Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
We had great fun today.

In the beginning, me and Hullap were playing and then Kl@w~24 joined later.

After them, Shady and tuxybuzz joined and we had enormous fun in Dressing Room. :)


Ballack Junior
its a pity i read gagans post so late..i had to leave in 15 mins..but next time iam not stayin in not Windows :D:D..thats one thing i hate..
btw when i try to host my game crashes..why??


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Today, I went to Hellsheaven after a very long time at around 10:30pm. I met gggggggggg aka :)ICO: )666 there. I had told you all about him earlier.

Well, as soon as I entered, he said, "ZDRASTI! DOBUR DEN! KAK SI GAGAN?" which means "Hello! Good afternoon! How're you Gagan?". I had told him my name about a month back by saying, "KAZVAM SE GAGAN" (My name is Gagan) and he still remembers it. :shock: He also talked with me in a bit of ANGLIA (English). He has learnt to say, "Yes" & "No" and asked the time in India by saying, "INDISKI TIME?" something like this. :shock: And then when I was going out of the server, I said "BYE" and ICO's reply was "DOVIJDANE" which means Goodbye!! :shock:

And this time I specially made sure whether is this guy ICO. I checked his IP address and it was the same which he always has!!! :shock:

the normal host a server in the main menu..
I don't know why it is crashing, but I'll tell you the other method which is perhaps more appropriate.

Download the following file server.cfg: *www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=74eae31009cae3efd2db6fb9a8902bda

1) Copy it to Urban Terror\q3ut4 folder. Replace the already existing server.cfg.
2) Just open ioUrbanTerror.exe or ioUrbanTerror.i386
3) Now open console by pressing tilda or ~ while on the main screen.
4) Now just type: /exec server.cfg
5) And give your IP address to your friends who can join to play.
6) This server will NOT be there in the Master Server list. I mean, it will NOT be available in the list where we get the name of every public server.
7) Don't forget to edit the rconpassword "passtheword" field. Replace passtheword with your own Rcon password. Perhaps, I've mentioned something else in the file.
8) Also make some necessary changes to the file like changing the server name according to your need. This file was given to Beta by me, so it should be having his name. Do change it. These changes can be made any time by you.

@MetalheadGautham: It will be good if you could add this to the 1st post. It will be handy for everyone.
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Cyborg Agent
Just played at hellsheaven for an hour or so. Had a great game( 35:12). But I didn't see any of you there. Why? I didn't see the above server in the list anywhere. But I did see some woo!2k guy who really seemed to be playing well.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Just played at hellsheaven for an hour or so. Had a great game( 35:12). But I didn't see any of you there. Why? I didn't see the above server in the list anywhere. But I did see some woo!2k guy who really seemed to be playing well.
I had gone into Hellsheaven @ 10:30pm and I came out immediately within 5 minutes after having a chat with ICO.


Beta testing, hullap! You both will not believe it. Seriously! In these 20 days, ICO was busy learning English and I learnt Bulgarian lol. :lol:

I am just coming from Hellsheaven. [DF]Baccilus was also there. Here is the conversation between me & ICO. The translations are in bracket.

gggggggg asked me: "Where are you Bullet gagan?" (OMFG, he learnt english)
I replied: "I am in INDIA!"
gggggggg: ooooo INDIA
Bullet500: Yes, you ENGLISH?
gggggggg: no, iscam balgariski!, you? (No, I'm Bulgarian, you?)
Bullet500: iscam indiiski! (I'm INDIAN)
gggggggg: Bravo! nice bulgarian niaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Bullet500: Priatno mi beshe ggggggg (Nice to meet you gggggg)
gggggggg: hahahahaha yes
Bullet500: You learning ANGLIA?
gggggggg: yes

Bullet500: Kak se Kazvash? (What is your name?)
gggggggg: gagan hahahahahah
gggggggg: gggggggg

(Then I thought to ask him his name in English and he understood it. WTF.)
Bullet500: What is your name ggggggg?
gggggggg: My name ico hahahahah :D

Now his friend KARIDI joined the server and they started talking by saying "niaaaaaaaaaa".

Bullet500: Leka nosht, Dovijdane, bye..... (Good night, goodbye, bye)
gggggggg: BYE gagan niaaaaaaaa
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Staff member
I had gone into Hellsheaven @ 10:30pm and I came out immediately within 5 minutes after having a chat with ICO.


Beta testing, hullap! You both will not believe it. Seriously! In these 20 days, ICO was busy learning English and I learnt Bulgarian lol. :lol:

I am just coming from Hellsheaven. [DF]Baccilus was also there. Here is the conversation between me & ICO. The translations are in bracket.

gggggggg asked me: "Where are you Bullet gagan?" (OMFG, he learnt english)
I replied: "I am in INDIA!"
gggggggg: ooooo INDIA
Bullet500: Yes, you ENGLISH?
gggggggg: no, iscam balgariski!, you? (No, I'm Bulgarian, you?)
Bullet500: iscam indiiski! (I'm INDIAN)
gggggggg: Bravo! nice bulgarian niaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Bullet500: Priatno mi beshe ggggggg (Nice to meet you gggggg)
gggggggg: hahahahaha yes
Bullet500: You learning ANGLIA?
gggggggg: yes

Bullet500: Kak se Kazvash? (What is your name?)
gggggggg: gagan hahahahahah
gggggggg: gggggggg

(Then I thought to ask him his name in English and he understood it. WTF.)
Bullet500: What is your name ggggggg?
gggggggg: My name ico hahahahah :D

Now his friend KARIDI joined the server and they started talking by saying "niaaaaaaaaaa".

Bullet500: Leka nosht, Dovijdane, bye..... (Good night, goodbye, bye)
gggggggg: BYE gagan niaaaaaaaa
lol:) nice conversation


Chosen of the Omnissiah
My freakin friend is using MOM-BOT and ruining my reputation ! **** im really gonna frag his butt
Yeah! Pop-corn and Guru had complained me against you. So, it was your friend.

Tell him not to be a moron and stop using Aimbot/Wallhack or Mombot/Fatherbot or whatever. :|
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