Bloggers' Corner

^^ Dude! Why not your own domain? It doesn't cost anything these days. Also, I'm not sure how much you can customise themes on Also, there will be plugin restrictions (I might be wrong in this though).

Still, get your own domain...
dude, I find wordpress to be MUCH MUCH more satisfactory than blogger.
what wdgets it gives is comparable to blogger or at most times, higher.
it has better themes, better feel, etc, etc.
and I get 3GB free storage space - unlimited bandwidth
it has support to create simple web pages

me thinks wordpress is better option 4 a full website.
you can't save css changes for any theme in free wordpress hosted blog, that sucks
why the F should I care ? I know NOTHING about web scripting languages:p


Staff member
^^only if u care abt ur blog and readers, sooner or later u hav to make it distinct


Web developer
Guys a request. If you like my browser shootout article, please digg it:


^^only if u care abt ur blog and readers, sooner or later u hav to make it distinct
I know LOTS of successful blogs who are not successful mearly by looks.
And there is NO way I can learn css because I already have python, c++, Qt & Java to worry about.

And the day I will make my blog "Different" as you say, will be the day I will need to get myself a seperate domain, hence I will also get seperate hosting, all paid. Its easy to shift from one wordpress blog to another.;-)

Guys a request. If you like my browser shootout article, please digg it:


nice post, i can effort you have put in.
how you made those charts?, using word/excel?


Staff member
I know LOTS of successful blogs who are not successful mearly by looks.
And there is NO way I can learn css because I already have python, c++, Qt & Java to worry about.

And the day I will make my blog "Different" as you say, will be the day I will need to get myself a seperate domain, hence I will also get seperate hosting, all paid. Its easy to shift from one wordpress blog to another.;-)
its just not about looks, its about layout, readability, interface etc.
html, javascript, css aint no rocket science, if u can tinker with linux then its pretty noobish to leave the web desigining lingo, even a 1 day is enough to learn it all;-)

But its upto u :rolleyes:


y is everybody talkin about blogging here :(

this post was supposed to be like a message board

you post what you blog about for people to notice.

with so much offtopic discussion going on i missed @narangz and @indyan blog announcements :( :sad:

start a new thread where all blog related discussions take place
its just not about looks, its about layout, readability, interface etc.
html, javascript, css aint no rocket science, if u can tinker with linux then its pretty noobish to leave the web desigining lingo, even a 1 day is enough to learn it all;-)

But its upto u :rolleyes:
I didn't have to put ANY EFFORT to learn linux. It just came by.:D
Web Scripting is different.:(
Dude, you can learn blog tinkerifying css in about an hour.
pdf or chm will be appriciated.


Staff member
^^for wordpress

the first one provide the info about classes and schemes used in wordpress.
the second one is about customizing wordpress
lastly google for anything you want, ask other wordpress bloggers if u see something in their blog and want to learn how they did it

But before that learn a bit about html and css, a simple google search provided these cool links:
Thanks T159

Now could someone please tell me how * looks now ?

I still need to create 3 pages there, which I can only do after a week.

And could someone please digg/stumbleupon I R PC for me ? I think its the type of things that can help make a flood in traffic.


 Macboy
One thing though. Since I'm very sure you are going to move from to your own domain, at least burn your feed via feedburner so you don't lose those readers after the move.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
@Gautham, the theme looks very good, much better than all your previous themes. Congrats!
One thing though. Since I'm very sure you are going to move from to your own domain, at least burn your feed via feedburner so you don't lose those readers after the move.
Yup I will move. But not until an year later, when I am done with this schooling and become of age and get a paypal account.

Whats FeedBurner ? Please tell me more about it. I am intrested.
@Gautham, the theme looks very good, much better than all your previous themes. Congrats!
The Magic of WordPress and OpenSource.
Thank You.


The Devil's Advocate it will handle your rss feeds. So basically when some subscribes to ur feed, they will subscribe to feedburner feed, so even if u change ur host, you will not lose ur rss feeds as they handled by third party in this case feedburner it will handle your rss feeds. So basically when some subscribes to ur feed, they will subscribe to feedburner feed, so even if u change ur host, you will not lose ur rss feeds as they handled by third party in this case feedburner
instructions please.

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Philips SBC9630 Earphones Review
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 Macboy
Just got to, burn your feed, and put the feed that Feedburner gives you in the <head> section of your template.


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