i was watching deewana yday ( shahrukh's debut)and it reaffirmed my opinion that 90s movies were awesome - simple stories, no overdose of drama- even in melodramatic scnes, the emotions felt genuine unlike today's movies, excellent side actors and melodious songs. imo 70s produced the best movies followed by 90s
since i've taken to listening to retro music (from the 80s, 90s; mostly english) and retro-synth tracks, i was reflecting on this thought since past few days, that over the period of a few decades, atleast the music & film industry has gradually suffered more from decadence. there has been a steady decline in the quality of both since past many years (and its a worldwide phenomenon, ofcourse). i suppose that's the natural tendency of things and values in this age - steady downfall. co-incidentally, after reading your post a few days back, i happened to watch a few 90s movies in parts, like Jaagruti (karishma kapoor, salman khan), and tid-bits of a few others, and can't agree more with you! simple acting, simple attire and fashion, simple music with melodies, simplicity being the dominating factor!
P.S. 1 - when ekta kapoor had approached Mukesh Khanna to request him to play the role of Bheeshm in her pathetic, what should i call it, serial or soap or what, 'Kahaani hamaare MahaBharat ki', Khanna ji politely refused, and said later that there used to be ACTORS working in the original legendary series and other serials of the yesteryears, while in the new ones, there are models who are working. not tough to guess the fate of such modern shows.
P.S. 2 - YT has been highly polluted by kids and adults alike, posting utterly useless and obscene comments, but once-in-a-while, one gets to read very funny and witty comments too (and i save such comments sometimes

)! i was listening to i think 'sa ni dha pa' song of colonial cousins one day, and read a comment that went like - "THIS is music, good old days, and what do we get to hear now?! 'chaar botal vodka, g**** lena-dena roz ka'! pathetic!"