Fast tract should not be as general application's help (ie. photoshop/gimp).. lot of online helps/free ebooks are in the Web..
Instead, it should cover common technologies with deep analysis...
such as follows;
1.Cryptography <-- +1 for this
2.Sound Techniques <-- Dont know much about it
3. Linux System Administration <-- +1 for this
4. Windows System Administration <-- Why would some one need this

5. Web design (it may be describe how to create a website using simple coding/e) <-- +1
6. Networking models (it may be describe the seven layers(OSI) in detailed) <-- +1
7. Technologies in and around other than Computers. (bcoz digit as a Tech.Navigator) <-- +1
8. Analyzing Media Formats (CD/DVD/HD DVD/BR/etc.) <--

9. Script Languages (such as windows script/etc) <--