Bloggers' Corner


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
A Happy(ier) Life
We all want to lead a happy life. A peaceful life, one without troubles and all. But obviously, such a life is not always possible. Leave alone the "No-Troubles" part, leading a happy life is quite easy, and if you do so, you'll find life to be automatically more Trouble-Free and more enjoyable. The most important part is to enjoy each and every moment of life, simply because they can't be "re-played", "re-winded" etc. etc.

Well, you must be thinking that I'm just going on about a "Happy Life' but don't know really about how to Lead such a Life. Well, this post is entirely about how you can do so!

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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Mobile Number Locator – Trace any Mobile Number

There are times when you need to trace the origin of an unknown number from which you received a call or an SMS. With the recent rise in mobile spamming & SMS threats, it has become absolute necessity to have a reliable number locator/tracer at one’s disposal. Till now your only hope to trace the origin of number was your service provider. The service providers will definitely provide you with the correct information but it may take you forever to reach them. After you reach them, you will be put on an endless hold till the dumb & lazy attendant on the other side responds at his/her will. Instead of going through such a cumbersome process, I assure you to get back the origin of number within seconds. Want to know how? Read on.

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A look back….
My views on how life might have been a decade or two earlier, pretty interesting but slightly abrupt read IMO :D

Unity In Diversity?
I read an interesting article about a few months back. Apparently, India is one of the few countries in the world which does not have a national language. Yeah, you heard me, hindi is NOT the national language of India, as it was thought of by the masses, including me.
Enjoy :)

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Deccan Chargers charge up in the IPL 2009 Final

My account on the first semifinal of DLF IPL 2009 :)


is NOT a PC/Mac
Bypassing CDBOOT error with Windows 7 DVDs

Windows 7 pre-RTM builds are already hugely popular among technology enthusiast. And now, with the public release of Windows 7 Release Candidate, Microsoft advanced another step to bring a super solid operating system on the market that actually works. Since Windows 7 requirements need fairly lower resources in today’s terms, PCs from circa 2005-06 can also run the OS effectively. Unfortunately, it appears that Windows 7 installation DVDs are not bootable in most of these old PCs, making it difficult for a clean installation. As I do have an old PC on my home too, I decided to dig into the matter and find some fixes.
Read more on my new website @ * :smile:

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Royal Challengers Bangalore cruise in to the IPL 2009 Final

For those who missed yesterday's crucial IPL 2009 Bangalore vs Chennai semifinal.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Deccan Chargers lift up IPL 2009

The wonderful IPL 2009 has come to an end. Here is an account of the Grand Finale. :)


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Old is Gold, at least this B&W is for me

You know, it's rare when you stumble upon good things, especially on the internet. But I happened to be lucky as today, the tides were different. Didn't get it? Let me show you what I downloaded through "RapidShare", and it was a complete mistake, on my part(still don't know how I got that link in the first place).

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Slideshow Bob
Playing With Partitions Is Injurious To Health!

I have learnt a valuable lesson - never trust software. Particularly the ones that can cause havoc when they feel like. What started off as a routine task ended up becoming a rescue mission.

I have lots of partitions on my hard disk, simply because I like to keep things organized - music on one partition, games on another and so on. The other day....

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Convert Small Images into Poster Size Images

Here’s something that you will definitely admire. Now you can convert Small Photos to Poster Size Photos! This will be a great boon for those who likes decorating their homes/rooms with Images of various genre.


This post tells you How you can Convert Small Images into Poster Size Images? First and foremost thing I like to mention is that, this process of converting small images to large images is known as Rasterization.​



EXIT: DATA Junkyard
May 26th RS for RSS Contest - Win FREE Rapidshare Premium Accounts

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>> Asus launches EAH4770 Graphic card
>> Beware blu-ray buyers, discs with 10 TB storage coming…
>> Convert your bookmarks of one browser to another browser
>> Download Youtube videos without the help of any software

And much more, on


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
May 28
Five Alien Places On Earth

Okay, I think all of you have seen alien films and seen many locations on earth itself(in the film) that look good enough to be alien. This blog post brings you 5 such places, that are right here on earth, but sure do look ALIEN!

1. Socotra Island




Here Since 2003
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Looking Ahead at Kaspersky Internet Security 2010

Find out whats new in KIS 2010. Loads of screenshot and an explanation of the new features.​

Software Review :

MemoryCleaner Optimises Your Memory and Cures Memory Leaks
STDU Viewer - A Free PDF, DjVu and TIFF Reader

Browser Related : It’s not FF dammit, it’s Fx!

Opera Bytes v7 - A Brand New Skin and More


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
3 Cities that are No More

There are thousands of cities in this world. But how many really made out till the 21st century? Many lost their way sometime ago, during WWII, after some nuclear fiasco, or some unwanted and unforeseen incident. Let us take a look at some of such cities:

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It’s official now. Barca have won the Champions League. :|

I wasn’t all that keen on watching the final, considering that I hated ManU, and that Barca cheated us at Stamford Bridge (read this post). But still, being a football buff got the better of me, so I decided to watch the game as a neutral :D .
A match report, and opinion on the CL final. (Also, my first match report :D I must add )
Do have a read and let me know how is it :)


Slideshow Bob
Chelsea FC: FA Cup Winners 2009

What a season it has been, with all its highs and lows, tears and smiles. What started off as a challenge on four fronts looked to be in danger of disappearing into mediocrity and frustration. But then came Hiddink the saviour....

Read full post on the last game of the season! :D
FA Cup Champions 2009!!
The last game of the season, the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Everton, was underway on Saturday afternoon (evening in India obviously :p ) at the new Wembley Stadium in London. Chelsea was looking to finish a some what topsy-turvy season on a high, while Everton, were looking to play spoilsport.This also happened to be Guus Hiddink’s last match as Chelsea manager, so as Lampard said before the game, the Blues were looking to give him a parting gift.

I just couldnt finish it in time before Klaw-24, so 2 posts on the same topic now :|
Anyway, do have a read and let me now how is it :)


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Aftermath of a Rainy Morning


If you lived where I live, you would know that what I'm going to show you is something rare and coveted. Yes, rain is rare in New Delhi, especially heavy showers which leave fields feeling the blues with sea-loads of water. Just this happened the day before, and I got some exciting and beautiful shots to show it to you exclusively!

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See my siggy!



Now Read out a Blog in Robots.txt File

Generally we all use Blogger, Wordpress, TypePad etc. for Blogging Purpose and share our thoughts with rest of the World!


Now Have you seen a Blog in Robots.txt? Now a question will arise: What is Robots.txt?

Robots.txt is used to tell various Search Engine Bots which Pages/Posts of a particular given website is to be crawled. As per Allow/Disallow instructions given in Robots.txt file, Pages/Posts appears in the Search Engine Index.
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