Yay,i am in LPQ for 10 days now.I am loving it
Please let me into the party even if i am in LPQ![]()
Update: It got nerfed sometime back. It does not stack with jinada anymore.Some pros go for SB too, why?SB invi bonus damage is decent too, 150 iirc. So it stacks with jinada pretty well. Also, sometimes BH players ganking so much that it may happen that his shadow walk is in cooldown, then its th time when SB comes into play. And yea its pretty rare to see BH using SB, I've seen it only 1 time while spectating a team match
i read somewhere that Diretide is an annual event and will start from Oct 30th...is this true?
Yup. Read it on dotatalk group page
Actually, There are two Jack-o-lanterns near the two Ancient neutral camps, there are no neutrals. The objective is to steal candy from the enemy's jack-o-lantern and deposit it to ours. The more candy you carry, the lesser your health becomes, so you need to be careful how many you carry. Also, if you die, you will drop any candy you were carrying. The team scores points and gold for each candy deposited. After about 10 mins, Roshan comes after a random player and ask for candy, if you don't give it candy, it will kill you. Anyone can give candy to Roshan during this time and once candy is given, he will go after another random player. When the timer ends, we have to team up with the enemy and kill Roshan together. When Roshan dies, you get items depending upon how your team performed.
Diretide is all about items, nothing else. Check out some videos on youtube to know more.
Dam this sounds fun
And I guess all get rare items after the match?In greevling we used too
I missed greeveling. Still have no idea what it was.
Are you sure there will be an event from 30th October?
I dont think greevling will be back again, hoping this time something new. I will be back to get a golden baby roshan.![]()