Well am addicted to LoL right now... so havent played Fallout 3 after the last post. Here are the mods i used:
Stability Mods:
Fallout Stutter Remover - removes micro stutters
Fallout 3GB Enabler - enables more than 2 GB of RAM usage
CASM - to replace the buggy and frustrating save system of Fallout 3
Gameplay Enhancer Mods:
Fallout Wanderer's Edition (FWE) - complete overhaul of RPG mechanics, companions, shooting and enemy AI, and many more improvements of the vanila(normal) game. Adds concept of primary needs - Hunger Thirst and sleep, to the game. All options are customizable.
Mart's Mutant Mod (MMM) - General overhaul or monster spawning mechanics and adds new monsters in game. All options customizable.
Both FWE and MMM make the game a lot more challenging and fun.
A world of pain - Adds certain secret entrances to the world, which are filled with monsters and can be used to gain some levels in case u are lagging behind.
DC Interiors - Adds some indoor locations to the buildings in DC
Megaton tweaks - Makes subtle changes to the Megaton setting.
Visual Enhancement Mods:
NMC's Texture pack full - Massive overhaul of textures. Makes the game look like a much modern game. This does make the game a resource hog, but i didnt have any problem with it.
Energy Visuals Enhanced (EVE) - Overhauls the visuals of explosions and all energy weapons in game. Towards end, it starts looking like a star wars movie

Project Beauty - Kinda re hashes all the weird animations in the game to make them look more realistic.
Dynavision - Adds massive dynamic depth of field concept in the game.
Darified UI - Makes UI much more useful and adds a lot more stuff to it.
Immersive UI - Option to hide HUD in game and make it look like a movie.
Adjustable UI - Option to make changes in HUD as to when and where what will be displayed.
Some mod for getting high texture hair on character and NPCs
Lighting and weather mods:
Fellout - Removed radioactive green from the filter and adds a nice sky and lighting to the world. Very dark nights though.
Enhanced weather - Nice varied weather addition.
Project Reality - Weather + Realistic Lighting mod which changes the game's look and feel quite a lot from the vanila game, but has some annoying bugs, and in general, makes everything very unsaturated in colors. I prefer rich colors, and hate the small annoying bugs (like weather sound dominating in conversations even indoors), so dont use this.
Firelight - Adds some radioactive fireflies

, and enhances the lighting effect of fires during the dark nights.
Megaton Lights - Adds nice effect to the lights in megaton during dark nights.
Pipboy light - Makes the pip boy light much more useful and essential if it gets dark before reaching home