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Ambassador of Buzz
Just a perfect weaver build please?
I usually make Power treads,Ring of basiclus then preservernce later upgraded to Linken sphere,then I usually rush MKB.Does skull basher/Abslyal blade go good?

your build is perfect just get ring of aquila before finishing linkens and when you finish linkens you will have unlimited sukuchi with 7 mana regen...next get MKB for damage and after this butterfly for evasion and damage...this will help you fight other carries in late game


BIOS Terminator
Items for Death Prophet? And how to use the ulti?(I mean to Initiate,to chase? what role is it suited to?)

You don't need arcane. keep your 3rd one decently levelled and you will be fine. Get perseverence first for bloodstone to solve your mana problems. Get Phase, as it will be really important in escaping/chasing. You may get a Force as well. use ulti as Piyush said. As soon as you are 6, try a quick tower takedown. krobs ulti is amazing, it goes through bkb as it is physical damage, so it is a great ulti for team fights.


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Arcane boots will solve early games mana problem, Later it can be disassembled and built into Bloodstone. My personal preferred items after bloodstones are shadow blade,heart,rod of atos. Ulti and after that become invi.


Arcane boots will solve early games mana problem, Later it can be disassembled and built into Bloodstone. My personal preferred items after bloodstones are shadow blade,heart,rod of atos. Ulti and after that become invi.
My opinion is to get Boots Of Travel instead of shadow blade because of that huge movement speed.With BOT,the DP's movement speed will be around 450.Even SB cant catch you now.And,as you have Bloodstone,you cant get into fights very quickly with BOT.


I usually take phase boots + bloodstone
And guys,Assuming i am underfed and under-levelled in a game,what should i do?

Cant say much about underlevelled scenario if its mid-late game already. But even if you are underfarmed, you can ask your support (or you can do it yourself) to stack neutral creep in your jungle so that you can take down all in one go, either by crypt swarm or by ulti. But I have rarely seen a DP who is underfarmed until and unless she is being ganked very much often.


Ambassador of Buzz
played two games yesterday...lost both cause of one bad ally...how long will this go on?

@Piyush you have borderlands 2? i am planning to buy GOTY once it is available...we can play co op? i dont know how exactly the co op works in bl2...


played two games yesterday...lost both cause of one bad ally...how long will this go on?

@Piyush you have borderlands 2? i am planning to buy GOTY once it is available...we can play co op? i dont know how exactly the co op works in bl2...

I finished B2 once in co-op with faun and Tkin, so not in hurry to play it again. If there is a nice sale on the Goty version, I'll get it then.
And co-op is enjoyable since you and your friends play different heroes together, sharing (grabbing asap) the loot, killing bosses and stuff.
There are many who have Goty right now, so do bump the B2 thread once to get into co-op mode.


Ambassador of Buzz
I finished B2 once in co-op with faun and Tkin, so not in hurry to play it again. If there is a nice sale on the Goty version, I'll get it then.
And co-op is enjoyable since you and your friends play different heroes together, sharing (grabbing asap) the loot, killing bosses and stuff.
There are many who have Goty right now, so do bump the B2 thread once to get into co-op mode.

the GOTY version with all the dlc's is available on flipkart for only Rs.499...really cheap :D but it says coming soon so i think it will be available in coming days....when i get this i will ask in the bl2 thread for co op players...


In the zone
Hi guys, just started playing dota 2 recently( 2-3 days).
I've been playing with lycan/windrunner and I started as usual with drow.

any tips on playing with lycan? He's a pretty good pusher.


Hi guys, just started playing dota 2 recently( 2-3 days).
I've been playing with lycan/windrunner and I started as usual with drow.

any tips on playing with lycan? He's a pretty good pusher.
Core items are:
power treads

Situational items:
Abyssal blade
Assault Cuirass


Hardcore Gamer
Hi guys, just started playing dota 2 recently( 2-3 days).
I've been playing with lycan/windrunner and I started as usual with drow.

any tips on playing with lycan? He's a pretty good pusher.
and how do u play with lycan and his summons?
with selecting all(lycan and wolfs) or individually selecting units?
try individually to select the wolf and lycan
and getting vlad is important and you can solo roshan with your wolves


In the zone
I normally select both wolves and lycan together.
Yes, I normally get vlad straight away, then go for BKB.
What's the use of necro? I did get it once, I got two minions or w/e their called didn't find them useful at all?

I normally get that thing, I don't remember the name, something of confidence, and solo roshan.
I try to pair up with an ally that can freeze/slow the enemy hero and shapeshift+wolves+howl(if mana is high) and kill instantly.


I normally select both wolves and lycan together.
Yes, I normally get vlad straight away, then go for BKB.
What's the use of necro? I did get it once, I got two minions or w/e their called didn't find them useful at all?

I normally get that thing, I don't remember the name, something of confidence, and solo roshan.
I try to pair up with an ally that can freeze/slow the enemy hero and shapeshift+wolves+howl(if mana is high) and kill instantly.

Necronomicon is really useful for a hero like you.
Use it when you are about to take down tower. And when you use your ulti, your necro units also get bonus speed and dmg crits. Plus both of those units have certain abilities that may help you, like one of them gives true sight around 1000 radius, very useful to keep a check around you for enemy invi heroes and wards.
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