks of April?


--Courtesy Gta0Gagan

- - - Updated - - -

Was watching Sheever stream. She has 4K+ mmr and has played like 3.5k games !!

Her support Dazzle was impressive. Was quick on fingers too.




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Living to Play
Lobbies on Saturday night were amazing. Specially that All-chat enabled one. :rofl:

Hope we play like this sometimes.

Yeah.....I was spectator and I was having loads of fun....LOL GiGz even left the game because of that idiocy. :D :lol:
But well the hell with it, game was too fun nevertheless. :)


Dota 2 -Tiny
see this match and i need some tips and items to take medusa out in later game
You can never win the farm game with medusa. I played a game against tiny who had tonnes of ****ing farm (DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats - Match 574779334), and I couldn't 1v1 manfight him. But I could tank the teamfight enough that I could melt his other teammates while he focused all his right click on me and my teammates did the clean up. My advice, finish as fast as possible and ruin this guy's farm early game.

Another thing was that he completely focused all his right clicks on me instead of focusing on my teammates who he could've killed by himself. So try to catch his enemy team from behind during fights (blink dagger and clockwerk can help) and focus on them while your other teammates handle medusa. Still you need to finish the game ASAP, tiny has amazing pushing power especially with manta. Also, in the new patch, blink dagger is amazing on heroes with AOE stun (slardar, centaur, brewmaster) so make sure to rush it ASAP and start ganking.

Looking at the team lineup, they have more carries so of course they're going to outfarm you and in a 1 hour match it's obvious who's going to win.

Item wise, I think halberd was a good choice and one of your supports should have hex to counter medusa, but that still isn't enough.

Btw, tell that Bloodseeker to stop wasting his gold on a force staff.
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Dota 2 -Tiny
see this match and i need some tips and items to take medusa out in later game
Well medusa is supposed to outcarry tiny, she even had more net worth than you. You guys had a sheep stick and a HB so maybe a blink + disables and focusing her down fast would have helped but she had a linken so it would still be difficult
You should have tried ratting maybe as tiny destroys towers quite fast.


Firecracker to the moon
You can never win the farm game with medusa. I played a game against tiny who had tonnes of ****ing farm (DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats - Match 574779334), and I couldn't 1v1 manfight him. But I could tank the teamfight enough that I could melt his other teammates while he focused all his right click on me and my teammates did the clean up. My advice, finish as fast as possible and ruin this guy's farm early game.

Another thing was that he completely focused all his right clicks on me instead of focusing on my teammates who he could've killed by himself. So try to catch his enemy team from behind during fights (blink dagger and clockwerk can help) and focus on them while your other teammates handle medusa. Still you need to finish the game ASAP, tiny has amazing pushing power especially with manta. Also, in the new patch, blink dagger is amazing on heroes with AOE stun (slardar, centaur, brewmaster) so make sure to rush it ASAP and start ganking.

Looking at the team lineup, they have more carries so of course they're going to outfarm you and in a 1 hour match it's obvious who's going to win.

Item wise, I think halberd was a good choice and one of your supports should have hex to counter medusa, but that still isn't enough.

Btw, tell that Bloodseeker to stop wasting his gold on a force staff.
Okay :|


We lost mainly bcoz we failed to gank Medusa . We kept killing other carries i.e Mirana and Slark and so Medusa turned out to be bigger threat. I knew that we might have big problems once the game is not finished under 50 mins. But I thought that WR sheepstick and Tiny burst damage will be enough. But....it all cam falling down esp when ES just melted us during team fights.


We lost mainly bcoz we failed to gank Medusa . We kept killing other carries i.e Mirana and Slark and so Medusa turned out to be bigger threat. I knew that we might have big problems once the game is not finished under 50 mins. But I thought that WR sheepstick and Tiny burst damage will be enough. But....it all cam falling down esp when ES just melted us during team fights.

How can I see the replay of this match?
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