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Why Pikachu wasnt playing good as BH????
Because he turned into a pig for whole game :D



Steam High Templar
Why Pikachu wasnt playing good as BH????
Because he turned into a pig for whole game :D


I dont get it why builds recommend getting deso on bounty :|
Medallion + Daedalus is a much better combination
and if you still have cash to burn, SnY

I want to try this once
Phase boots + SnY + Medallion + Daedalus

WTF is that :p
Someone was spamming scythe i guess


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
^Deso + Jinada can one shot supports, if not get a dagon. Deadulas , battlefury are useless on BH. Dont know why people rush BFurry on BH. BH's playstyle is like do as much damage in one shot..

Why Pikachu wasnt playing good as BH????
Because he turned into a pig for whole game :D

Valve have introduced a player recognition feature. According to the player, the hero portraits and hero outfits are getting updated in game.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I dont get it why builds recommend getting deso on bounty :|
Medallion + Daedalus is a much better combination
and if you still have cash to burn, SnY

I want to try this once
Phase boots + SnY + Medallion + Daedalus

Deso is very core on bounty as it helps you dispatch enemies quickly, Daedalus is not really useful since you already have Jinada, also Jinada is given preference while processing over Daedalus. If the enemy does not die in one shot Jinada, their health will become low and you can finish them off by auto attacking as they get reduced armor from Deso. My fav build is early game PMS, then Boots, Deso and SnY. The maim from SnY stacks very well with the slow from Jinada. If you are snowballing, its better to stack Agility.

Edit : I suggest to go medallion only if you were unable to farm up deso early enough.


WTF is that :p
a pig with good items :D
I dont get it why builds recommend getting deso on bounty :|
Medallion + Daedalus is a much better combination
and if you still have cash to burn, SnY

Someone was spamming scythe i guess
Its not about alternative. BH gets advantage with his damage from jinada. So Any damage will be good.

Valve have introduced a player recognition feature. According to the player, the hero portraits and hero outfits are getting updated in game.
why in game?


Hardcore Gamer
There are 2 roles to play BH
1)Carry-hard one and play this role when your team lacks carry or semi carry
2)Ganker-easy one and play this role especially when enemies have junglers like Chen, Engima, Lycan, Ursa and Invisible heroes
Ganker Build : feel free to edit this build
1)Phase boots
2)Orchid (significantly increases attack speed and mana pool)/Scythe of wyse(Sheepstick)
4)Vlad(tell the team that you are going for vlad)
5)Abyssal Blade-active stun :)/Dagon-upgrade to lvl 5/MKB-get this when enemy team have evasion
6)Heaven Hallbear-only some of the TDF members buy this and use that active ability
it disarms target that it can be attacked and that unit cannot attack for 3.5 secs and silenced for that duration
and its passive maim is useful when ganking
There are some items that can be used with BH
like MOC(medallion of courage),Urn.
BH ability build :
put a point on Shadow walk and max level up jinada and shuriken toss and ulti on 6 ,11 and 16
cast the track whenever possible (it gives speed boost) on invi heroes
BH can even do mid with a bottle


Firecracker to the moon
The main problem yesterday was I was having a bit delay and also lag.WTH, For 5 seconds it showed ganesh as ursa :|
Secondly,Yesterday we were not sticking with each other,Probably if Ursa had got SB/Blink within 25 mins we could win.

BTW,I saw one build suggesting shawdow blade for BH LOL


The main problem yesterday was I was having a bit delay and also lag.WTH, For 5 seconds it showed ganesh as ursa :|
Secondly,Yesterday we were not sticking with each other,Probably if Ursa had got SB/Blink within 25 mins we could win.

BTW,I saw one build suggesting shawdow blade for BH LOL

Some pros go for SB too, why?SB invi bonus damage is decent too, 150 iirc. So it stacks with jinada pretty well. Also, sometimes BH players ganking so much that it may happen that his shadow walk is in cooldown, then its th time when SB comes into play. And yea its pretty rare to see BH using SB, I've seen it only 1 time while spectating a team match

BTW, didnt you see the pic on last page? :lol:

There are 2 roles to play BH
1)Carry-hard one and play this role when your team lacks carry or semi carry
2)Ganker-easy one and play this role especially when enemies have junglers like Chen, Engima, Lycan, Ursa and Invisible heroes
Ganker Build : feel free to edit this build
1)Phase boots
2)Orchid (significantly increases attack speed and mana pool)/Scythe of wyse(Sheepstick)
4)Vlad(tell the team that you are going for vlad)
5)Abyssal Blade-active stun :)/Dagon-upgrade to lvl 5/MKB-get this when enemy team have evasion
6)Heaven Hallbear-only some of the TDF members buy this and use that active ability
it disarms target that it can be attacked and that unit cannot attack for 3.5 secs and silenced for that duration
and its passive maim is useful when ganking
There are some items that can be used with BH
like MOC(medallion of courage),Urn.
BH ability build :
put a point on Shadow walk and max level up jinada and shuriken toss and ulti on 6 ,11 and 16
cast the track whenever possible (it gives speed boost) on invi heroes
BH can even do mid with a bottle

Nice build there. When I play gankiing BH, I go for these
Phase boots
Desolater for negative armor stacking with AC later
ORchid for soul burn
MKB for damage
Last item is either Assault cuirass for tankiness OR a battle fury if there's no pusher in team

see this video:
2 nd one
fang's dream

lobby at 12?

Yea, saw this video this morning too. Love that cogs at work ^_^


Steam High Templar
^Deso + Jinada can one shot supports, if not get a dagon. Deadulas , battlefury are useless on BH. Dont know why people rush BFurry on BH. BH's playstyle is like do as much damage in one shot..
Deso is very core on bounty as it helps you dispatch enemies quickly, Daedalus is not really useful since you already have Jinada, also Jinada is given preference while processing over Daedalus. If the enemy does not die in one shot Jinada, their health will become low and you can finish them off by auto attacking as they get reduced armor from Deso. My fav build is early game PMS, then Boots, Deso and SnY. The maim from SnY stacks very well with the slow from Jinada. If you are snowballing, its better to stack Agility.

Edit : I suggest to go medallion only if you were unable to farm up deso early enough.

a pig with good items :D

Its not about alternative. BH gets advantage with his damage from jinada. So Any damage will be good.

why in game?

Ok :oops:
I thought Daedalus' crit chance/Crit damage would stack with Jinada possibly shearing a hero's hp bar in half in one shot
me new build(in purchase order)
Phase boots + Vlads + Desolator + SnY


Firecracker to the moon
Ok :oops:
I thought Daedalus' crit chance/Crit damage would stack with Jinada possibly shearing a hero's hp bar in half in one shot
me new build(in purchase order)
Phase boots + Vlads + Desolator + SnY

Actually AFAIK,Crystals don't stack with heros that have critical damage

Ok :oops:
I thought Daedalus' crit chance/Crit damage would stack with Jinada possibly shearing a hero's hp bar in half in one shot
me new build(in purchase order)
Phase boots + Vlads + Desolator + SnY

Phase boots + Preservence>then Bfurry+Desolator + SnY

Get Preservence first as that Hp regen is very usefull


Firecracker to the moon
My best match with bounty Hunter
DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats - Match 336518480

the Whole enemy team was filled with noobs

At last I was I guess force staffed to the enemy fountain and I died
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