All new TDF - New features and theme suggestions

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Lost in speed
Is it possible to upgrade the smileys, maybe with new sets in here?
Coz, they remain same for quite a long time.



Lost in speed
Can we have SPOILER tag directly in the Quick reply box, just like the existing QUOTE tag?


need the image tag added to quick reply


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Do you really need an tag in quick reply? Doesn't the attach image button do the same thing if you choose URL and then uncheck retrieve to store locally?



As for spoilers, let's see, depends on how hackable the quick reply settings are :)


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Added youtube, spoiler, strikethrough and google docs to the quick reply. Images you will just have to either type / use the provided image button.


The Dark Lord
Staff member


blah blah

delete this please



Lost in speed
That SPOILER tag and STRIKETHROUGH tag is what many needs. Thank you Raaabo.. :)

Do you really need an tag in quick reply? Doesn't the attach image button do the same thing if you choose URL and then uncheck retrieve to store locally?
Correct. But sometimes, it will be handy if we just have a separate IMG tag (like SPOILER) for a picture to save time.
We don't wanna remove 'Insert image' option. We want the IMG tag to be its companion.. :)

[COLOR=#008000]Is it possible to upgrade the smiley set in tdf, not now.. But sometime later?[/COLOR]


Staff member
^ Raaabo - I guess the time has come to implement it, waiting since long...

I am missing this feature from ages, and now seriously want this to be implemented.

When anybody clicks an unread thread via usercp, if you click on thread title, it just takes to the first page; if you click on the last post icon, it takes you to the last/latest post of that thread.

What I want, that it should take you to the post from where it's actually "unread".

And it can be simply implemented by binding thread title link to this >

ex - target thread -> *

How it should be ?


That should take you exactly to the post, from where you left it, and rest of the posts are unread.

This can be applied to thread coming in "new posts" also.

Just adding a couple of words, and bingo!

Looking forward to it's soon implementation. :)

And a like/thanks option.

Thanks :)


Lost in speed
Suggestions? Give me links to the desired smiley packs...
My suggestion: [Emoticon Set] Yolks Emoticon Pack - Trillian Discussion Forums

This is how it will look like:




The Power of x480
Staff member
Nice to have so many useful tags in Quick Reply button. But as others have pointed out, having a separate tag for


Nice to have so many useful tags in Quick Reply button. But as others have pointed out, having a separate tag for would be useful also. Most of the times, we have the Image URL link in our clipboards. And a quick [IMG] tag would save time, instead of using current method, which needs us to click multiple times.[/QUOTE]
It takes about two clicks more than the method you're suggesting. Not that painful eh?


In the zone
Suggestions? Give me links to the desired smiley packs...

I can't add much to this but something along the lines of this would be okay, nothing fancy but classic

I don't know where you guys browse these smiley packs but most of it is restricted to registered users. Maybe if you can post a few yourself then we can have a poll or something...


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