
  1. naveen_reloaded

    Sudden drop in traffic to my site

    Hi guys i am running a site say blog... prev week i had a average of 1.5k visitors (source : google analyticals ) .. and prev week i dodnt update my blog.. this week its hit a low of ju8st 200 ... for the past 4 days ... wht could be the reason..?? more over .. my main source of traffic...
  2. BBThumbHealer

    GTA IV's First Week: 6 Million copies, $500 Million Stake

    Source :: *www.msnbc.msn.com/
  3. P

    117.xxx.xxx.x.x bbservice.bsnl.in not opening

    same problem faced everywhere???????..........I am unable to check usage for over a week............ hope........HUGE bill in pipeline.....
  4. Renny

    Lost my KAV serial number.

    Hi, I had got 1 year free subscription thru this link:- *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79773&highlight=free+antivirus But my PC crashed and I did'nt backup my key nor did I register on the kaspersky site, I contacted kaspersky a week back but I havent got any response frm...
  5. saurabh kakkar

    Register and Come to Open Source India Week Summit

    Goals for OSIW 2008 *www.osiweek.com/goal.php Home Page : *www.osiweek.com/index.php What, When, Where? *www.osiweek.com/p2.php Registration Zone :*www.osiweek.com/users/delegatetemp.php Regards Saurabh kakkar
  6. R

    dell laptop? some config questions?

    i have an inspiron 1420. i just got it last week. after using it for a week i have some questions. 1. whenever i start or restart , the display brightness turns to minimum. why does it not remain permanent to wht i set? 2. Bluetooth icon keeps disappearing evry now and then. i then have to...
  7. MetalheadGautham

    Think Digit Geek of the Week

    Digit Geek of the Week Award This is what all have been waiting for! Since the thread started for the noob of the week section has been becoming popular, I decided that there must be an offitial Geek of the Week award too(it rimes well).:D Judging: 1. Originality The post needs to...
  8. ╬Switch╬

    How long does it take to receive checks from Paypal???

    I have orderrd a check from Payapl ,so how long will it take to come to me???? I ordered it last week , maybe on saturday. Thanks..
  9. JharuPochaBai

    Torrents problem

    I am trying to download a 1.5 GB file. From Megaupload (where i hold a premium account), it takes about 10 minutes..... Problem is I couldn't find it on megaupload.....but found a torrent for it. But via torrents (BitTorrent), it's telling me 1 week 2 days? Is there something I'm missing or...
  10. netguy

    Mobile Re-starting automatically and abruptly

    I have got Nokia 3110 c ....I bought my mobill on Aug 15 th In the first week it was normal The second week I attended a marriage and started taking pics and suddenly my mobil got SWITCHED OFF and RE STARTED automaticallly....... I ignored it first....now it happened to me around 5 to 6...
  11. DD3030

    DVD-Writer Problem!!!!

    Hi all :p Last week I did not get Lite-ON LH20A1P at Lamington Rd. This week also I enquired over phone, it is still not available. It seems it is out of stock for last 20 days and the dealers don't know when it is coming :confused: Now, I read 2 threads about Lite-ON DVDRW problems...
  12. godling

    *Shantanu: A message for you*

    This post is regarding a so called "flame war" which happened a week back, as labeled by a mod here that goes by the name of Shantanu. You can follow the thread here. * First things first, I didn't know (and wouldn't bother to know) that you're the maintenance personnel here. Even in my own...
  13. godling

    Shantanu: A message for you

    This post is regarding a so called "flame war" which happened a week back, as labeled by a mod here that goes by the name of Shantanu. You can follow the thread here. First things first, I didn't know (and wouldn't bother to know) that you're the maintenance personnel here. Even in my...
  14. ajaybc

    Genuine money earning program

    Thanks, but no thanks. Member miserabled for 1 Week.
  15. K

    I need help with javascript.

    Hi there.. I need a javascript program to find the week number of the date given, in an year. I have googled and found a script. but that is having some bugs with some dates. (Eg: 31 st Dec 2009 is in 1st week of 2009 but it is giving the output as 53rd.) Please.. if u could find a...
  16. L

    Will i-phone work in India?

    Hi folks, I have a friend coming into India from south korea next week. I had requested him to bring an i-phone for me. But I am doubtful if it will work in India.We are hearing stories about it working only in certain places in the US. Please advise me about it. Is it more better to go in for a...
  17. csczero

    Nokia 6030 black

    Nokia 6030....what to say its like new ...excellent condition :) ...one week old...bill box warrenty...2400/-
  18. thewisecrab


    HI guys my friend and i together bought GTA San andreas long time back. so we decided to share the DVD:) however it is rather cumbersome 4 me to wait and return the DVD every month:| I tried negotiating the time to week by week but it failed:mad: so can I use a soft that allows me to play the...
  19. gxsaurav

    [ Concept UI ] Flashget for Windows Vista

    Well, I am using flashget these days on Vista & thought why not make a concept UI for Flashget for Vista & forward it to developers. Well, here it is. This is how flashget toolbar looks like when all the icons are shown. This how the Concept UI looks like. This is how I use it here...
  20. adithyagenius

    DVD writer doesn't read CDs well

    I have a DVD writer I got with compaq presario SR1931IL bought 3rd week of september 2006. Its name is GSA-H20L which indicates LG. It reads and writes DVDs well (very well). But the probability of reading CDs kept going down week by week. DVDs still work very well. The problem started after...
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