Anime/Cartoon/Mangas Thread ~Giga Drill Breaker version~


@ Extreme Gamer
keep writing , its not that tough . if u have android , use "hiragana learning experiment" & "katagana learning experiment" tools.

talk about kanjis later.

if u want a brief japanese lesson, may check this thread, me & jojo interacted for some lessons quite a days ago - starting from post 48, till he disappeared :D .

Language learners' discussion thread !!
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Extreme Gamer

@ Extreme Gamer
keep writing , its not that tough . if u have android , use "hiragana learning experiment" & "katagana learning experiment" tools.

talk about kanjis later.

if u want a brief japanese lesson, may check this thread, me & jojo interacted for some lessons quite a days ago - starting from post 48, till he disappeared :D .

Language learners' discussion thread !!
I'm using Genki. I'm learning the language as an official university course ;)

So I'm using the tips and methods they've suggested. I will see how I can fit your suggestions into this as well.

I have today and tomorrow to memorize all hiragana. Next week we start with katakana.

Extreme Gamer

Nah, I just remember all hiragana, you must have realized its pretty simple.

Yep. Quite simple.

Just remember the basic sounds (vowels) are あ、い、う、え、お in that order and then the consonant order is か、さ、な、は、ま、や、ら、わ、ん.

(”) and a small circle (like the degree symbol) are used to change the sound of some kana (dunno what the symbols are in katakana yet) and the -series of sounds combine with や、ゆ、よ to produce new sounds.

I also know the numbers and how to tell the time (only the 30 minutes period though) and some greetings.


Wise Old Owl
srsly we have plenty people here who are too much influenced by Japanese culture...........

i might want to remind u people about WW 2......... too much of anything can be dangerous there is no exception for this knowledge too...........

but i guess there is no harm in knowing at least 1 more foreign language .......
damn i couldn't even learn Kannada properly for me it was like Japanese..........

gonna start lovely complex now completed episode 11 of servant x service didn't find the anime too good but watchable desperately waiting for new episodes of attack on titan.......

completed seitokai Yakuindomo..........good anime nothing too appealing.......

downloaded to love ru, fate /zero, fate /stay night

putting them on hold for now..............

watched latest naruto episode (what's with that random song at the op lol) it can be counted as a filler from my point of view nothing interesting happened in this episode and it can be skipped.......

have other updates also but too lazy to type more :-D.........

have other updates also but too lazy to type more :-D.........

Extreme Gamer

ガンバッテクデサイExtreme Gamerークん。

AFAIK tenten and maru are the same across hiragana and katakana.

Please type properly. Don't mix katakana and hiragana in the same word. You wrote ganbattekudasai extreme gamer-kun, which translates as がんばってくださいえクストレメがまるくん (I didn't use katakana for extreme gamer). Also, you cannot use -kun after my name given my seniority in age. You can call me -san or drop the -kun.

Sorry guys, just had to correct the little one.

Also, on topic, my anime progress has been really slow. I've been going along at 1 episode per week ahahaha.


Please type properly. Don't mix katakana and hiragana in the same word. You wrote ganbattekudasai extreme gamer-kun, which translates as がんばってくださいえクストレメがまるくん (I didn't use katakana for extreme gamer). Also, you cannot use -kun after my name given my seniority in age. You can call me -san or drop the -kun.

You can use Katakana for non foreign words in Japanese. It turns out Atlus wasn't wrong while designing the CGs for P4 and the localization team didn't change them to mess with ばか外人。 It just means that you are emphasizing that. According to a Japanese speaker I may or may not have corresponded with using a language exchange website, you can use -kun to refer to male children or teenagers, even if it isn't the most polite way of doing so.

On topic: Started Kampfer.
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Extreme Gamer

You can use Katakana for non foreign words in Japanese. It turns out Atlus wasn't wrong while designing the CGs for P4 and the localization team didn't change them to mess with ばか外人。 It just means that you are emphasizing that. According to a Japanese speaker I may or may not have corresponded with using a language exchange website, you can use -kun to refer to male children or teenagers, even if it isn't the most polite way of doing so.

On topic: Started Kampfer.

Read this and remember I'm not a teenager. And the fact that I'm senior to you means that you cannot.

Extreme Gamer

You have a while to go before you can make that claim, methinksknows. As far as I am concerned you are not senior to me.

I'm not junior to you, and I'm senior by age. Which means you cannot use kun.

Ask that person you were referring to whether you can use that term to talk to your elder brother :|


No. Not happening.
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Wise Old Owl

Exactly :facepalm:

Anyone know how's this ? My friend advised some caution :D The anime is not yet complete though the manga finished ages ago...

Elfen Lied

anime is quite good but be warned its too much gory........ u'll be shocked to see it dinf my posts about this anime in this thread only u'll know the about it from them...........

its not finished like manga but the ending is good enough for the anime.........

Oh what a bummer....
And I thought there would be some masala posts on TDF again after a long time

if u want one then start one and ya not with me....... i m kinda busy these days will come later for it XD......
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