Anti-Bollywood thread


Not sure if exists, but can we have a thread for recommending worthwhile Bollywood movies ? I mean movies which are actually very good. Not the Dabang, RaOne, Wanted crap.
Yes likings of a movie can be very subjective but still it is good to find gems in Bollywood too.

Couple of them i can say now..

Khosla ka Ghosla
Go Goa Gone (yeah this may be subjective but when everything around is crap, this movie was far far better than those).


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I think the Must Watch Movies Thread will suffice.

- - - Updated - - -

A must watch hindi language cinema (I would rather refrain using the Bollywood moniker) is a must watch movie after all.

quan chi

mortal kombat
shamelessly copying everything and then flaunting it too!


Training To Beat Goku
hence mind set of indian people is : sunday hai : lets entertain : lets laugh, lets enjoy , let cool down our minds

Because from monday same old thing ...

This is why masala movie , south indian remix and other so called entertainment movies make there mind cool and Enjoy !

BUT Movies like Inception, shutter island, will make there mind to work more as they keep on thinking about it and will not make them happy , cool down, joy etc.

1 thing more

also Indian Public feels comfortable with Indian faces in Movies and they fell good when it is in hindi and they are understanding each and every dialogue and there meaning as soon as it was delivered (as hindi is in build in them as they are born and brought up)

in English movie ,

they need to listen carefully - as English is not mother tongue , many found it difficult (even me in some movies)

some dialogues are really low voice - many movies have conversation in very very light/low voice (LOW voice is etiquette there, loud speak means you asking for a FIGHT)

accent does got understood - bets example is Harry potter vs James bond vs fast and furious

some US /UK related jokes are not understood : Knock knock jokes and many others

and many more

this is why , People gets demotivated to watch Hollywood movie and then stick to There Bollywood frd!
IMO, movies like avatar, transformers, taken and the like offer far more better "entertainment" than those masala, south indian remix and all those shitty salman khan movies. Directors try to make movies like that. was a good attempt at CGI, bit we can do better than that.
Nothing like feeling comfortable with Indian faces. Most people i know prefer foreigners rather than indians. Hindi dubs are there too. Ever Heard of subs? Those jokes are something which no one new to hollywood movies can understand.

Also the indian culture is responsible for these crappy movies to succeed. And the worst part? People actually start following those crap styles from movies. You will get to see a local salman khan in every locality, shirt open, goggles on, no helmet, speed riding in traffic areas and all that.


Get Digit ized
Look at this!. Need i say anything more ?

Apalling Taliban attack on Peshawar school made Priyanka Chopra cry all night - Video | The Times of India


The Vagrant Seeker
i was watching deewana yday ( shahrukh's debut)and it reaffirmed my opinion that 90s movies were awesome - simple stories, no overdose of drama- even in melodramatic scnes, the emotions felt genuine unlike today's movies, excellent side actors and melodious songs. imo 70s produced the best movies followed by 90s

since i've taken to listening to retro music (from the 80s, 90s; mostly english) and retro-synth tracks, i was reflecting on this thought since past few days, that over the period of a few decades, atleast the music & film industry has gradually suffered more from decadence. there has been a steady decline in the quality of both since past many years (and its a worldwide phenomenon, ofcourse). i suppose that's the natural tendency of things and values in this age - steady downfall. co-incidentally, after reading your post a few days back, i happened to watch a few 90s movies in parts, like Jaagruti (karishma kapoor, salman khan), and tid-bits of a few others, and can't agree more with you! simple acting, simple attire and fashion, simple music with melodies, simplicity being the dominating factor!

P.S. 1 - when ekta kapoor had approached Mukesh Khanna to request him to play the role of Bheeshm in her pathetic, what should i call it, serial or soap or what, 'Kahaani hamaare MahaBharat ki', Khanna ji politely refused, and said later that there used to be ACTORS working in the original legendary series and other serials of the yesteryears, while in the new ones, there are models who are working. not tough to guess the fate of such modern shows.

P.S. 2 - YT has been highly polluted by kids and adults alike, posting utterly useless and obscene comments, but once-in-a-while, one gets to read very funny and witty comments too (and i save such comments sometimes :p )! i was listening to i think 'sa ni dha pa' song of colonial cousins one day, and read a comment that went like - "THIS is music, good old days, and what do we get to hear now?! 'chaar botal vodka, g**** lena-dena roz ka'! pathetic!" :-D


Ambassador of Buzz
indeed. u echo my sentiments. if we travel back to 50s - 70s ( 70s especially) , those were best decades for Hindi cinema and music. Especially the music Was so melodious with great composers ruling in tandem - bappi da, rd burman, SD burman. kalyanji anandji, LP etc. I find those songs ( and of 90s) much more heartfelt and hummable than today's songs.


The Vagrant Seeker
indeed! and even after some composers here composing some of the tracks upon getting 'inspired' by the work of their foreign counterparts, i find the desi versions of some of those better; for instance, i like the rendition of RD Burman's theme music of 'khotey sikkey' better than Ennio Moricone's theme of 'a few dollars more'. what to tell of the many original folk/bollywood masterpieces! :thumbs:


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Jeffrey Archer calls Bollywood "A bunch of thieves"

Bollywood is a `bunch of thieves,’ says Jeffrey Archer - Bollywood news, wallpapers, vidoes, Canadian immigration, Indian diaspora news I News East West

Q. You are working on a film script based on the CC series?

A. Yes, I was working on it today till a while ago. This is based on the first book in the CC series ‘Only Time Will Tell’. It’s in pre-production. We have the first draft of the script, the budget, actors- no, I can’t tell you the names!- all nearly finalised. Although next week we’re meeting several companies in Hollywood who want it, on this trip I am looking for an interested Indian partner.
And that does not mean some second rate Bollywood idiot (guffaws) who goes around saying he’s a Bollywood star producer and then he is not! (Laughing) It’s true! What can I say? Such has been my Indian experience many times.

Q. Your books give the impressions that they’ll translate into great racy Hollywood thrillers. Do you agree?

A. Well, forget Hollywood, just look at your Bollywood! These bunch of thieves have stolen several of my books without so much as a ‘by your leave’. Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl (‘Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less’) and Khudgarz (‘Kane and Able’) and several others.


^dont show this to bollywood fanatics, otherwise you will be mauled to death lol

but I agree, a ton of movies from bollywood are shameless copies ( Ghajini - Memento, Knockout - Phonebooth etc etc)


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
What is the point of showing fanaticism behind bollywood? It is just the movies. If you throw fanaticism behind it, you are only acting childish.


The Vagrant Seeker
humbly mentioning the source of 'inspiration' for a song/theme/plot, etc., what would that amount to? a monetary loss in the form of paying royalty-fees? still better to simply approach the creator, express admiration of her/his work, tell (about) your interest & seek permission for a re-make with a 'twist' or inclusion of it in your own work. pay a reasonable amount for it. better to spend that way than burning money on excessive PR and marketing campaigns, fake 'success' bashes, etc., and then being called 'thieves' and 'idiots' by everyone! chances are a few may not even ask for money (or much of it), but just a mention of their name/source and acknowledgement is what they may ask for. though i don't know the nitty-gritties of the matter, so only guessing.


posting some content in this thread after a long time

just wtf is this????


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