Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Finally, my pings have improved. It's ~180 on Hells now. It feels great to play with these pings after having played with high pings for a long while. :)

BTW, speaking of pings, I think [XxX]Ehsan[IRAN] will be more than happy playing with pings like 300. :D
Anybody here thinks this thread deserves to be a sticky ? I mean, comeon, this is one of the most popular threads at the gamerz section and our post count is much more than the counter-strike thread's post count.


Slideshow Bob
Anybody here thinks this thread deserves to be a sticky ? I mean, comeon, this is one of the most popular threads at the gamerz section and our post count is much more than the counter-strike thread's post count.


Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Sticky Kiya Gaye..


I am doing extremely well in UT..see my stats...so how can I join DF clan...
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Cool Joe

The Black Waltz


Sticky Kiya Gaye..


I am doing extremely well in UT..see my stats...so how can I join DF clan...

To join the DF clan, just add [DF] before your name. And UT is Unreal Tournament, Urban Terror is referred to as UrT. :)

did you done some thing or it happens automatically. Tell us the way to lower the ping.

I didn't do anything, it happened by itself. It's common with BSNL connections like mine. Pings keep fluctuating.
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LOL i have UniSmilies LOL ...

my resume :

Name : [recon]hari_recon , [woo!2k]hari_recon , [XxX]hari[woo!2k] , [999]hari[666]
Kills - Get killed Ratio : 3:1 highest 121:43
Favorite clan : [woo!2k]
Favorite Server : RSA-HellsHeaven.co.za
Favorite Mode : Bomb Mode
Favourite Player : ochibi the Monster and Guru
Favourite Weapon : LR-300
Favourite Map : Abbey
Favourite "thing" : TREE CLIMBING *s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj44/visio159/Unismilies/12.png



Chosen of the Omnissiah
Gagandeep ,very very touchy moments you shared with us.

What type of player he is?
Run 'n' Gun........;)

Is he a master player?
My friends who have played with me will comment. :) Perhaps, no-one can be a 'master'. There is always a scope of improvement.

and what strategies he uses during his game play.
Refer to the post #1 of this thread. Each and every player has mentioned his positive points, negative points and strategies.

did you done some thing or it happens automatically. Tell us the way to lower the ping.
Technically speaking, there is NO way of lowering your ping. It depends on the routing of your ISP. If you're downloading something in background, then it is an other case. Ping depends upon the route which the packet sent from your computer takes to reach to the remote computer.
Some guys on other thread suggested, "Changing of DNS servers". That will not help in reducing the pings. Switching to faster (in terms of speed & also ping) DNS servers will actually help in resolving the domain names faster i.e. google.com ---> But as the route taken by the packet will not actually be affected if we change the DNS servers, there will no change in pings. Do correct me if I'm wrong.
No, that one was Smiley Xtra for Firefox. *www3.b92.net/ipb_images/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif
Seems like you're bored and interested in trying different types of emoticons. :lol:

Kills - Get killed Ratio : 3:1 highest 121:43
Better than me when I was a n00b. :oops: You adjusted to the game very quickly. Thats good. :)

Favorite Mode : Bomb Mode
Are you guys able to change the Gametypes in absence of me or any other admin?? If yes, then I'll have to disable that because it will lead to chaos.

Favourite Player : ochibi the Monster and Guru
Well, I know its your choice, but my choice will be [E]OmegaCreed. Technically, he is the smartest player with whom I've played and has the best technique. I somehwat don't like LR300 & M4 spammers........But [E]OmegaCreed > Guru n all.
And in sniping, my pick will be [XxX]Tirona (active around 12am-2am IST or I should say 4:30am to 6:30am Filipino Standard Time) & citux (inactive)....
I dont see omega nowadays but if you would like to add him hes the top, still ochibi scores the max point in other game trackers


How you get point in this game. some time I reaches above 125 but I don't do that much of killing or picking the flag. Can anyone tell something about the scoring . and how to achieve high scoring. I always remain in top 5 or 6.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I dont see omega nowadays but if you would like to add him hes the top, still ochibi scores the max point in other game trackers
Well, score doesn't give you the true picture!! Its about the class, how you play the game....

Ochibi may have a very good ratio most of the time, but he doesn't perform that good in the Bomb mode. Ratio doesn't give you the true picture. What I feel, it isn't aout the quantity, its about the quality. Omega got quality & quantity both and Achtung_dude too.

If we talk about quantity, there is one more guy, "terminnator". *www.gametracker.com/server_info/ If you go on the above link, you'll see that terminnator is rank #4 (more than Guru, ochibi) but is he that good? :lol:

And not to forget, .[d43m0n]. & Warthog. They are extraordinary players too. Bobsyourdog, the ultimate spawn raper. I rate them way above Guru & ochibi.

You can perhaps see, why OmegaCreed, Achtung_dude & bobsyourdog are admins??....:eek:

Moreover, I think what will happen if we get 30-50ms pings like those guys do? Will they be able to play with 300ms pings? :lol:
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Are you guys able to change the Gametypes in absence of me or any other admin?? If yes, then I'll have to disable that because it will lead to chaos.

Since when are you an admin at hellsheaven ? :D

And does this weird guy, named Mukesh, still come there ? Each time I see him play, he hardly talks, and plays awesomely, and always gets voted to be kicked out.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Since when are you an admin at hellsheaven ? :D
Perhaps 2.5 months now. :)

Actually, the server was fu(ked up 2 months back. Cheaters, vote spammers and people were bored with Team DM. I somehow contacted the owner and he gave me the password. I hadn't actually asked for it. And 3-4 more people were also given the password. :) Now the server is less fu(ked up. :)

We also play Bomb mode at the server now-a-days. :eek: And I can't actually forget that, it was seriously a pain in the a$$ to teach bomb to the people on the server. They were interested, but they were simply not able to understand how to play. Now they perhaps <3 it. :)

And does this weird guy, named Mukesh, still come there ? Each time I see him play, he hardly talks, and plays awesomely, and always gets voted to be kicked out.
Nope, never seen him. Anyhow, can you tell me the actual name with which he plays on the server? Is it Mukesh?

And now, this useless kicking has been sorted out. The players on th server have realized who all play good and have also matured. We got many awesome players on the server. The game is really fun to play now. :) The server is in a lot better condition now, but a few problems still persist.
Great to know that. But hellsheaven is again down for some reason/

As for bomb mode, its quite fun, but the problem is that unlike counter-strike, reversal of roles every other game is not implemented.

And yeah, the guy's name is Mukesh. I haven't seen him around since I stoped playing actively.
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