I used to burst them as a Kid, but that too not much.
I am against crackers & feel that Diwali - The festival of Lights should be celebrated with faral, friends and offcourse Tech
Crackers not only create pollution & damge our environment but also can be dangerous. We see so many fatalities every time diwali gets over. People lose vision,hearing and develop various respiratory problems. It's like digging our own graves.
Not to forget, crackers are a waste of money. As said rightly by Krazzy, You spend 100 bucks just for 10 secs of fun. Your hard earned money is gone in smoke. Then do not forget you will have to spend again for treating yourself in case of asthma, burns etc.
It would be better if we spend the same money wisely on some other things. A few things for us like Getting some gadgets or gizmos(Techie), spending on dear ones(friends, family, gf or bf), on one self.
Finally it's your choice to accept my views, but I would be glad if you did as I mentioned.
Happy Diwali to all Digiters